COVID Stupid

In all this time, I've gotten 3 notifications from work that there were potential exposures in the building. The first exposure was in the finance department last month. #2 was Friday and #3 was Sunday. To be fair, #2 was in the department that delivers medical equipment to people's homes. #3 was from a team heavy with nurses. Not sure why we have nurses in the building since we're the insurance people, but there's a whole RN department for some insurance purpose. Fortunately, I've not actually stepped foot in the building in well over a year now. And I would have been nowhere near those people anyway.

Not sure how long they've had that notification up and running, so there may have been others in the past. It's nice that they let the entire company know, even if we're not there. I do need to return someday to pick up my stuff I still have there.
What. Wha?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435204185465700361/


If true, THIS, over a vaccine still?
I just read this study. To be fair, it's somewhat sketchy. But the point is that people should not be self-prescribing ivermectin, especially not animal formulations. There is as yet no convincing evidence that ivermectin has anything more than minimal benefit compared to vaccines. One Israeli study that has received a lot of attention was also flawed methodologically.
This lady:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435200650804146177/

Even if COVID wasn‘t a thing, you don’t go around coughing on people, period. You don’t know what illness others have.
This lady:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435200650804146177/

Even if COVID wasn‘t a thing, you don’t go around coughing on people, period. You don’t know what illness others have.
Would love to see her in the ICU, better yet, sent home because she does not need no stink’n vaccine and see how much she smirks then.
This lady:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435200650804146177/

Even if COVID wasn‘t a thing, you don’t go around coughing on people, period. You don’t know what illness others have.
Let’s for a moment ignore the garbage sentences coming out of her mouth and that she is intentionally coughing at people. If she actually suffers from allergies that cause her to uncontrollably cough/sneeze all over the place, wouldn’t that be a very good reason to wear a mask around other people, pandemic or not?
This lady:

Even if COVID wasn‘t a thing, you don’t go around coughing on people, period. You don’t know what illness others have.

That's some of that bullshit "trump empowerment", before the last few years, I don't think anyone would've been as much of an aggressive fuckwit.

And look, I'm not advocating violence, especially vs. a woman, but I have a trigger, and some idiot comes up to me and COUGHS on me? It might get pulled and they might be taking a trip to the ER ...

Oh, and look, that dumb bitch has been ID'ed:

Bye bye corporate job! Bye bye shopping at that store any longer!

That's some of that bullshit "trump empowerment", before the last few years, I don't think anyone would've been as much of an aggressive fuckwit.

And look, I'm not advocating violence, especially vs. a woman, but I have a trigger, and some idiot comes up to me and COUGHS on me? It might get pulled and they might be taking a trip to the ER ...

Oh, and look, that dumb bitch has been ID'ed:

Bye bye corporate job! Bye bye shopping at that store any longer!

She should be charged with assault.
She should be charged with assault.

Yep, and especially given the people attempted to move away from her and she pursued them. I bet if they would've filled her face with some pepper spray, she would've left them alone.
She should be charged with assault.
There is precedent for charges being pressed, jail time, and fines.

April 12, 2021 -- A Florida woman who purposefully coughed on another customer without wearing a mask in a Pier 1 store last summer has received jail time and fines, according to The Washington Post.

Debra Hunter, 53, will serve 30 days in jail, followed by 6 months of probation. She is also required to take an anger management course and pay a $500 fine. She was charged with second-degree assault, which is a misdemeanor.

In an online sentencing session on Thursday, Judge James A. Ruth said Hunter’s actions at the Jacksonville store on June 25 could have had “deadly consequences” for the customer, Heather Sprague, who was being treated for a brain tumor.

In a video that Sprague recorded and shared on social media, Hunter is waiting at a Pier 1 checkout counter and having an argument with store employees. She turns to Sprague and confronts her for recording the scene.

“Do you really need this? What do you want to do, post it for you? How about that?” Hunter said and held up two middle fingers. Then she walked toward Sprague.

“I think I’ll get real close to you and cough on you then. How’s that?” she said as she approached the camera and then coughed.

A former California teacher was charged with assault 10 months after authorities said she pulled down her mask and coughed in a baby’s face at a yogurt shop.

Nancy Nordland, 66, of San Jose fled after she coughed into a 1-year-old’s face on June 12 at a Yogurtland in San Jose, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office said Friday.

Nordland got into a fight with another woman while waiting in line at the shop, according to prosecutors, who say she “did not like how close the woman was standing to her.”
...and grows

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435472901818372097/

"laws for thee, but not for me"

Hypothetically, what could go wrong?

