COVID Stupid

You get out into the rural areas and there's still idiots with their Canadian flags mounted on their pickup trucks here in BC. Makes your blood boil just seeing them on the road. On the plus side, those flags are certainly not going to help their gas milage (though they certainly don't care, driving these big, lifted pick-ups everywhere that they go).
What is in the water these whack jobs are drinking?

And like I've said, my response to her idiotic babbling is just a simple, fuck you.

The underlying conspiracy theory is incredibly stupid, but the real icing-on-the-cake is that the conspirators, built some kind of clues into the naming convention, like the evil world cabal was like, "You know what would be funny? If we encoded the name of the virus with the mark of Satan!" *room erupts with evil laughter*
And like I've said, my response to her idiotic babbling is just a simple, fuck you.

The underlying conspiracy theory is incredibly stupid, but the real icing-on-the-cake is that the conspirators, built some kind of clues into the naming convention, like the evil world cabal was like, "You know what would be funny? If we encoded the name of the virus with the mark of Satan!" *room erupts with evil laughter*
Elections are lost by losing those in the middle and in this case these people will definitely turn them off. If Democrats were smart they would give these people the mic and the stage and just let them bury themselves, midterms are going to be ugly for them anyway so there's no harm in trying.
And like I've said, my response to her idiotic babbling is just a simple, fuck you.

The underlying conspiracy theory is incredibly stupid, but the real icing-on-the-cake is that the conspirators, built some kind of clues into the naming convention, like the evil world cabal was like, "You know what would be funny? If we encoded the name of the virus with the mark of Satan!" *room erupts with evil laughter*

Hahaha, right? It's just so goddam stupid, and you can so easily reverse engineer any meaning into __anything__.

Just right now, with about 30 seconds of thought, I took the date of the assassination of JFK, added the single digits:

1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 25

Covid is 6 letters, 6 + 19 = 25

Hahaha, right? It's just so goddam stupid, and you can so easily reverse engineer any meaning into __anything__.

Just right now, with about 30 seconds of thought, I took the date of the assassination of JFK, added the single digits:

1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 25

Covid is 6 letters, 6 + 19 = 25


13 is the number of Fallen apostles that follow the Dark Lord. 13 + 13, or Evil Squared, is 26. 26 minus Baby Jesus is 25.

Hahaha, right? It's just so goddam stupid, and you can so easily reverse engineer any meaning into __anything__.

Just right now, with about 30 seconds of thought, I took the date of the assassination of JFK, added the single digits:

1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 25

Covid is 6 letters, 6 + 19 = 25


13 is the number of Fallen apostles that follow the Dark Lord. 13 + 13, or Evil Squared, is 26. 26 minus Baby Jesus is 25.


Haha! You two should get yourselves on Fox (or whatever). 🙂
The pair of you could stand for president and vice president at the next election.

So many bat shit crazy — or is it just uneducated — or confused — voters out there… It'd be a landslide victory…
Haha! You two should get yourselves on Fox (or whatever). 🙂
The pair of you could stand for president and vice president at the next election.

So many bat shit crazy — or is it just uneducated — or confused — voters out there… It'd be a landslide victory…

Haha! You two should get yourselves on Fox (or whatever). 🙂
The pair of you could stand for president and vice president at the next election.

So many bat shit crazy — or is it just uneducated — or confused — voters out there… It'd be a landslide victory…

I feel flattered ... or wait, maybe insulted ... f*** me, I don't even know anymore ... o_O
They closed some bridges into the city to block them from entering.

These clowns don't seem to give a damn that they are uselessly tying up traffic in the already heavily-congested DC area with their stupid truck convoy that means nothing to anyone else [except being a nuisance] and probably really not all that much even to them since they don't seem to be able to articulate clearly just what the meaning of this convoy is in the first place. They are wasting gas, wasting time, wasting money.....and for what? Vaccinations and masks are already becoming a moot point, so that's not it, not really their "cause" any more.....

Bleating about "My RIGHTS!" doesn't really go very far. Not in this area! We ALL have "rights." Those of us who live in this area are affronted by this pointless stomping on ours. With that convoy adding to the significant traffic on the Beltway and other roads going into the city, they're violating the rights of many other people, DC-area residents -- but clearly don't care about that -- the rights of the commuters who need to get into their office in town in the morning and back home at night after a long day at work, the rights of those who don't work in the city but who still need to get into it or around it for various purposes such as reporting to work at an office in the suburbs, going to classes at one of the many area colleges and universities in and around the city, going to a doctor's appointment at a physician's office or at a hospital, or for a surgical procedure at a hospital, etc. etc.

Our weather is looking good for the next week or so, which means that it is likely that our famous cherry blossom trees (a wonderful gift many, many years ago from the people of Japan) will be out in full peak bloom in another week or ten days....and that always brings in the tourists, and yes, MORE traffic! Everybody here is fervently hoping that the convoy folks will already be on their way back to the flyover states or wherever they call "home" so that we can have our city back and celebrate the cherry blossoms with those who appreciate their beauty.
What is in the water these whack jobs are drinking?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1503470345436684289/

I did a little research. Couldn't find any reference to "Ovid" = "Sheep". Nor could I validate that code 19 means surrender.

That said, I must admit she could be on to something with "C" = "See". My mind is now blown! 😲
I did a little research. Couldn't find any reference to "Ovid" = "Sheep". Nor could I validate that code 19 means surrender.

That said, I must admit she could be on to something with "C" = "See". My mind is now blown! 😲
Apparently this bizarre assertion has been doing the rounds for quite a while now…

This is the problem with sheep like this woman.
Facts, genuine irrefutable evidence, do not matter to them.


Fact check: COVID-19 does not mean “see a sheep surrender”​

Posts circulating on social media claim that the acronym COVID-19 is made up of a series of ancient symbols that when compiled together mean “see a sheep surrender”, implying the pandemic is a conspiracy. The logic behind this assertion is false. The posts make the claim that “Ovid” means sheep in Latin, the “C” means “to see” in an unspecified “ancient language” and that 19 was the so-called “number of surrender” in “ancient times”.
I did a little research. Couldn't find any reference to "Ovid" = "Sheep". Nor could I validate that code 19 means surrender.

That said, I must admit she could be on to something with "C" = "See". My mind is now blown! 😲

Deduction skills worthy the world’s greatest detective.

It happened at sea. See? C for Catwoman!