Abortion is illegal in Texas

From a Salon article

Republicans don't like talking about their unpopular views on reproductive rights. But the party leaders also did nothing to stop Texas from implementing this radical abortion ban. On the contrary, the party has done everything in its power to make this happen, from stacking the courts with right wing ideologues who don't care about law or precedent, to backing the theocratic politicians who are passing these laws. Republicans aren't worried about a voter backlash in 2022 or 2024. They believe that they've successfully engineered it so that the will of the voters doesn't matter anymore.
From a Salon article

Republicans don't like talking about their unpopular views on reproductive rights. But the party leaders also did nothing to stop Texas from implementing this radical abortion ban. On the contrary, the party has done everything in its power to make this happen, from stacking the courts with right wing ideologues who don't care about law or precedent, to backing the theocratic politicians who are passing these laws. Republicans aren't worried about a voter backlash in 2022 or 2024. They believe that they've successfully engineered it so that the will of the voters doesn't matter anymore.
I think Salon is being a bit extreme. Voting restrictions will buy Republicans a slight margin, but if there is a backlash, that margin won’t be big enough.
I think Salon is being a bit extreme. Voting restrictions will buy Republicans a slight margin, but if there is a backlash, that margin won’t be big enough.
That's a mighty big if. Given their shitty actions the last couple decades, the backlash should have been loud, sustained and overwhelming. The only tactic they have utilized is coming right out and bluntly stating the obvious. Too many voters are lazy, disinterested and unfortunately, foolish. :confused:
And with the sudden influx of R’s in authority positions within voting commissions, it will no longer matter how “we the people” vote. It will be entirely up to the will of those commissions.

And watch when Republicans take control of Congress and they ram through thier own voting rights bill that will be more about stripping rights away In the name of voter fraud.
On point one - if somebody sues somebody who had an abortion when this electrical signal was detected, but the defendant successfully argues that signal is not an actual heartbeat at the trial, would that automatically push back the 6-week ban to an actual ban of when the fetus is formed and an actual heartbeat is detected?

Kind of weird that the law is based on a “fetal heartbeat” but 6 weeks is before the embryo even becomes a fetus. Seems like the whole thing would fall apart to doctor testimony in court.
The bill makes abortion illegal after six weeks, before most women know they are pregnant. There is no way in hell SCOTUS can act responsibly and not toss this bill. I’m still trying to figure out (not that I have put much effort into it) is what is the basis for any such law suit by a private citizen? This is really a heinous idea. I’m suing because I don’t like abortions? We are not lawsuit happy enough? 🤬 Leave it to the GOP to encourage vigilantism.

However as is it has been reported the law has had, whether it’s the 6 week limit or potential multiple “civil” lawsuits (?) has had an effect on the ability of women to find abortion providers in Texas, and from here on out there will be more reliance on chemical solutions.
If the penalty for breaking the abortion law is only lawsuits, why don’t some of the billionaires who claim to be liberal step up? If they went on TV and told people “Go ahead and sue somebody who has an abortion. We will defend them. Good luck winning against the best lawyers in the country. Hope you’ve got the money to lose a multi-year court battle against a billionaire.”

It could work, but somehow I don’t think billionaires care even if they claim to.
If the penalty for breaking the abortion law is only lawsuits, why don’t some of the billionaires who claim to be liberal step up? If they went on TV and told people “Go ahead and sue somebody who has an abortion. We will defend them. Good luck winning against the best lawyers in the country. Hope you’ve got the money to lose a multi-year court battle against a billionaire.”

It could work, but somehow I don’t think billionaires care even if they claim to.
In fairness it wouldn't mean much.

The Texas law is specifically intended to protect the vigilante / whistleblower filing the lawsuit from all harm. So yeah, a person could sue, but it's no skin off their nose if they lose. They can get any number of zealots who are lawyers who will salivate pro bono at the chance to go against someone bigger & hope to win with a possible tilted court on their side.

If at least some penalty existed for filing suits there might be some form of discouragement, but the penalties are all placed on the side of the person being sued where if they lose they pay out & court & lawyer fees.

It really is going to take something on the federal level, and for a few f - wads to abuse this on the egregious ( such as rapists suing victims out of spite because they can & for profit ) level to demonstrate how this all makes no sense. From an uneducated standpoint law wise, I would imagine it's going to take someone suing the state of Texas itself with the help of the federal gov't, if the Supreme Court won't do their job.
Democrats want voting rights and access to abortion. When they vote for a Democrat, they expect they will support that agenda.

Manchin and Sinema don’t seem to care what their voters want. They care what the rich donors and lobbyists want.

Manchin got elected because he is Manchin. Not because he is a D or an R, but because people like him. He was a very good Governor who got things done. But he won't get reeelcted if he doesn't do what the people in his state want. He doesn't represent the Democrat party, he represents his voters, most of whom vote R.

I find it a bit humorous that when when the R's call people like Cheney and Romney RINO's because they buck the party, that's OK, but when a Dem does the exact same thing, they are traitors.
And she's quite correct on this. What really bothers me about American pro-lifers is that it isn't about the sanctity of life. If it were, they'd oppose the death penalty and the use of guns. It's interesting how, unlike Jesus, one of his most important teachings, the "turning the other cheek" part of Christianity didn't make it to this continent. Though it's clearly incompatible with colonialism and frankly, with the genocide of truly native Americans.

Indeed, if a fetus with sonographic evidence of a primordial circulation should be treated as a person, then well, the society also has to address the "societally inconvenient aspects" of personhood as well. You can't detach one aspect from another.
Manchin got elected because he is Manchin. Not because he is a D or an R, but because people like him. He was a very good Governor who got things done. But he won't get reeelcted if he doesn't do what the people in his state want. He doesn't represent the Democrat party, he represents his voters, most of whom vote R.

I find it a bit humorous that when when the R's call people like Cheney and Romney RINO's because they buck the party, that's OK, but when a Dem does the exact same thing, they are traitors.
I am trying to recall Romney or Cheney intentionally torpedo-ing legislation supported by the rest of the party. Refresh my memory.

And calling Cheney a RINO is ridiculous. Trump is the actual RINO. His policies are so different from the traditional GOP platform, that they simply declined to issue a platform because he’s so unpredictable and they don’t want anything in their platform to go against something he might randomly utter.

Sorry, but anybody calling Cheney a RINO is 100% in the tank for Trump. Period. She has consistently been one of the most conservative members of Congress. And people call her a RINO because she didn’t kiss Trump’s ring? What a piece of shit “party” the Republicans have become. It’s just a cult now.
Manchin got elected because he is Manchin. Not because he is a D or an R, but because people like him. He was a very good Governor who got things done. But he won't get reeelcted if he doesn't do what the people in his state want. He doesn't represent the Democrat party, he represents his voters, most of whom vote R.

I find it a bit humorous that when when the R's call people like Cheney and Romney RINO's because they buck the party, that's OK, but when a Dem does the exact same thing, they are traitors.
I find it sad that a majority of people in a State with a struggling economy see benefit in voting for a bunch of con artists. I guess that makes them the perfect rubes, outstanding targets for the likes of the GOP. That‘s why coal miners voted for Trump. He had their number, his orange Koolaid was too sweet to resist. 👀

The GOP today is anti-democracy. And while I constantly say blame the voters for the travesty known as the GOP, which is true, it‘s possible we have the Want Our Cake And Eat It Too Selfish Syndrome, the dummies back home who don’t like dealing with reality, and not uncommonly are racist tribal. :unsure:
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