COVID Stupid

I said “good riddance”. I didn’t say I celebrated. I’m not out buying a celebratory cake every time an antivax person dies. I’m not doing a happy dance in my living room. I just no longer care.

After almost 2 years of this crap because some people choose to believe in conspiracy theories, I no longer care what happens to them. If they want to play games with their life that’s on them. Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you or donate to your go fund me page.
yes 2000 a week would be a lot of celebrating. you would get really fat on all that cake.
When people see that businesses and governments are serious about enforcing the mandates, I think more will get the shot.

Happened in Australia recently, Victoria shut down its construction industry because of noncompliance... no big surprise that vax rates then went up (despite a lot of street protests etc by the construction workers) and now the shutdown is being lifted end of the week...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450217882294624256/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450223261250428929/

They give you a REAL one for FREE, with the FREE vaccine, that your employer mandates for the safety of EVERYONE else.
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450373535029997568/


Interesting. When it comes to endangering ANYONE & EVERYONE, then Chicago is really motivated to react to officers endangering it's citizens. Wonder if we can get brutality eventually labelled as a pandemic for the safety of some more citizens?
This part boggles my mind, but does NOT surprise me sadly...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450287240660209669/

"The state's highest paid employee".

Wait. What?
College football coaches are very highly paid and often do quite well when they're terminated without cause. Ed Orgeron, who will leave LSU at the end of the current season, will be paid almost $17 million though 2025, with his first check about $5.68 million due in December. Auburn fired two coaches in recent years. Gus Malzahn's buyout was $21.45 million. Gene Chizik's was smaller, but still substantial. Current Senator Tommy Tuberville also got large buyouts from two universities, including Auburn. It's crazy.
College football coaches are very highly paid and often do quite well when they're terminated without cause. Ed Orgeron, who will leave LSU at the end of the current season, will be paid almost $17 million though 2025, with his first check about $5.68 million due in December. Auburn fired two coaches in recent years. Gus Malzahn's buyout was $21.45 million. Gene Chizik's was smaller, but still substantial. Current Senator Tommy Tuberville also got large buyouts from two universities, including Auburn. It's crazy.
Indeed it is.

I also think it's a nice look into the concept of entitlement that some people will claim doesn't exist. Because like some coaches, some athletes, some workers, some police unions, they believe that who they are will exempt them from an effort for the greater good. Not because of some known scientific reasoning, but for some just because they believe they ( because of who they are ) should be exempted if they feel like it.


Welcome to the rest of the world. We're trying to get by too.

As it's been said before, as truly horrible as this pandemic has been, it's also a wake up call for so many things that some took for granted as the norms. Norms that were barely tenable before the pandemic, and made untenable & unacceptable now.
And the same people that hate ObamaCare and are against Universal Healthcare because it’s “socialism”, are all needing GoFundMe pages to get by after. These people have no idea how much they vote against their own interest.

The party of personal responsibility asking for donations when shit hits the fan.
This is a great analogy.
In this case it is a someone, a human being, who died. And you're glad to be rid of them because they voted in a way different from what you find acceptable. Disgusting!
It has little to do with the way they voted, although it does seem a disproportionate number of anti-vaxers did vote for the former guy. It has everything to do with them being unwilling to take a vaccine that has been proven safe and effective in order to hasten herd immunity (which can only be achieved with vaccination).
This part boggles my mind, but does NOT surprise me sadly...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450287240660209669/

"The state's highest paid employee".

Wait. What?
It's ridiculous that that is the case for many coaches. Especially since they exploit the talent of "amateur" athletes in college programs that generates billions.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450217882294624256/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450223261250428929/

They give you a REAL one for FREE, with the FREE vaccine, that your employer mandates for the safety of EVERYONE else.

Hold up. Are you saying the point is to get vaccinated and not to just get the card? I thought this was like when celebrities are given iPads even though they can clearly afford to buy one themselves. Now I just feel dumb.
I can't believe people are losing their jobs over this crap. My employer terminated close to 100 people a few weeks ago. Based on all of the GoFundMe's out there, I doubt these folks have a good financial egg to lean on in between jobs.

These conservative politicians and fox news folks are living it up while convincing these idiots to give up their jobs SMH
I can't believe people are losing their jobs over this crap. My employer terminated close to 100 people a few weeks ago. Based on all of the GoFundMe's out there, I doubt these folks have a good financial egg to lean on in between jobs.

These conservative politicians and fox news folks are living it up while convincing these idiots to give up their jobs SMH

I imagine these people are inexplicably missing from conservative media’s “these people need to get back to work!” attacks.

“Hey, how did you land that great new job?” “The person in that position before me refused to get vaccinated.” Free market, baby.
Sorry but some of you are fucking sick. :(

Everyone who dies is someone's parent, child, spouse, sibling, grandparent or other loved one. Just disgusting.

Attack away. If you think this is acceptable then I really don't give a rat's ass what you think.

It's like watching someone play on a busy interstate. You tell them not to, but they don't listen to you, and sure enough, they end up causing a pile up, and get flattened by a semi.

Then, a bunch of other people inspired by this man's act of true bravery decide to play on the interstate as well. You tell that they're stupid, that they're going to get themselves killed, but they do it anyway. Sure enough, they too cause multiple pileups, get end up being flattened by a few semis.

So a few laws are passed, forbidding people from playing on the interstate. Fortunately for us, we have a number of brave patriots willing to stand up to such tyranny. They march as one, proclaiming it's their god given right to play in traffic. So they go out, and sure enough, they cause even more pileups, and get flattened by even more semis.

At some point between that first death, and the latest death toll, it went from being a pointless tragedy, to GODDAMN FUCKING HILARIOUS!