America is heading in the right direction. But why is nobody saying so?
That's just an opinion piece, and I would say this about any President, but did "Biden" really do all that? I know this matters very little in the court of public opinion who I think tend to blame or thank the President for way too much. How much of that is just the result of passing the peak of Covid? It seems to me Biden being in office didn't reduce the number of anti-vaxers or change the policies and propaganda of state governments in either direction. All state governments pretty much did what you'd expect them to do.
You want to blame Trump for normalizing racism, hatred, and extreme divisiveness? Fine, I will give you that, but to thank him for fast tracking the vaccine development is to assume no other President would have done the same. They would have. The "great resignation" has absolutely nothing to do with who is running the government. Nobody in government created the working conditions that allowed people to go "fuck this job!" and it's absurd to give the government credit for that.
I'm not saying government has zero impact on our day to day lives, but we need to stop giving credit or blame for everything big and small to the President.