Binge worthy TV

Binged last weekend. Imagine my horror when I discovered there's only the one season so far.
At least I knew going in that there was only a single season…so far. I would still have watched it. The finale was better than I could have imagined.
Downton Abbey on Netflix- If you have not watched this, you’d better. :)

Hopefully you guys didn't get too attached & hope for more. This is Netflix we are talking about
F-ing Netflix. They killed this like their other good comic-inspired shows Luke Cage and Jessica Jones…

Netflix has an odd business model, and one which isn't particularly friendly to viewers. They'll keep a series going as long as it looks like it's gaining new viewers every year. Once that growth stops (typically 1-2 years) the show is canceled.

Few series meet the viewership criteria to go beyond that point. It doesn't make a lot of sense, because shows can still be making Netflix money, it's just that they've stopped making even more money. Netflix would rather pull the series and try something new.

It's a totally profit-driven motive with no thought given to fans or creators. If I were a creator and found my show had sold to Netflix, I'd definitely consider that a glass-half-empty situation.

I've never really enumerated it, but HBO seems to be a platform where they value the continuity of fewer shows over the constant turnover of many. I'd view Netflix as more of a place where off-network shows go to die. It's ideally suited for series like Lucifer which ran two or three years on a network and needed one or two more seasons to wrap things up.
Netflix has an odd business model, and one which isn't particularly friendly to viewers. They'll keep a series going as long as it looks like it's gaining new viewers every year. Once that growth stops (typically 1-2 years) the show is canceled.

Few series meet the viewership criteria to go beyond that point. It doesn't make a lot of sense, because shows can still be making Netflix money, it's just that they've stopped making even more money. Netflix would rather pull the series and try something new.

It's a totally profit-driven motive with no thought given to fans or creators. If I were a creator and found my show had sold to Netflix, I'd definitely consider that a glass-half-empty situation.

I've never really enumerated it, but HBO seems to be a platform where they value the continuity of fewer shows over the constant turnover of many. I'd view Netflix as more of a place where off-network shows go to die. It's ideally suited for series like Lucifer which ran two or three years on a network and needed one or two more seasons to wrap things up.
Not arguing, but there have been a long list of outstanding Netflix shows. :)
Not arguing, but there have been a long list of outstanding Netflix shows. :)
Quality wise, they don’t compare well to HBO, who admittedly has had more years to establish a track record. My god, Deadwood and The Wire alone, then start thinking about Sopranos and GOT.
Quality wise, they don’t compare well to HBO, who admittedly has had more years to establish a track record. My god, Deadwood and The Wire alone, then start thinking about Sopranos and GOT.
Plus first two seasons of West World. (y) But try Bloodline, Sense 8, House of Cards, The Crown, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Umbrella Academy. :)
Bosch Season 6! One more to go. I like his house, except I’d put it on heavier beams. . :)


Plus first two seasons of West World. (y) But try Bloodline, Sense 8, House of Cards, The Crown, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Umbrella Academy. :)
Yes, don’t mean to be argumentative but I’ve seen most of those, but they’re not on the same level as the HBO shows I mentioned.

This is, of course, subjective but I’m starting to realize I’m dealing with fans of 2 1/2 Men so this’ll be my final word on the Netflix vs HBO thing.

Sorry, one more thing, ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE YOU GUYS!!!
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Yes, don’t mean to be argumentative but I’ve seen most of those, but they’re not on the same level as the HBO shows I mentioned.

This is, of course, subjective but I’m starting to realize I’m dealing with fans of 2 1/2 Men so this’ll be my final word on the Netflix vs HBO thing.

Sorry, one more thing, ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE YOU GUYS!!!
Opinions + 10 cents. :)
Well it’s binge-able but not binge worthy.

Don’t Trust the B—— in Apartment 23 (Hulu) is basically 2 Broke Girls done as a single camera show. Blond-haired girl is forced to strike out on her own, moves in with dark-haired streetwise girl/con artist. Only difference is the writing isn’t as funny and the dark-haired girl here doesn’t have Kat Dennings’, uh, assets. Both shows get pretty raunchy for network TV.

I doubt I’ll be following up on this one, but had to check it out because I mentioned it in another thread and the title always intrigued me.
Well it’s binge-able but not binge worthy.

Don’t Trust the B—— in Apartment 23 (Hulu) is basically 2 Broke Girls done as a single camera show. Blond-haired girl is forced to strike out on her own, moves in with dark-haired streetwise girl/con artist. Only difference is the writing isn’t as funny and the dark-haired girl here doesn’t have Kat Dennings’, uh, assets. Both shows get pretty raunchy for network TV.

I doubt I’ll be following up on this one, but had to check it out because I mentioned it in another thread and the title always intrigued me.
I enjoyed that show. Krysten Ritter is very much all that and a bag of chips. Also, Van Der Beek was pretty perfect.
Certainly binge-worthy but I'm trying to resist and so taking it one show at a time: finally watching the mini-series from PBS Masterpiece (via BBC Two originally) called Wolf Hall, based on the first two of the Hilary Mantel historical novels about Thomas Cromwell. Fascinating books, which I had wanted to read first, so I'm rather late to getting around to the television series. So far I've thought the screenplay and acting well done indeed. Mark Rylance brilliant as Cromwell.
We started "Kim's Convenience" The racial undertones are very overstated, but overall, it's pretty watch-able. For some reason, I keep hoping the brother hooks up with the big-mouth boss. Her character is messed up, but sweet. I'm also wondering when the sister is going to hook up with her roommate. It's a hook up fest.
This I did not expect to enjoy, buy enjoying it I am: Mr. Inbetween is a show from down-under that was originally on FX here in the States, and as such is also available on Hulu.

Not a show to watch if bad language or violence offends you, but the central conceit of a down to earth enforcer living in Sydney who's trying to juggle life with his 8 year old daughter, a new girl-friend, and a raft of the NSW's most unsavory low-life criminals, is oddly very engaging.

Actor Scott Ryan has created and written a totally unexpectedly interesting show that, at less than 30 minutes an episode and just 6, 11 and 9 episodes in each season respectively, is an easy binge.

Sounds like the final episode is airing on Tuesday night which apparently brings the show to an end.
I’m going to start the Fear Street series on Netflix. I remember reading those books as a teen in the 90s.
For anyone else who loved the series Leverage, IMDB has done a reboot called Leverage Redemption. Original cast minus Timothy Hutton who they’ve replaced with Noah Wylie. It’s available on the Prime app.