COVID Stupid

I'll call him out as being incorrect. Yet I can also see that his intentions seem to be good. As others have mentioned, I don't expect the president to be a source of sound medical advice. But the president should act as a guidepost in my opinion, pointing people in the right direction. I feel he's met that criteria.

So it would have been nice if it had been a more accurate statement from the president. But at least he's not actively pointing people in the wrong direction.

I'm not sure what level of "calling out" you're looking for here. But I'm willing to meet you that far.

And I would give him more credit had the WH not refused to comment on it. Had they simply corrected his statement it would be one thing, but they didn't.

I'll keep it in mind next time you get caught on an "inconsistency."

Ohh, this sudden longing for accuracy. This "incredibly stupid" statement overestimates risk reduction of the vaccines by 15% in a speech that intends to promote an intervention that reduces COVID deaths by 92%. Interestingly, lies that claimed tens of thousands of lives were not a deal breaker for you in the past as a repeat Trump voter.

For someone who has my posts on IGNORE, you certainly seem to know a lot about them.
you take a religious symbol and rebrand it
The yellow star is a pre-rebranded symbol, though. In that form represents the singling out of a group of people for being treated badly. They are claiming Holocaust-equivalent oppression is being visited upon them for opposing a call to be decent to other people by following public health guidelines.

Which is to say, there is so much wrong in their claims that it is a waste of effort to even try to unpack it.
Why not respond to the substance of the post instead of airing a grievance about who is or isn’t ignoring whom? I’d like to see your response to what P_X actually said.
I found that post holographically hilarious. If we could expect this request to be fulfilled he couldn't complain about his well-known post history getting him on an ignore list that he also seems quite irritated about. At the end of the day it's all about pretending to be a victim of some sort, while spewing malignant nonsense.

The yellow star is a pre-rebranded symbol, though. In that form represents the singling out of a group of people for being treated badly. They are claiming Holocaust-equivalent oppression is being visited upon them for opposing a call to be decent to other people by following public health guidelines.

Which is to say, there is so much wrong in their claims that it is a waste of effort to even try to unpack it.

How DARE they? That is absolutely disgusting! They're more than assholes.....

I'll say it out loud: these people are holocaust deniers. The only question is whether the motivation is delusion, ignorance, malice or a combination of these.
I encourage everyone to read this thread by someone who spent time in an ICU for COVID. It's the harsh reality that many patients face, whether they survive (and it's rarely a quick return to normal if they do) or die. Anti-vaxxers and others will claim that this is fear-mongering and that most people have no or few symptoms, which is true. But why take the chance of getting sick or infecting others when there are free, effective vaccines that reduce the risk of severe disease and transmission?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458600993621430272/

And here's another thread by Steve Schmidt on the stark differences between how COVID is approached in the U.S.A. vs. France. You can argue specific points, but I agree with his central thesis about the sources of misinformation.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1460113943939198977/
Hey Oklahoma, do you feel safer now that your governor replaced the adjutant of your national guard for getting a vaccine and following Pentagon rules on vaccines for soldiers?

Yep, the governor of Oklahoma fired the Major General in charge of its national guard because he followed Pentagon policy on vaccines.

Now you’ve got a lower-ranked Brigadier General in charge of your National Guard, whose only qualification seems to be that he is refusing to follow the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate.

Oklahoma residents had better hope the guard isn’t needed for an emergency, because that’s no way to pick a leader.

Even dumber, only 800 soldiers in the state have refused the shot.

Hey Republicans, stop with this anti-vaccine NONSENSE. You are being extremely stupid. In 50 years, the history books will talk about the idiots who refused to get vaccines during the 2020 pandemic. Nobody will remember you as heroes, but rather as an example of the stupid barbarians from the bad old days.


The secretary of defense has the authority needed to order all members of the military – including the National Guard – to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said during a news conference today.

The mandate to get the vaccines is a readiness issue, Kirby said, and the secretary sees the vaccinations as the best way to protect service members from COVID-19.

The National Guard serves under three authorities: Title 10 (federal service), Title 32 (state status but federal government pays) and state status. The secretary has the authority to order guardsmen to receive the shots "even if they are in Title 32 status," Kirby said.

"The secretary of defense has the authority to require these vaccines for all members of the force, including the National Guard, as I said, even in a Title 32 status," the press secretary said. "When (guardsmen are) called up for their monthly training, they're still federally funded. So (the secretary) has those authorities. And he believes and this is a larger point that vaccinated forces are a more ready force."

Kirby pointed to the myriad missions that guardsmen have performed over just the past year. The Guard has helped in everything from fighting wildfires in a number of states, to helping mitigate hurricane damage. Guardsmen also helped secure the U.S. Capitol following the insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Guardsmen are also instrumental in getting this life-saving vaccine into the arms of millions of Americans across the country.

It's on.
I have no idea who this guy is, or why his opinion on COVID matters, LOL.
If you're not a fan of football, ...he hosted Jeopardy. Which would impart in some way that he's supposedly intelligent. Judging by another guest host, turned host, that isn't an uncommon viewpoint.

It's on.
There should be no question on this. If the guard from Oklahoma gets called up to deploy, they’ll be in tight quarters with lots of troops on a transport. You need everybody to be vaccinated if/when that happens. Letting each state decide things like that is a disaster waiting to happen. I suspect there will be consequences for the Brigadier General who is defying orders too.
If you're not a fan of football, ...he hosted Jeopardy. Which would impart in some way that he's supposedly intelligent. Judging by another guest host, turned host, that isn't an uncommon viewpoint.
Not much of a fan of American football or even real football. All i can say based on his shit, he definitely like jeopardy. Ba-dum-tsss!

There should be no question on this. If the guard from Oklahoma gets called up to deploy, they’ll be in tight quarters with lots of troops on a transport. You need everybody to be vaccinated if/when that happens. Letting each state decide things like that is a disaster waiting to happen. I suspect there will be consequences for the Brigadier General who is defying orders too.
This active duty military antivax thing is laughable.
I'm not even sure where to post this, because it covers so much f---ery

Faux News, and the creative reinterpretation of what the 'line of duty' is.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1459886793982160897/

TUCSON, AZ — A Tucson sector border patrol agent reportedly died in the line of duty earlier this month.

Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Anibal “Tony” A. Perez reportedly died Nov. 5, according to United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz.

ABC15 reached out to United States Customs and Border Protection for more information on the incident, but the department said, "At this time no additional information is available."

Governor Doug Ducey ordered flags at all state buildings to be lowered to half-staff on Nov. 13 in his honor.

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Border Patrol officials say a supervisory agent from the agency's Tucson sector has died in what is being described as a “line of duty” death.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said this week that Anibal “Tony” A. Perez died Nov. 5. The exact cause of death was withheld for privacy reasons.

Border Patrol sources say Perez died after he contracted COVID-19.

Details surrounding Perez's passing are limited at this time.

Stay with News 4 Tucson for the latest updates.

Wait. What?

Which one is correct? Can you pass from covid 19, and it be in the line of duty? Especially if the border patrol has a vaccine mandate?

There should be no question on this. If the guard from Oklahoma gets called up to deploy, they’ll be in tight quarters with lots of troops on a transport. You need everybody to be vaccinated if/when that happens. Letting each state decide things like that is a disaster waiting to happen. I suspect there will be consequences for the Brigadier General who is defying orders too.
They problem is that the NG has a different setup than the regular Army. Each state’s guard is led by the TAG, but the TAG is not necessarily a military person, just a political appointment. We had one here in AL for a short while, whose first experience in uniform was when he was appointed. I think that was the one that I got in trouble for criticizing. It was worth it.
If you're not a fan of football, ...he hosted Jeopardy. Which would impart in some way that he's supposedly intelligent. Judging by another guest host, turned host, that isn't an uncommon viewpoint.
I actually liked him on Jeopardy, a bit sedate but was impressed that he did so well when he was a celebrity contestant as well. Then he lied about the vaccine and went to Joe Rogan for advice on how to handle it publicly, any respect I had for him went right out the window.
Can you pass from covid 19, and it be in the line of duty?
The answer is quite straightforward. Examine the story carefully. After poring over the text repeatedly to try to figure it out, take a look at the top of the page. Yes, that is correct, he died in the line of duty because his death was announced on Thursday.
Is the wife of a man who ignored medical experts and sued demanding she get ivermectin for Covid still alive? Neigh