2020 Presidential Election, The Day After

Well y'all are on yer toes over there... Madame Tussauds wax museum in London went ahead and dressed the outgoing prez in golfing attire the day after the US elections! And not a bad job either: at first I thought the real Trump was staring down a cosmetician as he prepared to wax eloquent on his right to play golf abroad whenever he feels like it.

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Some of these guys have a truly stellar sense of humor, or "humour", since this is in London.
This is simply priceless. It's like watching a Monty Python skit.

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She maybe smart, but it’s clear that working for Trump, a moral choice, makes all Trump Press Secretaries look like opportunists and is a failure on their parts, which may later haunt them, and tends to make people like her sound a little schizoid covering for Trump lies becoming craven liars as part of the job description.
Some people will never grasp the meaning of the phrase, "The fool speaks, the wise man listens"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326898457341276169/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326961319384387585/

Some people will never grasp the meaning of the phrase, "The fool speaks, the wise man listens"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326898457341276169/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326961319384387585/
Cornyn is a fine specimen of a slab of Texas GOP beef skirt, not to put aspersions on actual beef skirt which besides being the lowest quality cut of beef, makes for some pretty tasty eating. ;)
Cornyn just gave himself or some aide up as a fine exemplar of the dangers (and ignorance) that result from combining the attention span of a gnat and the desire to weaponize snippets of information from media outlets.

The Washington Post reports that “far-right media personalities, white nationalists and conspiracy theorists,” some of whom actually have plans to show up in D.C. this weekend as well, have promoted a Women for Trump event, a “Million Maga March” and a “Stop the Steal” demonstration—all of which will reportedly take place in and around Freedom Plaza beginning Saturday morning.

According to the Post, the events are endorsed by Fox News host Sean Hannity, Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio, Jack Posobiec—who famously pushed the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that led to a shooting at Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in D.C., anti-Muslim and pro-Trump “activist” Scott Presler, and Alex Jones, the founder of Infowars and pusher of the conspiracy that the Sandy Hook school shooting ever happened.

Jones has reportedly said he will be leading a “Stop the Steal” from Texas that would arrive in D.C. on Friday night.
There have been no permits issued by the D.C. police or the National Park Service for any of the demonstrations, but the Park Service does work with groups to help them get permits day-of. Still, it is unclear whether or not the Park Police or the Park Service has plans to go anywhere near Saturday’s demonstrations.

At a news conference this week, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told reporters that city officials have been monitoring social media for talk about the events and said, “We continue to follow those activities and be prepared. Our police chief will have a similar posture this weekend as he did last week. We will be there to support peaceful First Amendment demonstrations.”

Along with that came a warning to out-of-town visitors about bringing firearms into the city, as D.C. has stricter gun laws than any other parts of the country.

D.C. police have already announced road closures and parking restrictions in anticipation of the events, and they have already been on high alert since Biden was declared president-elect last weekend. Although anticipated unrest and violent protests never materialized, businesses in the area still remain boarded up as a precaution.
"Permits?! Do you know who we are? We don't need no stinkin' permits!"
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I get that, but you would think that people would maybe do something radical, like read a bit about politics and such. If not, then at least do a quick search before opening their mouth to the entire world to expose their ignorance.
You obviously don't seem to suffer the burden of entitlement, like many of our elected officials.
So the march is on, folks have meanwhile converted the #millionMAGAmarch hashtag to a celebration of pancakes,,,,

and someone came up with this fine spoof.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1327657547881472000/
I just love that fact that they copy something from a group of people that don't have the highest regard for sometimes, ...and then DON'T DO IT WELL!
It was reported today on MSNBC that 20 of Trump election lawsuits have been tossed out of court because they, the courts require more than baseless accusations and lies.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1327244685035905025/
POS ALERT...where a clothes pin on your nose crossing into the District of Columbia if Orange Cheeto is in residence. :poop:
It's truly concerning when I see so many politicans seemingly in a race to prove who is the most stupid.
Tommy Tuberville is going to win that race with one arm behind his front.