Classified documents found in former Biden office

Sadly, I think a lot of voters will vote merely on optics in the general.

And that will be judged most noticeably in the first debate. With Biden walking slowly/cautiously from stage left, trump walking briskly/confidently (despite being overweight by 100 lbs) from stage right, with both meeting at center stage for the traditional handshake.

There is some good news on hiding Biden’s gait from the public.

Staff members are now walking between him and the camera’s to shield his gait from the public.

https://Twitter or X not allowed/we...819357929525251?s=46&t=ojflW2d3MBRFfnRJdJTFvA
Meh, even with the stiffness he’s walking at a good clip. Were they hiding him or was someone just filming from his left? I didn’t see much hiding going on in that clip.