COVID Stupid

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1445749433140924417/

He doesn't know kids aldready get vaccines? Ooh boy! When he finds out...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1445854691569672195/
Oh man, he recorded that, perhaps watched it, and said ā€œYep, this should be on the internet!ā€ šŸ¤£
Do you even have developed delts, bro?

View attachment 9054
I assume this was in the MR Community forum, non-political COVID thread? Who knows why Ethrem had extreme pain in his arm after his COVID shot. Both of my shots, I had minimal, just noticeable soreness that was gone by the day after.

Maryland man allegedly fatally shot his pharmacist brother for ā€˜killing peopleā€™ with the COVID vaccine, court records show​


Doctors grow frustrated over COVID-19 denial, misinformation​

The COVID-19 patientā€™s health was deteriorating quickly at a Michigan hospital, but he was having none of the doctorā€™s diagnosis. Despite dangerously low oxygen levels, the unvaccinated man didnā€™t think he was that sick and got so irate over a hospital policy forbidding his wife from being at his bedside that he threatened to walk out of the building.

Dr. Matthew Trunsky didnā€™t hold back in his response: ā€œYou are welcome to leave, but you will be dead before you get to your car,ā€™ā€ he said.

Such exchanges have become all-too-common for medical workers who are growing weary of COVID-19 denial and misinformation that have made it exasperating to treat unvaccinated patients during the delta-driven surge.

The Associated Press asked six doctors from across the country to describe the types of misinformation and denial they see on a daily basis and how they respond to it.

"I am just wearing it because I have a Republican tracker here" - Rep. Tlaib caught on video referring to her mask.

If you wonder why people are not following guidelines or not getting vaccinated, look no further than our politicians.
There's mocking shitty behavior because it's over the top, then there's behavior that's just unfuckingforgivable, because some people can't get out of their d@mn feelings.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1445849453471014916/

Yet if their children were being chased by some mythical maniacal mask dictators, these people would be screaming for the Army to step in for protection.
There's mocking shitty behavior because it's over the top, then there's behavior that's just unfuckingforgivable, because some people can't get out of their d@mn feelings.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1445849453471014916/

Yet if their children were being chased by some mythical maniacal mask dictators, these people would be screaming for the Army to step in for protection.

That's really F-ed up, seriously, someone might get a free trip to the ER getting up in my child's face like that.
Hahaha, posted about that already, hahahaha!

He must be a lightweight, I'm so ripped, the virus is too scared to get near me ...
Yeah but not where is fragile ego can see it. ;)
This woman is going to die as a result of refusing the vaccine, you just can't wrap your head around something so senseless.

This woman is going to die as a result of refusing the vaccine, you just can't wrap your head around something so senseless.

lets see no kidney you will die vaccine you will die much worser I guess.
If you wonder why people are not following guidelines or not getting vaccinated, look no further than our politicians.

While they should be setting a good example, I wouldn't go so far as to blame them. Only an idiot would base their life on "what would a politician do?" I suspect the vast majority are simply using politicians as a good excuse to do the wrong thing. The Lindsey Graham video points that out pretty clearly.
Hospitals have had enough of Karen's shit, they're flat out refusing any transplants unless they're vaccinated.
well this is not new they required all vaccinations before. what a stupid hill to die on. no other place is going to give her a transplant so either she gets a vaccination or she dies. well maybe a back street kidney transplant would work.
Ron DeSantis: ā€œIā€™m cutting funding to schools that have mask mandates because I love to see kids dying in the hospitals!"
Joe Biden: ā€œFuck off. I am giving federal money to everybody you tried to de-fund."
DeSantis: ā€œOh yeah? For every dollar you send, Iā€™m taking a dollar away from them!"

(Paywall removed)

Shame on DeSantis for actively working to kill people. I know there is a very special place in Hell waiting, probably in the same cell block as other infamous genocidal maniacs of old. I just wish we could get some pictures when the time comes.


Think about what you get if you put more money into policing than into education. šŸ¤”

You get....
