Abortion is illegal in Texas


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1444036510051938309/

If this doesn't sum up what sick MFers are, that have championed this legal reach around shit show, I don't know what does.

I don't think anybody should be shocked that Republicans want to protect babies that don't have brains. It's their ideal voter.
I am not political - meaning that I am bored and can’t stand politics lately to the point that I barely read the news - but I’d like to provide my 2c on this thread because 1) I am probably the only anti-abortion person on this forum 2) I live in TX.

On 1), well it’s my opinion and it’s not what I want to discuss (and tbh I don’t care how much people agree or disagree with me). Nonetheless it’s important that I disclose my point of view.

However, on 2) I must oppose this legislation because a) it creates a bad precedent b) as a pro-Lifer myself I call this bs.

On a), there is no way in heaven or earth that creating a snitching-prone environment based on Civil litigation is a good idea. Abortion today, but what’s next? Speech? Freedom of movement? No, I can’t support it.

On b) I don’t like this half assed “solution”. If you’re a pro-lifer then you’re a pro-lifer. There is no middle ground. So, if you’re a pro-lifer by definition you define the embryo or fetus as human life. If you do, then you treat it like any other human life, which means that you want to go through the criminal process (now, I am not discussing if it’s constitutionally doable or not, just the ideology behind it) specifically because you believe that human life is human life. This half assed solution ethically, morally, and logically creates a second-rate level of human life, which to me is unacceptable.

So, despite coming from a totally different perspective from virtually any other person on this group, I come to the same conclusion that this law is BS.
This law could really hurt Republicans in the next election cycle.

The Post-ABC poll finds 27 percent of Americans say the court should overturn Roe, while 60 percent say it should be upheld, attitudes that are consistent in polls dating to 2005. More broadly, three-quarters of Americans say abortion access should be left to women and their doctors, while 20 percent say they should be regulated by law.
The promise of “we will ban abortion” worked to get right-wingers to turn out. Dems thought Roe v Wade would never be overturned. This reality check will energize Democrats to come out and vote, while possibly depressing GOO turnout. They “won” on their wedge issue, so less reason to vote.