Electric Vehicles: Tesla specific talk, current firmware, purchasing, modifications

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Several months ago I removed the front badge from my M3P, I was maybe going to put a black badge (vs. the OEM chrome), but it looked so nice and clean, I just left it off. I still have the rear badge on though, so I'm thinking about swapping that one, but I think I'll use my front badge as a test - going to spray today with some Plastidip, if it turns out nice, I'll remove my chrome rear badge and stick this one on. Also have the Dual Motor badge that's chrome, might try to spray that too, since it's a Performance model the bar underneath is red, I'd like to try to preserve that, but it's very narrow, taping it up will be a PITA ...

Results later, unless they're super crappy :D
Didn't feel like stopping to charge... as I pulled into the garage. :mrgreen:

Greenshot 2022-04-24 08.44.07.png
Didn't feel like stopping to charge... as I pulled into the garage. :mrgreen:

Hahaha, a friend of mine is a madman, though he's been a Tesla owner for several years, so he's worked out the timing and whatnot, actual pics after a long road trip :D


Wow, this is some gutless bullshit. Seriously, you want to do this? Walk up to my car while I'm there, let's see how it goes ...



And I have got to get rid of the 4x4 look, hahaha, even my P which is a little lower from the factory is still too high. As soon as I can coordinate with a good shop, I'll get something done about this. Maybe just some TSportline springs - then swap the 235/35 for some 255/35 and do a 5mm front spacer and a 14mm rear (with extended shank lugs).
New remote climate controls are nice too, being able to set a couple of special modes, etc.

I was reading some conversation elsewhere, and I don't think people are aware of how nicely integrated the Tesla nav (or Lucid, or any of the ground up EV companies) is with the battery and charging management and planning systems.

Not only does the native nav provide directions, real time traffic, full location info (restaurants, hotels, with full web display/phone/etc), all through the vehicles GPS/cellular system, on a nice large display - it also shows information that is really integral to the EV ownership experience. 3rd party nav systems don't, and that's a major deficit.

I can see L2 and DCFC/Superchargers on the map, and for the SuCs, the actual chargers available, in real time, I can see the cost for the specific location. My battery level is estimated (now with overall temp/weather conditions factored in), and adding stops/waypoints refactors that in real time.

Additionally, and this is pretty significant, when selecting a DCFC (SuC) as a nav point, the car prepares the battery (aka, pre-conditions) for maximum charging speed upon arrival.

Until car APIs provide an interface for tightly coupled nav integration, the primary mechanism for me will be the native system, with <other_maps_nav_here> as a sort of backup being used by my trusty 1st officer :D
Love there's a web UI for Tessie, since I'm usually on my desktop/browser, I can get a quick status check:


(Yes, I know, we're doing a little mini road trip, leaving at 10a :D)
Wow, this is some gutless bullshit. Seriously, you want to do this? Walk up to my car while I'm there, let's see how it goes ...

I’m unfamiliar with a vehicle surveillance system that runs when the car is shut down and unattended. That‘s pretty good video, as far as identifying someone. If they don’t know who it is, I guess the front plate of his car didn’t get recorded. You can certainly tell the make/model and color of his vehicle. What a fuckin freak that guy is.

edit: Of course this is Florida. Of course it is.
I’m unfamiliar with a vehicle surveillance system that runs when the car is shut down and unattended. That‘s pretty good video, as far as identifying someone. If they don’t know who it is, I guess the front plate of his car didn’t get recorded. You can certainly tell the make/model and color of his vehicle. What a fuckin freak that guy is.

edit: Of course this is Florida. Of course it is.

When you turn on Sentry mode, it stays active when the car is locked, kind of goes into a standby mode and uses motion detection to activate the cameras (it gets video from the front, boths sides and the rear at the same time). It even tosses up a HAL red eye on the display as a warning. Several months ago they added the ability to view your sentry cams in real time which is pretty neat (and adds an extra option for safety/security).

Oh yeah, if you see something asinine or idiotic, assume it happened in Florida, about 90% of the time you'll be correct.
When you turn on Sentry mode, it stays active when the car is locked, kind of goes into a standby mode and uses motion detection to activate the cameras (it gets video from the front, boths sides and the rear at the same time). It even tosses up a HAL red eye on the display as a warning. Several months ago they added the ability to view your sentry cams in real time which is pretty neat (and adds an extra option for safety/security).

Oh yeah, if you see something asinine or idiotic, assume it happened in Florida, about 90% of the time you'll be correct.
My dash cam does that. But I mostly got it for driving incidents.
I mentioned about a 70 miles round-trip, running the AC while parked, etc., this is some fun analytics from the drive:


That was the first leg, home to the Town Center, the battery vs. fuel uses pretty accurate info based on real electricity and fuel prices, used 12%, pretty average drive, a few fun short sprints, some casual cruising, here's some range / consumption data, this was a pretty effective trip:



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My mom's Model Y finally got its first two week EDD. June 07 to June 21. Two week EDD's are a good sign that a VIN is coming soon. :) It would mark exactly one year since I took delivery of my Model 3.
I haven’t been following these electric car threads closely so apologies if this has been covered.

Do you EV owners notice a significant increase in your home electric bill for the daily charging?

On a different note, I‘ve mentioned something like this before, but the push to electrification seems unrealistically fast when I consider all the apartment/condo dwellers out there with limited control of where they park day to day. California banning sales of ICE vehicles by 2035 fills me with anxiety 🤣.

I predict hybrids will HAVE to be part of the equation longer term than what CA suggests. Installing charging stations everywhere seems far more daunting than putting WI-FI everywhere.
Do you EV owners notice a significant increase in your home electric bill for the daily charging?

It's pretty easy to calculate, either through the car data, the charger, etc., you can just figure how many miles do you get for how much charging cost vs. the equivalent mileage/cost for gas.

For example:

My Tesla M3P has an 82kW battery, so to charge that using my electric company's rate of $0.11 kW, it's 82 * $0.11 = $9.02. With a full charge, depending on use, how frisky I drive, temps, and heck, we can even use the number above in my charts, which was 285 Wh/mile means I can go ~287 miles. Mine is a Performance model so it gets a bit less mileage vs. a Long Range (it's mostly the wheels/tires).

Anyway, just to cover it, there's not 100% perfect transfer of energy through a charger, but let's assume it's at least 90% efficient, and round things to a nice even $10 for a "tank".

That means it costs me ~$0.04 a mile (0.03508). If you drive 1500 miles a month, that would cost $60, which would be reflected on your power bill. Of course, what would be reflected on your monthly expenses would be the loss of gas costs for the same mileage (for example, a 30MPG vehicle at $4/g is ~$0.13 a mile). Note too that the "per mile" total cost of ownership doesn't include the consumption/service for things like oil.

Generally with EVs you don't use the same "fueling" model as ICE, i.e., you don't really full it up, run it down to empty. You tend to charge all the time (the question about home charging availability is a whole different discussion), I'm always sitting at near 80%, if I drive, I use X battery, come home charge, restore X (usually in < 1 hour).

FWIW, I looked at the power we used between our two EVs last month (using reporting from a smart charger), and it was ~$29 for the month.
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Hmmm ...

I would still wait for whenever Tesla feels like offering it here in the US.

Anyway…. Things are all set for taking delivery of the Y. Home delivery for this Saturday. Electrician coming next week to evaluate installing the wall connector. Appointment set for the 13th to have xpel done on the front end and side rockers.

Also the insurance company is valuing the Y at $83,000. Which is freaking nuts.
Looks like I got a fix revision to x.12.3, i.e., went from 12.3.2 to 12.3.12 before I got x.16 which is supposed to have a couple of new features.

Separate media accounts linked to the driver profile, which is probably handy for a shared vehicle, but this one is especially slick:


More details about this, very cool, it's a pretty major advancement in battery use prediction.

However, with update 2022.16, Tesla's 'Navigation Energy Prediction' will become even more accurate.

Before the update, Tesla's routing system estimated energy usage by distance, elevation changes, and some additional information such as your vehicle type and its wheel configuration.

The new Navigation Energy Prediction makes this projection even more definitive by forecasting wind conditions, assessing if you will be driving into a headwind or crosswind, determining the humidity, and gauging the ambient temperature.
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Just setup a service appointment for two issues, first is that on hills in San Francisco (when the car self-breaks) it squeaks really loud and has been this way since the beginning. The other is that when I go to start the car after it's been sitting for a while the USB drive shows disconnected and I have to reseat it, I've tried with multiple drives so it's on the car side.

Other than that it's been great to me so far, I also added liners I got on the cheap from Amazon to the roof because the sun really heats it up, hoping to shave a few degrees off in there and save some battery life.