COVID Stupid

Apparently this bizarre assertion has been doing the rounds for quite a while now…

This is the problem with sheep like this woman.
Facts, genuine irrefutable evidence, do not matter to them.


Fact check: COVID-19 does not mean “see a sheep surrender”​

One wonders how people like this ever function in society, especially when they seek medical care. For example, if this woman were to be diagnosed with cancer or some other serious condition, would she apply the same illogic to recommendations from her physicians? When she tries to purchase real estate or anything else that requires a formal contract, does she rail against all the steps needed to execute it?
One wonders how people like this ever function in society, especially when they seek medical care.
I know I certainly do wonder that.

For example, if this woman were to be diagnosed with cancer or some other serious condition, would she apply the same illogic to recommendations from her physicians? When she tries to purchase real estate or anything else that requires a formal contract, does she rail against all the steps needed to execute it?

I think most of them are just consumers (and regurgitators) of the contrarian lunacy and not capable of making it up themselves. Thanks, social media…
These clowns don't seem to give a damn that they are uselessly tying up traffic in the already heavily-congested DC area with their stupid truck convoy that means nothing to anyone else [except being a nuisance] and probably really not all that much even to them since they don't seem to be able to articulate clearly just what the meaning of this convoy is in the first place. They are wasting gas, wasting time, wasting money.....and for what? Vaccinations and masks are already becoming a moot point, so that's not it, not really their "cause" any more.....

It dawned on me that a lot of right-wingers have problems living in the present. Without ever getting a direct answer, we had to connect a lot of dots to determine their comfort zone is the 1950’s. Given that, it really shouldn’t be shocking that they are actively protesting something that is no longer an issue. At least we didn’t have to go back 7+ decades to figure out what they’re going on about, a marked improvement on still being behind the times.
I got held up by the trucker convoy today coming back from work. The police handled the situation the best they could. They closed all the off-ramps, then set a lane aside for the caravan so they would roll through and stop gumming it all up. As the caravan passed by, they opened each off-ramp again. They had cops on bikes, cars, trucks, and had helicopters overhead too.

I saw “Let’s Go Brandon” flags and a “Fuck Joe Biden and fuck you for voting for him” flag... among many others. They were blasting their horns. Many local drivers stuck their middle fingers out the window at the truckers as they drove by. One trucker hit somebody else’s car so the cops were taking a report on that too, which made things worse.

It was a circus, except the circus was nothing but clowns, and none of the clowns were funny.

Sitting there motionless for half an hour, I saw 2 different vehicles with paper tags from Texas. I did a quick search and found that Texas STILL hasn’t done anything to stop bad actors from selling unlimited temporary Texas tags online. Gotta love how well the Republican Party governs. They can make abortion illegal and lock up the parents of transgender kids, but they can’t even fix the temp tag problem, which has been going on for years.
This afternoon here in Northern Virginia I was out on the boardwalk and walking trail that goes around our small lake and I kept hearing sirens on-and-off. Right about the time I got close to my building again (a little after 3:30 PM), I heard more sirens and also loud honking. Looking over at the cars lined up at the traffic light to turn one direction or another on to the main highway from our residential area, I saw that everybody was sitting there and no one was moving. The high school near me had just let out and so some, if not most of the cars, were probably from there. We are only about a half-mile from entrance and exit ramps from/to the Beltway in either direction, and it didn't take long for me to figure out that probably the sirens and the honking were due to the darned truck convoy probably plodding through on the Beltway, clogging the normal flow of traffic at our section of the Beltway, and the sirens were police trying to respond to the situation possibly by closing off both our entrance/exit ramps and that the honking was coming from maybe some of the truckers, but also from frustrated motorists who couldn't even just get on to the main drag, an important one in our suburban piece of this area, much less the entrance ramps to the Beltway.

These convoy people just need to GO AWAY. NOW.
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This afternoon here in Northern Virginia I was out on the boardwalk and walking trail that goes around our small lake and I kept hearing sirens on-and-off. Right about the time I got close to my building again (a little after 3:00 PM), I heard more sirens and also loud honking. Looking over at the cars lined up at the traffic light to turn one direction or another on to the main highway from our residential area, I saw that everybody was sitting there and no one was moving. The high school near me had just let out and so some, if not most of the cars, were probably from there. We are only about a half-mile from entrance and exit ramps from/to the Beltway in either direction, and it didn't take long for me to figure out that probably the sirens and the honking were due to the darned truck convoy probably plodding through on the Beltway, clogging the normal flow of traffic at our section of the Beltway, and the sirens were police trying to respond to the situation possibly by closing off both our entrance/exit ramps and that the honking was coming from maybe some of the truckers, but also from frustrated motorists who couldn't even just get on to the main drag, an important one in our suburban piece of this area, much less the entrance ramps to the Beltway.

These convoy people just need to GO AWAY. NOW.
They aren’t even demanding anything. The mask mandates are already canceled. They just want to PWN the libs. They are pathetic. How would they like it if we blocked their streets wherever they came from for hours, blasting our horns and putting out nasty clouds of smoke?

Why the Covid cult of ivermectin won't die​

There has never been good clinical evidence to support the use of this drug. But the debate over its use is really about ideology and in-group signaling — not science.
The rise of the ivermectin cult is one of the most nonsensical storylines — in a sea of nonsensical storylines — to emerge during the pandemic. Even now, as Covid begins to become a less dominant force in our lives, the ivermectin bunkum continues.

There have been several recent large, well-done, clinical trials, including one published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday, that definitively show, according to one of the study’s authors, “there’s really no sign of any benefit.”
Of course we have friends! Over the past two years I've kept in touch with mine via the computer and my various Apple devices, and of course phone calls and texts, too. In-person situations were definitely not in the scheme of things for quite a while.

....And throughout this whole pandemic situation I have never gotten COVID. I must be doing something right!
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Yeah I have many friends who didn't care, they got it and they spread it, I simply refused to see them at all during the entire thing. To each their own I guess but I always saw it as selfish.
I wonder (and we may never know), how many people had COVID-19 and were asymptomatic or so minimally symptomatic that they never made the connection and weren't tested. I suspect there are quite a few. The question is how many of them will have manifestations later in life.
I wonder (and we may never know), how many people had COVID-19 and were asymptomatic or so minimally symptomatic that they never made the connection and weren't tested. I suspect there are quite a few. The question is how many of them will have manifestations later in life.
I think I saw it was over 70% when they did blood tests and such they checked everyones blood.
We went to our first indoor concert last night. Bob Dylan. Both my husband and I went in with our masks on and kept them on throughout the concert. It was a sold-out show…I saw one other person wearing a mask.
We went to our first indoor concert last night. Bob Dylan. Both my husband and I went in with our masks on and kept them on throughout the concert. It was a sold-out show…I saw one other person wearing a mask.
Awesome, you got to see a show and feel safe about it. It's pretty much the same where ever I go now as well, typically I'm the only one masked up but I always feel protected.