Do you answer polls?


It’s all in the reflexes
Site Donor
Aug 14, 2020
Of the political type, I mean. Last night, my wife and I are watching news, seeing unbelievable poll numbers where Trump is slightly ahead. And we say to each other “I don’t take polls, who’s responding to them?”

No landline in our place of course. I get emails and texts trying to poll me but I don’t click on sketchy links from strange numbers. How accurate could this info possibly be?
For a long time I did respond to polls. I’ve recently stopped because they all end with asking for a donation. They are, of course, all campaign polls. I’ve never been asked by anyone representing any of the large polling organizations. I don’t know anyone who has.
We have a government agency up here called Statistics Canada - I'll answer their polls, but that's about it. I don't answer calls that don't have call display populated. :)
I don't remember the last time I responded to a political poll by phone, but I almost never answer calls from numbers I don't recognize, some of which may be from polling organizations. I think polls are often misleading, not because the statistics are faulty, but because of what motivates people to respond one way or another. Unfortunately, the margin of error numbers make it seem that the results are more accurately reflective of what the electorate will do than they are.
You should have made this thread a poll. 😃

The misleading poll question that pisses me off the most is “do you think the country is heading in the right direction?” Somebody could answer “no” either because they don’t like what Biden is doing or because they don’t like the current Republican Congress or fear the very real possibility that Trump could get a second term. Two polar opposite views leading to the same answer.
I get so many requests, and as @Alli said, they always ask for money and I can't keep up who I'm answering or possibly donating to (which don't happen often). So I stick with one of the major platforms when I donate, and will answer some polls here and there, but usually disregard them. I've only gotten maybe two or three telephone polling calls.

The amount of PACs, committees, funds, etc. are too numerous.

post is missing a poll for me to register a "no" vote on

But as soon as you voted no, you'd actually be a yes! Damn polls can't be trusted!
I don't recall the last time I was polled politically. That said it would be unwise to not believe that Trump is leading, most polls have been consistent with that. The courts are on his side and legally speaking he's going to skate through the election, if we want him to go down we need to vote him out and even then Republicans will have to accept it if he does lose.
Trump is already running the exact same playbook as he did in 2020 general election, which was an amped up version of what he did in the 2016 general election, which was an amped up version of he did in the 2016 primaries - "I win or something is clearly wrong". Over and over.

He's got a few tries under his belt, a base of sycophants that include true nutcases like Boebert, Gaetz and MTG - to more allegedly "moderate" folks like Haley, Sununu and McConnell. He may come closer this time. People under indictment are wanting to serve as electors again - gee, I wonder why?

They have all fallen in line and its utterly embarassing to watch. Everything Nikki Haley said about Trump, which came too little and too late anyways, means NOTHING. "Anyone who criticizes our men and women in uniform is unfit to serve - which is why I'll be voting for the guy who did just that over the guy who's never shown outward contempt for the men and women who serve."
Trump is already running the exact same playbook as he did in 2020 general election, which was an amped up version of what he did in the 2016 general election, which was an amped up version of he did in the 2016 primaries - "I win or something is clearly wrong". Over and over.

NYT: "The Times has documented more than 500 campaign events, social media posts and interviews during the 2024 cycle in which Mr. Trump falsely accused Democrats or others of trying to “rig,” “cheat,” “steal” or otherwise “influence” the next election — or of having done so in 2020."

Some data:

NYT: "The Times has documented more than 500 campaign events, social media posts and interviews during the 2024 cycle in which Mr. Trump falsely accused Democrats or others of trying to “rig,” “cheat,” “steal” or otherwise “influence” the next election — or of having done so in 2020."

Some data:

I wonder what would happen if Democrats started to say that they won't accept the 2024 results if Trump wins because they think the election will be stolen or rigged.
accused Democrats or others of trying to “rig,” “cheat,” “steal” or otherwise “influence” the next election

Accufessed is more like it.

I wonder what would happen if Democrats started to say that they won't accept the 2024 results if Trump wins because they think the election will be stolen or rigged.

If they did that, they would probably have actual data to back up their claims, instead of the truckloads of BS the Rs trotted out last time.