COVID Stupid

If true, Kentucky reminding the country who they elect

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430727522963046401/
It seems it was true

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430978018349039617/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430978022044282889/

The fact that this group of people can't see the irony of once being the ones to say others have TDS. Are now the ones who everyday show further decline mentally & into their feelings to the point of total derangement. Yelling there will be hell to pay, BUT they are NOT threatening anyone. They are just saying. To even considering making any comparisons to things like the Holocaust & American slavery that actually affected, changed, and ended lives... to being inconvenienced over a fucking piece of cloth.

Seriously. Grow the FUCK up!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431008976406081536/
Seriously, you touch my child, I'll split you in fucking half.

Yep. We're going to count all the bones by breaking them one at a time.

Speaking of COVID stupid, I went to a school board meeting, where a bunch of whinging dinguses roared about how the mask mandate was unfair. One particular dildo decided to yell at me that I had no right to photograph him, and demanded my news outlet.

I, of course, responded that he had no expectation of privacy at a public forum, and that I had the right to do so under the First Amendment. He responded with who gave me the right to just take photographs, and I replied James Fucking Madison. Then, I told him to go fuck himself. And, I apparently said this so aggressively that he withered, and retreated. And, spent the rest of the night avoiding my gaze.

These goddamned people.
This is a bit of a long & scary thread that goes into the peddling of things like horse wormer to people instead of a vaccine

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431040456364810242/
the logic fiefs logic. hopefully he was arrested.
Man suffocates baby at school board meeting to show how terrible masks, anti-maskers are
A new reason to be wary of the police. When they roll up on you, THEY maybe the one's unvaccinated?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431309613681594369/

Or do we recognize that some police unions don't like the idea of rules being applied to them?
I think this video is worth a watch. It includes an interview with the Miami police chief who talks about the fact that numerous officers have died of COVID-19.

A new reason to be wary of the police. When they roll up on you, THEY maybe the one's unvaccinated?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431309613681594369/

Or do we recognize that some police unions don't like the idea of rules being applied to them?

COVID-19 killed more police officers in 2020 and 2021 than anything else. In 2021, 119 police officers died from COVID-19, and 39 were shot to death.

Of course, the head cowboy-mufti moron in Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb decided to take this opportunity to pledge that he would never require his deputies to get a COVID-19 vaccination in a classic bit of wingnut grandstanding.
I think this video is worth a watch. It includes an interview with the Miami police chief who talks about the fact that numerous officers have died of COVID-19.

COVID-19 killed more police officers in 2020 and 2021 than anything else. In 2021, 119 police officers died from COVID-19, and 39 were shot to death.

Of course, the head cowboy-mufti moron in Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb decided to take this opportunity to pledge that he would never require his deputies to get a COVID-19 vaccination in a classic bit of wingnut grandstanding.

The issue raised isn't about how many officers compared to other ways they way were killed or even others. It's the fact that it was decided that amongst those given the vaccine FIRST were the Police. Because of not only recognition of the importance of their jobs, but because they are amongst those that risk the most early. Only to have that tossed aside because of... reasons.

Once again, some people are offered a vaccine desperately wanted elsewhere, and they decide to pass.

Some police unions are more than happy to jump up on this. because it's yet something else that some of them feel they need not heed. As if the police are separate from the rest.

The officers are like anyone else though. They make a decision that affects not just themselves, but others as well. If SOME die by Covid, it's their choice because some didn't want to take the vaccine. But some police unions will use it as yet another thing to make political, and not really about the concern for the health of the individuals.

Police officers were among the first front-line workers to gain priority access to coronavirus vaccines. But their vaccination rates are lower than or about the same as those of the general public, according to data made available by some of the nation’s largest law enforcement agencies.

The reluctance of police to get the shots threatens not just their own health, but also the safety of people they’re responsible for guarding, monitoring and patrolling, experts say.

At the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, just 39 percent of employees have gotten at least one dose, officials said, compared to more than 50 percent of eligible adults nationwide. In Atlanta, 36 percent of sworn officers have been vaccinated. And a mere 28 percent of those employed by the Columbus Division of Police — Ohio’s largest police department — report having received a shot.

“I think it’s unacceptable,” Joe Lombardo, the head of Las Vegas police and sheriff of Clark County, said of the meager demand for the shots within his force.

The numbers paint a troubling picture of policing and public health. Because officers have high rates of diabetes, heart disease and other conditions, their hesitancy puts them at greater risk of serious illness from the coronavirus while also undermining force readiness, experts said. Police officers were more likely to die of covid-19 last year than of all other causes combined, according to data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

Police hesitancy also means officers may be vectors of spread to vulnerable people with whom they interact during traffic stops, calls for service and other high-contact encounters. That could thwart efforts to restore community trust in a moment of heightened scrutiny after last month’s conviction of ex-officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd.

“Police touch people,” said Sharona Hoffman, a professor of law and bioethics at Case Western Reserve University. “Imagine having a child in the car who’s not vaccinated. People would want to know if a police officer coming to their window is protected.”

Police ambivalence about immunization finds a parallel among other front-line workers. Just 52 percent of health-care workers surveyed by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation between Feb. 11 and March 7 said they had received at least one dose.
One solution is for departments to make vaccination compulsory, according to experts in bioethics and public health, just as some health-care settings and institutions of higher education have begun doing.

But department leaders and union officials said in interviews that such requirements could backfire or lead to lengthy litigation. Of more than 40 major metropolitan police departments contacted by The Post, none had made vaccination compulsory for employees.
A new reason to be wary of the police. When they roll up on you, THEY maybe the one's unvaccinated? Or do we recognize that some police unions don't like the idea of rules being applied to them?

maybe they are just clueless psychopathic dumbfucks

John Cantanzara said:
“We’re in America, G-ddamn it. We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi f---ing Germany, [where they say], ‘Step into the f---ing showers. The pills won’t hurt you.’ What the f--k?”
Football players are famous for all having STEM-type PhDs and stuff.
Well they are vaccinated at 93%… a lot better than nurses and police officers. Now THAT is messed up. What could the difference be? Trying to think….. hmm….

Could it be… the NFL requiring it? Almost seems like requiring it actually works. I am already seeing lots of military members getting vaccines the day the news dropped that it is going to be mandatory.