FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

In somewhat related news... Today lawyers for Giuliani were advised he's a target of a criminal investigation in Georgia's election meddling inquiry.

I wouldn't be shocked if Lindsey G is up next, now that his attempt to have a subpoena (investigating election meddling) quashed was overruled by a Federal judge.

Georgia isn't fooling around. Refreshing!
Gov’t doesn’t want the affidavit to be released, lest it screw up their ongoing investigation of Trump.
Sounds like that's what we should expect, these guys are not playing into anyone's political games.
Sounds like that's what we should expect, these guys are not playing into anyone's political games.

The interesting thing to me is I think the list of alleged crimes in the affidavit is going to be a superset of what was in the warrant.
I expect there will be a swath of republican elected officials in Georgia indicted with the “fake electors” plot, unless they spill the beans on people like Rudy, Meadows and others.

There’s so many moving parts to this.
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Since the DoJ opposes unsealing the affidavit justifying the search warrant, Republican bootlickers will demand to see it. But if it was released, they would claim releasing it proves the case couldn’t be that serious.

Keeping this sealed - at least for now - is the obviously correct move. I’m unsure if the DoJ being tight-lipped is good or bad… on one hand, republicans can control the narrative and run around saying whatever they want. On the other, they’re totally untethered to reality and will try to control the narrative anyways, and having them flailing about defending Trump when they don’t even know what he’s accused (or not accused) of weakens their arguments and could result in some very embarrassing moments for all of them.

Regardless, I think the justice department is playing this absolutely the right way.

** John Bolton is pissing me off. He shouldn’t be interviewed by any major news network. He refused to testify during Trump’s impeachment hearings and didn’t say anything to anyone when he was working in the Trump administration. Now he wants to tell the world how careless Trump was regarding national security and other sensitive material? Go the fuck away you opportunistic coward.
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Once again, do these dunskies not realize that any argument they buy from Trump, Biden can also make? Imagine Biden just leaving on his last day hauling off tons of classified stuff to his home. “Oh, it’s not classified anymore.”

Trump doesn’t even read… why would he even NEED any of this stuff? These arguments are so all over the place and full of shit. We have a serious problem with low-IQ people in this country with no critical reasoning skills. It’s all about instant gratification, an intense desire to see the guy they like win at any cost, and any argument they make is solely to justify themselves feeling good in the moment, never stopping to think how their arguments in defense of Trump could apply to the present and future presidents.

According to these dipshits, Biden would be making a “perfect phone call” to phone Putin and ask him to investigate the Trump family. It’s perfectly acceptable for Biden to take a box of secret materials home and then just say “yeah, I declassified it” if he’s ever confronted about it. It would be fine for him to invite Iranians in the Oval Office and disclose sensitive Israeli intel to them. I could keep going, but you get the point.

These people are short-sighted, and to make matters worse, they get NO a pushback from their elected officials. These congressional republicans severely underestimate their own influence and power.
After revelation of the recent human trafficking busts, explain to me again why the right wants to defund the FBI?

These people don’t care about kids. And I doubt they despise sex traffickers, otherwise Gaetz would have been pressured to resign hours after the story on him broke. How long has that been?

If Trump was running a sex trafficking ring out of Mar-A-Lago, republicans would rally for the age of consent to be changed.