It's past time for people to just get over gas prices in the USA. They managed to do it in Europe a long time ago, mostly by noting that "comment is free" so go ahead and complain. but either shell out for the gas or take the shoe-leather express.
Gas should have been taxed here at a higher rate now for DECADES and the money put into helping finance higher rates of renewable energy development, generation, storage, transmission and usage. And don't get me started on how pathetic our public transportation has been and still is. We have the Republicans to thank for this, and it's on the record in vote after vote, session after session.
Our love affair with cars has been not a disaster, but a distinctly mixed blessing. Our system of bean counting guarantees companies will wring the last profit dollar out of anything that "works" until it doesn't work any more or the downside of relying on whatever it is becomes intolerable.
Our "just-in-time" mentality has already been shown to have its downsides during the covid pandemic, but maintaining that attitude during ongoing and now critical climate change will likely kill us. And why? Because for once we will have run into something where a fix in the nick of time -- you know, by the end of the quarter, preferably via making an acquisition of some other company's ability to, uh... fix climate change?!?!-- will not even f'g be possible.
And yet.... market forces are actually already reducing demand for petroleum products. It's the politicians who are still standing in the way of harnessing worker readiness to shift gears to renewable energy jobs. Interesting piece in Grist about that effect in Louisiana already.
Louisiana is bleeding oil jobs. Here's what it tells us about a just energy transition.