COVID Stupid

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1446490840000446465/

I've read several accounts of life in the ICU during the pandemic, but this is one of the best. Even in normal times, ICUs are ultra high-stress facilities staffed by dedicated people who do their best around the clock to keep patients alive and, whenever possible, to move to a lower level of acute care. The work is all the much harder when the need for ICU admission, and even for hospitalization, was preventable.

If I had my way, purveyors of COVID-19 lies like Tucker Carlson would be forced to spend time in ICUs witnessing what they've wrought and have their sleep pierced by endless nightmares.
If I had my way, purveyors of COVID-19 lies like Tucker Carlson would be forced to spend time in ICUs witnessing what they've wrought and have their sleep pierced by endless nightmares.

That's working under the misconception that Tucker Carlson has a conscience to cause nightmares.

I believe carlson established long ago, that wasn't the case.
...And some more feelings inspired shittiness

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1446856020073062400/

Last time I took the train, on a 2-day trip, the car attendant advised us that if we were intractably petulant about the mask rule, we would be put off in the next town (some of which were in BFE) with a national perma-ban on train, airplane and bus travel. It seems as though some of these people fail to grasp the gravity of being a maskhole.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1446875927456190470/
The part that just made me tired of this shit...
The filing directly referenced the City Council’s vaccine mandate and the 13-0 vote that approved it, saying the firefighters are “pawns in a political chess match, ordered by thirteen politicians on the Los Angeles City Council to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine—over their objections—or lose their jobs.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the late senator and presidential candidate and a prominent anti-vaccine activist, is also listed as an attorney for the firefighters, pending approval to represent clients in California on this case alone.

On Twitter, Kennedy often pushes back against vaccine mandates.

Really? The fire fighters are pawns of the politicians?


Ya hired an anti vaxxer lawyer, as opposed to a lawyer who would try to argue under some actual civil liberty issues, and your pawns of the politicians?


Took Amtrak from NYC to Virginia. Unlike the last trip South, the staff were on top of masking policies. Constant reminders after every major stop. Direct warnings to 3/4 people, including for not wearing masks properly (mostly a couple people with it below the nose) and ultimately had someone nearly escorted off the train for a third interaction. The police at that stop had him taken to the platform and after his nearly tear-filled plea, allowed him back on. But onto another car as we were fed up with him in the Quiet Car. He was the third person kicked from the Quiet Car. Usually fellow passengers will politely inform you if you're violating the policy. This trip people were quick with calling staff members over if they didn't confront people directly..

Didn't see a single person without a mask and except for the few assholes mentioned above, everyone wore them properly. Getting update on Monday on how the county and our particular district is doing in terms of the Pandemic. I know at the two local universities dozens got COVID-19 within the first week of classes. They're too relaxed about the Pandemic and it wouldn't surprise me if there's a return to remote learning this semester. Not looking forward to the next 2-3 weeks. :confused:
Many on this board cheer when people get fired for not getting vaccinated. And that's fine, you have the freedom and right.

But what happens when so many healthcare workers get fired and YOU need critical care and there are no ICU beds, not because they are filled with COVID patients, but because there are not enough workers to staff them?
But what happens when so many healthcare workers get fired and YOU need critical care and there are no ICU beds, not because they are filled with COVID patients, but because there are not enough workers to staff them?

That's the scary potentiality being thrown about, but thus far, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Many on this board cheer when people get fired for not getting vaccinated. And that's fine, you have the freedom and right.

But what happens when so many healthcare workers get fired and YOU need critical care and there are no ICU beds, not because they are filled with COVID patients, but because there are not enough workers to staff them?
Are you serious?

First, workers are OVERWHELMINGLY complying with vaccine mandates. We are talking well over 90% of people are willing to get the shot even if they disagree, because they need their job.

Second, the ICU beds are full of PEOPLE DYING OF COVID!!!!! This is a much larger cause of people quitting than having to get the vaccine.

Third, do you want a nurse infected with COVID taking care of you if you’re in the ICU?

Vaccine mandates are working.

At Novant Health, a large hospital group based in North Carolina, 375 workers were suspended after not meeting the system’s vaccination’ deadline this month. Another 200 agreed to comply, increasing the vaccination rate to over 99 percent of its more than 35,000 employees, according to Novant.

Here’s another what if: What if Republicans actually looked at the numbers and/or did a bit of research every once in a while? Then maybe we wouldn’t have all the voting restrictions to prevent virtually non-existent voter fraud. Or we wouldn’t ban abortions even though legal bans are shown to have no downward effect on the number of abortions performed. Or we would have saved a few hundred thousands lives from COVID… etc.
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That's the scary potentiality being thrown about, but thus far, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Because what's being done is to avoid a different scary potentional.

Health care workers infecting others, in the last place anyone should get Covid.

Police officers already dying more from Covid than on the job instances.

Or more directly protecting occupations considered vital from becoming zones of outbreak, thus crippling them from doing their necessary tasks in already risk heavy stressful jobs.

It's one thing to see things as "cheering" someone losing their job, it's another to see it as "cheering" that efforts are being made to protect those who are most often the most vulnerable who will have to interact with those individuals. It's important to see what motivation drives that perception.

Tried to embed the video without success…

It talks about vaccination efforts in West Virginia. The last minute of the video - an interview with a WV resident who didn’t want the vaccine explains exactly why vaccine mandates work.

People don‘t want to wear seatbelts, but you make them do it to protect them. Same with the vaccine.
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Many on this board cheer when people get fired for not getting vaccinated. And that's fine, you have the freedom and right.

But what happens when so many healthcare workers get fired and YOU need critical care and there are no ICU beds, not because they are filled with COVID patients, but because there are not enough workers to staff them?
The problem with insufficient ICU and other acute care beds predated vaccine mandates and is largely due to mostly unvaccinated patients with COVID-19. The "my body, my choice" crowd seem to think that neither the government nor businesses have the right to require vaccination, but can't explain why COVID is different than all the other vaccines that have long been required to attend school, serve in the military, travel, work, and so on. And, in some cases, they're even being offered the alternative of repeated testing.

So, when you or your family suffer or die because you can't get needed care, you can blame all the patients who have crowded hospitals because they refused a no-cost, effective vaccine. The latter includes the patient who apparently was refused an organ transplant because they declined vaccination. These people are at higher risk of severe COVID because of the immunosuppressive medications they receive. What idiocy!
Are you serious?

First, workers are OVERWHELMINGLY complying with vaccine mandates. We are talking well over 90% of people are willing to get the shot even if they disagree, because they need their job.
Deadly (NPI).

Nearly one in four beds lies empty at TaraVista Behavioral Health Center in central Massachusetts -- not for lack of patients, but for lack of staff.

Even before the pandemic, nurses and lower-paid aides were in perennially short supply, but the 116-bed facility could still run full, said Chief Executive Officer Michael Krupa. At similar hospitals around Massachusetts, hundreds of beds can’t be filled, and “the reason is exclusively staff,” he said.

Currently, 90% of the members in the Oregon Nurses Association — the state's largest nursing union, which represents 15,000 people — are vaccinated.

Yes, 90% is a good number, but can the state's healthcare system afford to lose 10% of their nurses when they are already short staffed?

Another thought. We asked these HC workers to help us during the pandemic. They put themselves and their families at risk to take care of those seriously ill with COVID. Now we are ready to kick them to the curb. The question is what will happen in 5 years when the next virus escapes from a lab? Are they going to be willing to do it again?
Many on this board cheer when people get fired for not getting vaccinated. And that's fine, you have the freedom and right.

But what happens when so many healthcare workers get fired and YOU need critical care and there are no ICU beds, not because they are filled with COVID patients, but because there are not enough workers to staff them?
Yet again, another pile of steaming horseshite posed as a faux question. You can take a break now, you've met your weekly quota.
I think your quarterly "masks are sooo hard, but I comply" swan song is also coming due soon.

My wife happens to be an ICU nurse and well, the staffing issue is secondary to nurses burning out and/or taking very well-paying traveling jobs in the COVID-ridden South. And as @Roller said these largely Southern hospitals are filled with people who "refused to live in fear".

The thing is, ICU nurses are the cream of the crop, which also means they are much more likely to understand why vaccines are mandated and thus get vaccinated.. If you cared about the demographic distribution of unvaccinated workers, you'd always see how robust the inverse correlation is with education level and that includes healthcare too, which means it isn't physicians or RNs who are the bulk of the unvaccinated healthcare worker population.