Will this be the year Republican voters come to grips with their own party?

2021 may be the year that Democrats finally have the power to come to grips with the Republican members of both House and Senate who have not taken seriously their duty to participate in oversight of national security matters. It's not enough to say oh well the money the Trump Organization owes is all to entities we recognize, so no big deal. Like these guys never heard of shell companies and money laundering. One day it will give us pause that Donald Trump and his crew had any access to our intel. One can hope it's long since given pause to counterparts amongst our allies.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318233447836512256/
In a way I feel bad for some Republicans having to accept the rapidly spreading cancer that Trump is on their party. It’s pretty well established that he doesn’t have any party loyalty and only ran as a Republican because he thought he would have a better shot and possibly because he didn’t want to run under the party of Obama. Party values mean nothing to him. Both parties are the party of big business now so his con as a successful businessman wouldn't do any better or worse as a Democrat. I think it’s accurate to say that no other President would have handled multiple crises the same way Trump did. In our little experiment with electing an outsider I don’t think we could have picked anybody worse. There’s no limit to the damage he is willing to cause if he thinks it will ultimately cause him to win reelection. He’s the living embodiment of fake surface-level patriotism and he shouldn’t have been let anywhere near a government position. He’s the poster child for failed democracy.
He’s made wearing a Red Hat in combination with a white face an embarrassing farce.
It's going to be the year of the Republican party coming to grips with how Trump is nothing but a taker. Just popped up on my phone, a notification from the Washington Post:

"Trump privately told donors it would be 'very tough' for GOP to hold Senate, saying "I don't even want to help some of them."

Now there's a first for an incumbent US President who lost the house at the midterms and definitely needs to hold the Senate to get anything at all done in his second term.

Sorry not sorry - in this case surprised, not surprised.

It's pretty amazing really. Practically an admission from Trump that he knows he is not going to win the White House... because if he still thought he could win another term, he'd realize the only thing standing between him and a second impeachment and sure removal from office in a second term is keeping the Senate majority Republican in this election.