COVID Stupid

Yes, this nonsense is still going on as well...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1485801992157114372/

I can't imagine being a grown ass man harassing an older lady like that.

Then when she says she's just following the orders of the library he goes "That's the problem" but when it's other people dealing with the police they should just comply.
my wife plays with her phone all the time she is blind. there are different levels of blindness.

This wasn't a partially blind person. They were clearly a fake. Their entire demeanor changed. If I'm remember correctly, I might have even seen them get off the train. It was 100% fake.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1486519854484049920/

I would love to switch to Apple Music but I've found it to be just so bad.
Apple recently purchased a company that specializes in streaming classical music. They claim that new team will revamp their classical offerings. I am looking forward to that. I hope the result is positive.
Apple recently purchased a company that specializes in streaming classical music. They claim that new team will revamp their classical offerings. I am looking forward to that. I hope the result is positive.
Yeah I remember that. My main problems are
  • The app has a horrible UI
  • Little annoyances like not being able to sort a playlist by date added
  • Buggy behavior like searching for a song and be able to play it from the search results but when you add it to your library it tells you it's not available in your region
  • Public playlists suck compared to Spotify's. I've found a lot of good music from other people's playlists
  • Spotify's algorithm for discovering new music is light years ahead of Apple Music
  • Apple Music's weird obsession with Hip-Hop.

Da fuq is that SARS nCov19 tends to have less than salutary effects on blood flow in the brain: the unvaccinated are almost certainly catching δ or ξ or λ or μ or omicron variants and suffering ischemic sub-strokes that are compromising their already dubious mental functionality.

We might not care, we might say let them light their own curtains on fire, but, then we have to have the charred sticks cleaned up and to figure out how to deal with these now homeless ones. And, smoke in the air is not good for anyone.
Yeah I remember that. My main problems are
  • The app has a horrible UI
  • Little annoyances like not being able to sort a playlist by date added
  • Buggy behavior like searching for a song and be able to play it from the search results but when you add it to your library it tells you it's not available in your region
  • Public playlists suck compared to Spotify's. I've found a lot of good music from other people's playlists
  • Spotify's algorithm for discovering new music is light years ahead of Apple Music
  • Apple Music's weird obsession with Hip-Hop.
Dunno. The UI isn't buggier than TIDAL's, but sure it needs some improvement. Public playlists generally suck. Agree, spotify's custom AI generated playlists are ridiculously good, but the sound quality is whack. Apple Music's auto playlists aren't bad, I'd even call them good for Jazz and Opera. I think TIDAL's obsession with Hip-hop is irritating. I have a bunch old Wu-Tang and GZA tracks on my lists, but it doesn't want to sell me hip-hop at all.
Yeah I remember that. My main problems are
  • The app has a horrible UI
  • Little annoyances like not being able to sort a playlist by date added
  • Buggy behavior like searching for a song and be able to play it from the search results but when you add it to your library it tells you it's not available in your region
  • Public playlists suck compared to Spotify's. I've found a lot of good music from other people's playlists
  • Spotify's algorithm for discovering new music is light years ahead of Apple Music
  • Apple Music's weird obsession with Hip-Hop.

My problem is UI-related too... remembering how much more flexible the old iTunes app used to be in terms of playlist editing and stuff like visual reload of a reshuffle of contents of a playlist, etc. All that even before there was the option to stream music on the Apple platform. What we have now whether using Apple Music or not is a pale shadow of previous functionality.
Washingtion State Patrol Rocket Surgeon holds the line,

Wish I could say more but this is it … this is the last time you’ll hear me in a State Patrol car, and (Governor) Inslee can kiss my ass,” LaMay said in a recording of his final radio call …

The video was viewed millions of times and LaMay appeared on multiple TV shows, including on Fox News, where he said he and his family “don’t do vaccines.” His Facebook page was deleted earlier this month when he reportedly fell ill with COVID-19 and was put on a ventilator … and he died on Friday, journalist Naveed Jamali said.

such courage and wisdom
Two unnecessary reminders.

1. Covid stupidity is not just a U.S. thing

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1487181897373528071/

2. When someone tries to peddle to you that their fetishism of the confederate flag is somehow about some heritage or history, they think you're the stupid one.
"My fourth child was born this past Saturday; I've decided I need to do this for my family" says trucker who abandoned his wife in mid-labor to drive to Ottawa to protest vaccines

My fourth child was born this past Saturday; I’ve decided I need to do this for my family': National Post talks to the truckers in the convoy

The National Post spoke to truck drivers and supporters as they were driving to Ottawa for this weekend’s “Freedom Convoy 2022” to protest vaccine mandates. Here is what they told us about their jobs, their frustrations with government measures during the pandemic, and the rule that could kill their livelihoods.
Very brave police officer makes a video of himself resigning due to COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Since you're reading this on FARK, you can probably guess what happened next

Washington trooper who defied state vaccine mandate and told gov to 'kiss my a--' dies from COVID-19​
