COVID Stupid

Also Florida...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430515300001255424/

The treatment isn’t really free​

Gov. DeSantis announces local antibody treatment sites | Aug. 20

Monoclonal antibody treatments are not free. They are bought and paid for by the federal government, with our tax dollars. The facilities that are used are paid for by someone, most likely our insurance or tax dollars. The staff in those facilities do not work for free. Someone has to pay them, in the end, probably taxpayers. None of those things are “free.” When Gov. Ron DeSantis repeatedly says they are “free,” someone should ask him who is bearing the costs for the staff and the facilities? He should be held accountable. We deserve to know the price — and who is paying it.

How about that vaccine, eh?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430623887763648519/

A man who has been attempting to bring his maskless daughter to school was arrested Wednesday for shoving a student while protesting Broward County Public Schools' mandatory mask policy.

Over the past few days, Dan Bauman, 50, has been recording his attempts to get his daughter into Fort Lauderdale High School without a mask. In one video, he's heard telling a school official that his daughter "has a right to go in" and that "this is illegal what you’re doing."

“I don’t care, the school board policy is illegal, and she’s not gonna put on a mask, no matter what, it’s not gonna happen,” Bauman said in a previous interview with NBC 6.

Bauman was outside Fort Lauderdale High School once again on Wednesday morning, accompanying his daughter as she tried to enter the gate without a mask.

"Bauman was videotaping other students with his phone and causing a disturbance at the gate," a Fort Lauderdale Police spokesperson said. In an arrest report, Bauman was also described as "known to cause disruption due to protesting the school board's mask policy."

According to the report, a student was heard saying, "I've had enough for four days," and walked up to Bauman. She attempted to grab his cellphone while he was recording.

Bauman then pushed the student by the shoulder and grabbed her hand, twisting her arm, Fort Lauderdale police said in the report. An officer and security guard had to pull Bauman away from the student.

Bauman was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse, according to online jail records. If convicted, he faces a maximum 30-year sentence and a $10,000 fine.

Bauman remains in Broward County's main jail pending a bond hearing. His lawyer, Corey Strolla, says Bauman was a victim of a robbery by sudden snatching and that he "used absolutely no unnecessary physical force to legally obtain his property back in his rightful possession."
What a shame, time to start putting the antivaxxers in tents in the parking lot. Those of us doing the right thing should get priority going forward.

Yep, agreed 100%, definitely do not penalize those who are team players, hence my previous comment, send the uncaccinated home to take their chances because they knew best not to get vaccinated. It’s called adult responsibility. Wait, would they claim not to be adults If it would get them admitted? :unsure:
In a way, I understand the anti-mask attitude. We have seen numerous images of cities in China where half the people, or more, wear masks walking down the street (primarily, AAUI, to deal with air quality problems). And China is, after all, one of them backward 3rd-world-type countries run by an oppressive commie dictatorship.

Therefore, if Chinese Commies are frequent mask wearers, that is a wrong way to be, and we do not want to be like that. And anyway, freedom is what I say it is, and if you are not doing freedom the way I tell you to, you are a godless socialist oppressor.
And for your daily dose of rage, inspired by masks

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430669370640928769/

Hell is coming... because of masks?

One may find themselves on the way to hell because of a lack of masks, but...

Also, it's interesting that these type of individuals who want to spout the Nuremberg code...

It's amazing how much work these individuals ( and take time off ) to work themselves based on falsehoods & feelings.
Why do these school board meetings seem to bring all of the batshit insane people out of the woodwork?
In a way, I understand the anti-mask attitude. We have seen numerous images of cities in China where half the people, or more, wear masks walking down the street (primarily, AAUI, to deal with air quality problems). And China is, after all, one of them backward 3rd-world-type countries run by an oppressive commie dictatorship.

Therefore, if Chinese Commies are frequent mask wearers, that is a wrong way to be, and we do not want to be like that. And anyway, freedom is what I say it is, and if you are not doing freedom the way I tell you to, you are a godless socialist oppressor.

Might be giving them too much credit. A lot are just authoritarian followers of that former guy... and doing their thing of being hyper-contrarian now because their Authoritarian in Chief got the boot back in November.
Also Florida...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430515300001255424/

How about that vaccine, eh?
These people are crazy. They will try literally anything even with little to no evidence it's effective against COVID (how about that "I did research" phrase they like to throw around? I'm sure they did that beyond listening to whatever conservative is shilling something like dewormers) except the one damn thing that is proven to be extremely effective. The vaccine. It's like they're so caught up with "owning the libs".
If true, Kentucky reminding the country who they elect

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430727522963046401/
One thing Covid stupidity has shown us is the hypocrisy of old talking points from those who always sided with business over the individual.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430722982691975169/

The example as pointed out.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430741838281990145/

When times were different it was, "you don't like the pay? get a new job", "you don't like the boss? get a new job", don't like the working conditions? get a new job", "don't like the owner's beliefs or politics? get a new job", etc.

NOW of course for these same people SUDDENLY the individual is more important OVER the business. "You can't tell me what I need to do, to work for you, and collect a paycheck from you!"

Mind you this also the group of people who had no issue with vaccines a year ago. Especially if it meant the end of wearing masks & getting back to normal. ESPECIALLY if it was ANOTHER president who believed the FDA would take to long & he's a no nonsense get things kind of guy his believers said. NOW all this warping & speeding to a FDA approval finally is too fast for them under a DIFFERENT president.

It's just mind blowing what hypocrisy & inconsistency a pandemic has brought out in some people.
Going against FDA warnings, Arkansas physician gives anti-parasite drug to jail inmates with COVID-19

Makes sense. I mean, take your average doctor. Half their peers are dumber than they are. Of that bottom group, someone needs to take the job at the prison. I suspect they're not the best of the best looking for ways to pay back society. I suspect it's more a choice of "the job at the prison" vs. "working a fast food drive-thru". On the flip side, the prison is probably thrilled to find someone who knows which end of the shot goes in the arm. I'd guess most prison doctors are two steps up from homeless financial planners.

Just to be completely transparent, I've never been to prison or a prison doctor. This is all just speculation. If I actually did have access to a prison doctor, I doubt I'd have access to be posting here.
Makes sense. I mean, take your average doctor. Half their peers are dumber than they are. Of that bottom group, someone needs to take the job at the prison. I suspect they're not the best of the best looking for ways to pay back society. I suspect it's more a choice of "the job at the prison" vs. "working a fast food drive-thru". On the flip side, the prison is probably thrilled to find someone who knows which end of the shot goes in the arm. I'd guess most prison doctors are two steps up from homeless financial planners.

Just to be completely transparent, I've never been to prison or a prison doctor. This is all just speculation. If I actually did have access to a prison doctor, I doubt I'd have access to be posting here.
If you did have access to that particular prison doctor, you probably wouldn’t live to tell about it anyway.