Abortion is illegal in Texas

the southern states wanted their states to have rights, but also wanted federal rights to go to northern states and get their escaped slaves back, in violation of Northern states’ rights

Article IV Section 2 paragraph 3
No Person held to Service or Labor in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or Labor, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due.
"The Civil War was not about Slavery, it was about States' Rights." Yeah, "states' rights" is code for "them darn nigras …" However, creating a centralized power structure for the US is somewhat problematic, as we have seen what happens when idiots and scumbags gain control of it.

I even have my misgivings about "freedom". The way that word is used is seriously wrong. It applies to the people I think it should apply to, not that half of the country who are not real Americans. Why should those people, furriners in their own land, be handed freedom and privilege just for free when they do not even belong here? America belongs to the folks I think it should, the people as think like me, and those Unamericans should be taken out and …
Of interest the Union of Ststes was created to fight a common enemy, England at the time. And to do this, fundamental differences were set aside to be dealt with later, namely slavery and we see how that went, the country almost split up 70 years later over States Rights and would have if the Confederacy had won our Civil War.

We are in no less of a crisis today as the same kind of ass hats who wanted slaves control a large number of States even though they are a minority. And today instead of declaring a civil war, they are busy trying to pretend they believe in the Constitution while legislating away voter rights based on BIG FAT LIES, because if they told the truth there would be no justification for the road blocks being erected against our democracy and ability to vote.

As previously reported in Texas, they are busy gerrymandering voting districts, consolidating Democrat/liberal voting blocks into fewer districts while expanding the numbers of Republican/conservative districts, which amounts to blatant corruption of the system, and which is mind boggling, because they are crafting a layout where liberals have relatively less representation based on greater numbers, and conservatives will have more representation in the State govt based on fewer numbers. This is the only reason Republicans still control the State of Texas.

These anti-democracy bastards must be dealt with before it’s too late or eventually we will have revolutions at the State level, possibly in multiple states. You either have an honestly governed system (as honest as humans can manage to have) or you can have LIES and CHEATING, and anything they think they can get away with. It was Georgia (I think) who wanted the ability of the legislature to overturn the results of any election they did not like the results of. Sure,they added some stipulations such as “if voter fraud” but really that is just their smoke, a blank check to seize power indefinitely just because they currently hold power.

And as they steal the election, steal your democracy, they will look at the cameras with straight faces and report how they saved our democracy, with a flag draped behind them. This is no different than Mother Russia and Putin, a corrupted voting system based on the lies of those who want to hold power and will do whatever is necessary to hang onto it. 🔥 🤬 🔥

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1444036510051938309/

If this doesn't sum up what sick MFers are, that have championed this legal reach around shit show, I don't know what does.

So now she gets to carry to term or miscarry (and prove it was that?!) or quick go sue the damn Texas legislature for passing a law that threatens a woman's physical and mental health. F those state legislators anyway for their pigheaded hyperpartisan cruelty.
So now she gets to carry to term or miscarry (and prove it was that?!) or quick go sue the damn Texas legislature for passing a law that threatens a woman's physical and mental health. F those state legislators anyway for their pigheaded hyperpartisan cruelty.
Not only that, but she will be forced to pay the exorbitant costs of whatever short life this child has. I agree that it is sick and evil. We have Tay-Sachs in my family and I’ve seen how devastating it can be when you know the child cannot live beyond a few months.
The reminder that basically the intentionally shortsightedness of this effort is based on religious feeling, and no actual concern for ANY life.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1444331590960648194/

It’s a step in the right direction.
This SHOULD have been the immediate response of the Supreme Court. The fact that it wasn’t… tells you how unprofessional and partisan that court has become. They immediately followed up their atrocious decision with a “saving face” tour in which they accuse the media of being mean to them. Um, no - you did exactly the opposite of what you are supposed to do. When a law flies in the face of precedent, you issue an immediate stay until you can make a full ruling. You don’t let the law go into effect. Consider that action if Texas made Christianity the official religion of the state. Sure, it’s unconstitutional, but we will let the law stand until somebody is harmed by it and we can rule on an actual court case…. No! How the F did they even get out of law school?
A Federal appeals court just effectively reinstated the ban. I wonder how this will go when it reaches the SCOTUS, huh?
A Federal appeals court just effectively reinstated the ban. I wonder how this will go when it reaches the SCOTUS, huh?

The inhumanity of that law and its vigilante-style methods of enforcement make me so angry I can't even articulate what I think of those Texas state legislators. Hope the high court will send that obscenely vicious piece of legislation back to the misogynistic hell from which it sprang.
Welp... the halt on the ban didn't last long. WSJ just reported that the Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals just reinstated the Texas law, or rather put Pittman's ruling on hold while it considers an emergency motion by Texas to keep the law in place as litigation continues. "Stay tuned" in other words.. .. and in the meantime the new law goes back into effect.
Welp... the halt on the ban didn't last long. WSJ just reported that the Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals just reinstated the Texas law, or rather put Pittman's ruling on hold while it considers an emergency motion by Texas to keep the law in place as litigation continues. "Stay tuned" in other words.. .. and in the meantime the new law goes back into effect.
Screw the Supreme Court, Screw the fifth circuit. They BOTH know the proper procedure is to block an unconstitutional law until a case can be brought properly and decided. They are putting partisan politics ahead of the good of women.