Biden's weekly Approval Polls

Not specifically Biden, but this poll by the WSJ should scare some Dems.

Here is a tip, stop calling them Latinx. They don't like it.

Note on the poll. I am sure some of you saw WSJ and immediately thought "conservative". But the WSJ has hired 2 new pollsters to conduct their polls, Biden's 2020 pollster and Trump's 2016 & 2020 pollster. So they are trying to be unbiased in both their questions and weighting.

Funny thing is I think the first time I really heard the term Latinx was in an article saying they don't like that term and that was a long time ago. Now when I hear it I instantly think "Stop!". Seems like it would be easy enough to do. And the ultimate irony is this is coming from the side that is usually overly preoccupied with what groups of people want to be referred to as.
Funny thing is I think the first time I really heard the term Latinx was in an article saying they don't like that term and that was a long time ago. Now when I hear it I instantly think "Stop!". Seems like it would be easy enough to do. And the ultimate irony is this is coming from the side that is usually overly preoccupied with what groups of people want to be referred to as.
There is no evidence that use of the term Latinx had any effect on voters. In fact, politicians seldom, if ever, use the term.

To anybody that has been paying attention over the years, these poll numbers are expected. The biggest reason seems to be the growth of the evangelical faith among the Hispanic community. I believe Trump appealed to Latino men specifically with his macho posturing. That is a bit biased/prejudiced on my part, but the numbers for the GOP are substantially higher among Latino men than Latina women.

Here’s a nicely detailed article talking about how the Latinx ”controversy” is nothing but a distraction. (paywall removed)

The Fox News pundits love sound bites and quick-and-easy explanations. “Hispanic voters hate the term Latinx so they are voting against Democrats” gets clicks, but it’s not driving voters one way or the other. Democrats need to figure out how to win over evangelical worshippers and even more importantly: create a great economy for everybody, especially the Hispanic community in America.
Democrats need to figure out how to win over evangelical worshippers …
The more pressing need is to drive evangelicals away from the Rotpublican party, which might be accomplished by showing them how badly the Rs have been schtupping them over. If the evangelicals coalesce into a different opposition party, at least their crazy will be mitigated by minority status. I would much rather see the D party have proper opposition, even fragmented, because we cannot afford the intractable corruption of a one-party state.
Democrats need to figure out how to win over evangelical worshippers

Read an article this morning about a former evangelical paster who left after he saw way too much attention being spent on everybody going to hell that didn’t share the same beliefs, cannon going unquestioned or debated, and everything being intertwined with politics and needing to be a Republican. He started seeing it as the furthest thing from the teachings of the Bible.

He also said these are people who want/need absolute answers, no gray areas, and that’s what evangelical preachers give them. So it should come as no surprise that they don’t question Trump. He’s just another authority figure they need absolute answers from and anybody who doesn’t agree is an enemy going to hell. I don’t know what to do with these people. They’re intellectually lazy and way too easy to dangerously manipulate. Just as importantly they are way more interested in being the vengeful hand of their version of God than actual positive solutions. To them there is no solution that doesn't include a serious dose of punishment, and not aimed at the rich.
Read an article this morning about a former evangelical paster who left after he saw way too much attention being spent on everybody going to hell that didn’t share the same beliefs, cannon going unquestioned or debated, and everything being intertwined with politics and needing to be a Republican. He started seeing it as the furthest thing from the teachings of the Bible.

He also said these are people who want/need absolute answers, no gray areas, and that’s what evangelical preachers give them. So it should come as no surprise that they don’t question Trump. He’s just another authority figure they need absolute answers from and anybody who doesn’t agree is an enemy going to hell. I don’t know what to do with these people. They’re intellectually lazy and way too easy to dangerously manipulate. Just as importantly they are way more interested in being the vengeful hand of their version of God than actual positive solutions. To them there is no solution that doesn't include a serious dose of punishment, and not aimed at the rich.
Having come from an evangelical background, it feels more tribal than anything. There is little focus on becoming a better person. It’s about getting new converts... because once you’re “saved” - all your sins are forgiven.
Having come from an evangelical background, it feels more tribal than anything. There is little focus on becoming a better person. It’s about getting new converts... because once you’re “saved” - all your sins are forgiven.

Why so much focus on getting all up in other people's business? Can't you just work on saving yourself?

Do you think the focus is because more members means more donations, or am I being too cynical?
Why so much focus on getting all up in other people's business? Can't you just work on saving yourself?

Do you think the focus is because more members means more donations, or am I being too cynical?
From the leaders of the church, the money seems to be a big driver. From the cheap seats, people like to be part of something cool or popular, so if their pastor gets famous or their church gets really big, I think it gives them a good feeling.
There is no evidence that use of the term Latinx had any effect on voters. In fact, politicians seldom, if ever, use the term.

Two strikes! Want that third pitch?

Nearly half of Democratic lawmakers in the 116th Congress have used Latinx on social media—compared to 1 percent of their Republican colleagues.

It found that 30 percent of Hispanic voters — 24 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans — are less likely to support a politician or political organization using the word.

Go troll somebody else.

How is that trolling?

You made two unsupported assertions. I simply found sources that dispute them.

Now if you can find proof of your points, I would be more than happy to read them. Otherwise you have simply done what you accuse me of doing.
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Interesting (thanks Oprah!). Given the people are often traditional conservatives I wonder if some of the kickback is they don't want to be tied up in some identity politics war. We live in a time when demand for gender neutrality often comes from a militant side, less "let's be equals", and more "you better accept us, asshole!"
How is that trolling?

You made two unsupported assertions. I simply found sources that dispute them.

Now if you can find proof of your points, I would be more than happy to read them. Otherwise you have simply done what you accuse me of doing.
In terms of usage, your source states

Democratic lawmakers also used the terms Latino, Latina and Hispanic far more frequently in their social media accounts than Republicans

Doesn't that somewhat support his assertion that "politicians seldom, if ever, use the term." I've often seen the term used by pols referencing people and/or orgs that use it, so often the term is a direct quote or preferred label.
When talking about presidential approval, it's important to pay attention to Gallup because they've got long-term data and they don't screw around with their questions ala Rasmussen.

On day 300 or so of his tenure, President Joe Biden is at 42 percent approval. That's about five points above Donald Trump, and 11 points below President Barack Obama.

At his best, Trump had an approval rating of 49 percent and he couldn't sustain that, while Obama managed to get above 57 percent toward the end of his first term.

That said, I think 538's analysis is about right, Biden's down at 43 percent approval and it's really going to be up to Democrats to ensure that good economic data in spite of the pandemic, and the BBB's provisions, become part of the conversation.

Right now, they're letting the GOP's messaging on the border—dumb, wrong, and stupid, but effective—hammer at him, and GOP Senators and governors are thrilled to take credit for BBB even when they tried to kill it.

Afghanistan was a clusterfuck created by Trump's idiocy, but they let it fester. And, they have to ensure that other messaging is clear, Biden is a centrist and the GQP is full of right-wingers who attacked the capital, and don't care about making your life better. They're extremists, and rabble-rousers who took a great economy and ground it down to a nub while allowing the pandemic to explode. And, they'd cut the middle-class off at the knees if given half-a-chance.


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When talking about presidential approval, it's important to pay attention to Gallup because they've got long-term data and they don't screw around with their questions ala Rasmussen.

Which is why when I started this thread I posted this:

So since I am always accused of having an agenda with my posts, I am simply going to post Biden's approval polls without comment other than possibly a summary. I will post them if they are going up or down. I will also not post individual polls from Fox, Rasmussen or Zogby, but will include them as part of an aggregation, ie RCP or 538 averages.
In terms of usage, your source states

Doesn't that somewhat support his assertion that "politicians seldom, if ever, use the term." I've often seen the term used by pols referencing people and/or orgs that use it, so often the term is a direct quote or preferred label.
Elizabeth Warren was attacked for supposedly being a heavy user of the term. I searched her tweets. She only used the term once in 2021, and about a dozen times total in the life of her Twitter account.

This is a nothing-burger; a distraction. And not a Biden weekly approval poll.

Speaking of Biden (since the thread is about him), he only included the word on one tweet… in 2019. If we are talking about Latino support of Biden, I’d say things haven’t changed much since 2020, and his dip in support is about the same across all demographics at the moment.
Here's who's behind it
It says right on the poster, in the lower left-hand corner: "Friends of the Earth". They are a bit like Sierra Club light.

As I said before, part of Joe the President's approval ranking rests with the actual Left, who are not particularly happy with his milquetost agenda. If he moves "toward the center" instead of leftward, he will find himself in a turbulent strait.
Which is why when I started this thread I posted this:

Sure. I'm just increasingly wary of Rasmussen's polling because during the 2020 election, they were increasingly outside the mainstream in polling data, and it's clear more recently that they're using really terrible sets of questions that are often leading, and increasingly appear built to act as a push poll.

The ability to make year-to-year comparisons with Gallup gives us some context. I tend to think that Biden's approval follows a fairly consistent trend line for the last three presidents. (Bush II is so weird because of 9/11, but really even his trend's similar, with a very high spike that then trends away as he stays in office through 2009.)

Biden's lack of popularity has a lot do with with an aggressive and effective campaign from the right, economic headwinds, and the long-term problems from COVID. He's doing fine actually, but he's hamstrung by an insane Congress and stupid budget fights.

I suspect he'll trend about 3-5 points above Trump for most of his term, sometimes trading with the one-term president, but often running above him.