This afternoon here in Northern Virginia I was out on the boardwalk and walking trail that goes around our small lake and I kept hearing sirens on-and-off. Right about the time I got close to my building again (a little after 3:00 PM), I heard more sirens and also loud honking. Looking over at the cars lined up at the traffic light to turn one direction or another on to the main highway from our residential area, I saw that everybody was sitting there and no one was moving. The high school near me had just let out and so some, if not most of the cars, were probably from there. We are only about a half-mile from entrance and exit ramps from/to the Beltway in either direction, and it didn't take long for me to figure out that probably the sirens and the honking were due to the darned truck convoy probably plodding through on the Beltway, clogging the normal flow of traffic at our section of the Beltway, and the sirens were police trying to respond to the situation possibly by closing off both our entrance/exit ramps and that the honking was coming from maybe some of the truckers, but also from frustrated motorists who couldn't even just get on to the main drag, an important one in our suburban piece of this area, much less the entrance ramps to the Beltway.
These convoy people just need to GO AWAY. NOW.