Apple One subscription

Chew Toy McCoy

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Like many I just killed my Apple TV subscription because the free trial is about to expire. I've also been cleaning house on a lot of my subscriptions but am still going to pay $20 a month for Apple Music and increased iCloud storage (killed my increased Dropbox storage in the great subscription purge).

Honestly the only thing that is making me consider the One subscription is Apple fitness. I really need to improve in that area but also have a lousy experience with past gym memberships. I was probably paying $300 a visit based on how long I kept memberships and how infrequently I went. But if I am ever going to step up and consistently, doing it privately in the comfort of my home would be the way I most likely would do it.

My experience with both News and Arcade were meh. Frankly I don't know how Apple TV is still viable other than Apple sitting on a large cash pile to fund it. While people may enjoy some of the content on there, in a huge competitive streaming playing field I think Apple has completely failed to step up to the plate. It seems like little more than a dumping ground for old guy Apple executive passion projects that don't exactly resonate outside their bubble. I've found better content on free streaming services.

So I thought I'd ask on here where people are at with this bundle.


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I have the ”One” family subscription that excludes Fitness and News. That‘s Apple Music, TV, extra iCloud storage, and Arcade. It’s $30 a month if you want fitness and News. I like TV+, and the free trial for more than a year definitely sold me on it. I keep trying different Arcade games, and there have been some I’ve liked… Beyond a Steel Sky, Pathless, Fantasian… gotta remember to try the Samurai Jack game.


I have the ”One” family subscription that excludes Fitness and News. That‘s Apple Music, TV, extra iCloud storage, and Arcade. It’s $30 a month if you want fitness and News. I like TV+, and the free trial for more than a year definitely sold me on it. I keep trying different Arcade games, and there have been some I’ve liked… Beyond a Steel Sky, Pathless, Fantasian… gotta remember to try the Samurai Jack game.
We don't have apple watches because I can't see myself charging my watch multiple times a day (I have a postpebble e-ink Timex with a 30day battery life).

Apple Music had really grown on me, the family sub is $15
I have the $3 200Gb iCloud sub
I have NYT for $4
I have Zwift for $15
I did cancel Apple TV+. To me it's generally too too PG13ish... I'll resub for the Foundation because I've read 12-13 of the Robots/Foundation universe from Asimov (it used to be my break between medical books; fun times) and I'm very curious how they'll execute it (it will most likely flop).

So Apple One could work for me if:
1. News includes the NYT. Do you guys know if it does?
2. If Apple Fitness can replace Zwift without me having to buy an apple watch


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I can’t justify any of the tiered bundles. We’ll start paying for TV+ at least to get through Ted Lasso season 2.

I’m liking Fitness+. It’s a good service. I have another month of the free trial and will consider paying but I have a Peloton membership free through a friend and I just downloaded the Apple TV app for that. it may be good enough to displace Fitness+ but we’ll see.

None of the other services interests me much.


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I don’t have a bundle. The only thing I use is cloud storage. Spotify over Apple Music. And I didn’t like tv+ at all when I had the free trial.


I don’t have a bundle. The only thing I use is cloud storage. Spotify over Apple Music. And I didn’t like tv+ at all when I had the free trial.
Spotify's algorithms are #1, but their sound quality is so bad I could ABX and always tell which one is spotify based on the the hissy highs and smeared lows due to their lossy compression. Apple Music transitioned to lossless a month ago and it's so good.

Chew Toy McCoy

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We don't have apple watches because I can't see myself charging my watch multiple times a day (I have a postpebble e-ink Timex with a 30day battery life).

Apple Music had really grown on me, the family sub is $15
I have the $3 200Gb iCloud sub
I have NYT for $4
I have Zwift for $15
I did cancel Apple TV+. To me it's generally too too PG13ish... I'll resub for the Foundation because I've read 12-13 of the Robots/Foundation universe from Asimov (it used to be my break between medical books; fun times) and I'm very curious how they'll execute it (it will most likely flop).

So Apple One could work for me if:
1. News includes the NYT. Do you guys know if it does?
2. If Apple Fitness can replace Zwift without me having to buy an apple watch

When I had Apple News that included paywall sources I discovered a lot of it was click bait headlines that was geared towards my leanings. It was annoying when the subscription lapsed but I didn't find out about anything after the fact that really made me want to subscribe again. IMO there's no "respected" old world news source left, or at least worth paying for. "Nobody else is reporting on" is mostly a lie, or an exaggeration. By "nobody" they mean well established media, not literally nobody. All major news sources are a biased shill for somebody. They may have more resources to investigate but at this point nothing is shocking and most of the times it has zero impact.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
We don't have apple watches because I can't see myself charging my watch multiple times a day (I have a postpebble e-ink Timex with a 30day battery life).

Apple Music had really grown on me, the family sub is $15
I have the $3 200Gb iCloud sub
I have NYT for $4
I have Zwift for $15
I did cancel Apple TV+. To me it's generally too too PG13ish... I'll resub for the Foundation because I've read 12-13 of the Robots/Foundation universe from Asimov (it used to be my break between medical books; fun times) and I'm very curious how they'll execute it (it will most likely flop).

So Apple One could work for me if:
1. News includes the NYT. Do you guys know if it does?
2. If Apple Fitness can replace Zwift without me having to buy an apple watch

You don't have to charge multiple times a day, I usually put mine on early, wear it all day (and that usually includes at least one workout with dedicated use/instrumentation/etc), last night I wore it upstairs, it was at 30%, let it sleep (didn't take it down to a charger), brought it down this morning, made coffee, posted here, sent a couple of queued emails, setup todays work, *boom*, fully charged before I knew it :)

Your usage model is really close to ours, we have lots of iCloud storage (I think we're on a TB or 2 ...), I kind of miss Apple Music (enjoyed it with my couple of extended free trials), we have the Peloton App/service which I think is probably almost a complete overlap with Apple Fitness, and since the wife has a couple of friends she rides with, she probably wants to stick with it. There's a couple of workouts I use on it too (in addition to cycling).

Seems like 3-ish services is the break even, a 4th where there's decent savings. Arcade looks fun, but we never tried it, even with our free trials, I just figured with consoles and hundreds of hours of unplayed games already purchased it seemed pointless.


Yes, confirmed we have a 2TB iCloud account.
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Runs For Fun

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You don't have to charge multiple times a day, I usually put mine on early, wear it all day (and that usually includes at least one workout with dedicated use/instrumentation/etc), last night I wore it upstairs, it was at 30%, let it sleep (didn't take it down to a charger), brought it down this morning, made coffee, posted here, sent a couple of queued emails, setup todays work, *boom*, fully charged before I knew it :)

Your usage model is really close to ours, we have lots of iCloud storage (I think we're on a TB or 2 ...), I kind of miss Apple Music (enjoyed it with my couple of extended free trials), we have the Peloton App/service which I think is probably almost a complete overlap with Apple Fitness, and since the wife has a couple of friends she rides with, she probably wants to stick with it. There's a couple of workouts I use on it too (in addition to cycling).

Seems like 3-ish services is the break even, a 4th where there's decent savings. Arcade looks fun, but we never tried it, even with our free trials, I just figured with consoles and hundreds of hours of unplayed games already purchased it seemed pointless.


Yes, confirmed we have a 2TB iCloud account.
Yep, I charge once a day. I can get a good 22-23 hours out of a charge.

I don't subscribe to enough Apple services to make any of the bundles worth it. I'm only paying for the 200GB iCloud plan. I use Spotify so Apple Music is out for me. I canceled Fitness+ after my trial was over, I found all the workouts too easy. I've been on and off with Arcade. I got a second year trial of TV+. I'm still on the fence if I would pay for it after the trial expires. News+ isn't worth it IMO.

User 189

We don't have apple watches because I can't see myself charging my watch multiple times a day (I have a postpebble e-ink Timex with a 30day battery life).
My Apple Watch Series 5 can easily get through the day with moderate use. I charge it in the morning when I'm usually getting ready.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I had a FitBit back in the day before Apple offered a watch. Thing made me crazy because I was already used to not having anything on a wrist. That's the main thing keeps me from thinking to get an Apple Watch now, outside of the fact I don't live on the kind of schedule any more that requires regular and heavy use of calendar, clock, reminders, or even email. Even if I think sometimes I'd like it for the fitness tracking and health alert options. I'm addicted to my naked wrists...

As for Apple One, not ready. I don't use enough Cloud space to warrant it. Don't want Arcade or Apple News+.


I've both a Series 6 and a Series 3. The 3 I wear at night for sleep tracking, the 6 I wear during the day. With Always on Display I can put it on at 6am, put it on the charger again at 10:00pm (or even later) and still have 30%-40% battery on average.


I've both a Series 6 and a Series 3. The 3 I wear at night for sleep tracking, the 6 I wear during the day. With Always on Display I can put it on at 6am, put it on the charger again at 10:00pm (or even later) and still have 30%-40% battery on average.
I’m really bad at this and would easily miss a day or two. My smart watch lasts 20-30 days and i still have trouble charging it.
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