COVID Stupid

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450863466856599556/

So if you make something a mandate, a rule seemingly with little wriggle room, SOME officials would quit rather than comply? :oops:

Makes you wonder how hard it would be to make other things mandates? A lot of other lives may have been saved long ago.

I do honestly fear will all the q nuttery going on, if we aren't seeing our next set of radicalized. Because you know their loss of employment CAN'T be THEIR fault, it HAS to be the fault of others. Which is basic 101 grist for going extremist. They are the victims here & a system they imagined they were protecting, turned on them while they were just trying to do their job. Etc. Etc. Etc...
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450863466856599556/

So if you make something a mandate, a rule seemingly with little wriggle room, SOME officials would quit rather than comply? :oops:

Makes you wonder how hard it would be to make other things mandates? A lot of other lives may have been saved long ago.

I do honestly fear will all the q nuttery going on, if we aren't seeing our next set of radicalized. Because you know their loss of employment CAN'T be THEIR fault, it HAS to be the fault of others. Which is basic 101 grist for going extremist. They are the victims here & a system they imagined they were protecting, turned on them while they were just trying to do their job. Etc. Etc. Etc...
I don’t WANT people like that as police officers.

One thing I’d like to point out: Police officers that quit don’t get paid. That means less funding being paid out to the police department. So, the police are defunding themselves? Shouldn’t Republicans be screaming at them? What a bunch of Communists they must be!
I don’t WANT people like that as police officers.

One thing I’d like to point out: Police officers that quit don’t get paid. That means less funding being paid out to the police department. So, the police are defunding themselves? Shouldn’t Republicans be screaming at them? What a bunch of Communists they must be!
I hadn't thought of the 'self defunding' aspect.

I've read how many people suspect 'the worst' maybe leaving the police because of this, so they imagine it a good thing.

I fear 'the worst' have to go somewhere.

Anti-vaxxers spread vicious lies about couple who died of Covid and left five children orphaned​

Anti-vaxxers have called the death of a Virginia couple with five children from Covid-19 “fake news”, according to their devastated family.

Unvaccinated Covid sceptics Misty and Kevin Mitchem died just weeks apart after they both fell ill with the virus, and both regretted not getting the shots on their death beds, say relatives.


Well at least they are going to their own private compound known as heaven and that's less of them to fuck things up here. In that regard I support their migration decision. They most likely believe they are moving back to where they came from.
at least they are going to their own private compound known as heaven
If heaven is full of religious people and I am not nasty enough for hell, I think I would rather spend my afterlife in purgatory. Or, you know, maybe just cease to exist, where I can fail to hang out with Camus, Nietzsche, London, Sartre and folks like that.
If heaven is full of religious people and I am not nasty enough for hell, I think I would rather spend my afterlife in purgatory. Or, you know, maybe just cease to exist, where I can fail to hang out with Camus, Nietzsche, London, Sartre and folks like that.

If I believed in heaven or hell I wouldn't want to be with these people in heaven. These people hiding behind religion are some of the worse people you can meet.
He didn't want to be a martyr, he wanted to live." Narrator: He didn't
Man their hero dies of covid so what do they do? use it to push no masks or vaccines.

Realities diverge after Anchorage conservative activist dies from COVID​
