FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

If true, that is essentially a confession to committing 18 USC 1519.

If true, that is essentially a confession to committing 18 USC 1519.

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Jeeez, that's a pretty lame excuse.

And hah... trump (of alll people) all of a sudden on-board with the notion of acting in good-faith and in bipartisan spirit. That's a real knee-slapper. Glad I wasn't drinking cold milk when I read that.
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The thing about the passports - or anything Trump could whine about - you have to understand, investigations are complex. It doesn't need to make sense to you or I why they were taken. It needs to make sense to the people investigating. For instance, if Trump had papers next to his wallet, or favorite watch on top of a dresser, they may seem unrelated, but it also would show that Trump couldn't have acted like he didn't know where there were documents. If he routinely accessed his passports, having classified documents stored right next to them would show a connection of some fashion between the two.

It was explained by Frank Figliuzzi that this is routine. You seize materials, there's a "filter team" that goes through them and keeps what is relevant and returns what isn't, or is no longer necessary to the investigation. In other words, this is typical and routine, its just that Trump and his ilk want to make it nefarious. As is usually the case.
If true, that is essentially a confession to committing 18 USC 1519.

View attachment 16785

Even if this is true - so what? This is more gaslighting. Trump also doesn't trust his own appointees. Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Chris Wray, any federal judge he appoints, etc. We're not going to live in a world where only people who agree with your politics are going to be your judges, jury or leaders. That's not how this works, never was.

You don't get to say I'm not going to follow the law because I think the judge is a republican, or I'm not going to comply with federal officers because Biden appointed Merrick Garland and I don't like Biden or liberals.

Also, refusing to turn over those documents for fear they could end up in the J6 committee's hands is also obstruction.

"in spite of his laywers' claims of executive privelege"

He doesn't have executive privilege. He's not the president, that power lies with President Biden. This also goes against the claim he declassified the documents. Ok, then turn over your declassified material. And even if it was "protected" by executive privilege, it would be Biden and not Trump or his lawyers that would have the say in whether the Archives can turn that information over.

This is all a joke.
First Trump says they were not provided a copy of the warrant and seizure list- that turned out not to be true. Then he claims documents were planted by the FBI. Then it turns into everything removed from the White House was declassified per an alleged standing order. Then it was everybody brings work documents home from time to time. So…. the constant changing of stories doesn’t inspire confidence that there isn’t something nefarious going on with the Trump administration.

And there’s the claims the Trump lawyers were cooperative and the documents could have been subpoenaed but the DOJ claims otherwise and that subpoenas had been issued. I suppose there can be different ideas as to what cooperation is and debates as to what falls under privilege, but given all the mistruths and half truths it really makes you wonder.

On the other hand, it’s interesting they seized his passports. I can only assume this was accidental (granted a seemingly difficult one to make but I don’t know why they would want them) but it’s my understanding if they wanted to do it legally the FBI would need a specific court order, so the flight risk allegations are not realistic. It is a bit troubling that the FBI returned the passports and then tweeted that they were “not in possession” of them making it appear they never had them. This will surely feed conspiracies.

It is rather silly Trump is asking how he can help “turn down the temperature”. While I commend him doing this because it’s the right thing to do, as he failed to do in a reasonable timeframe or manner on 1/6, everything he, his lawyers, and his people have said have only served to instigate aggression towards the FBI and DOJ. And let’s not forget we the public very well may have never known about the raid in the first place.
In somewhat related news... Today lawyers for Giuliani were advised he's a target of a criminal investigation in Georgia's election meddling inquiry.

I wouldn't be shocked if Lindsey G is up next, now that his attempt to have a subpoena (investigating election meddling) quashed was overruled by a Federal judge.

Georgia isn't fooling around. Refreshing!

Speaking of Georgia...there's even more good news. This time from a judge in Colorado who today ordered a trump lawyer apparently living in Colorado to appear before a Fulton County Georgia grand jury investigating trump meddling and election fraud claims. The Georgia hits keep on coming.

Speaking of Georgia...there's even more good news. This time from a judge in Colorado who today ordered a trump lawyer apparently living in Colorado to appear before a Fulton County Georgia grand jury investigating trump meddling and election fraud claims. The Georgia hits keep on coming.

They're saying all roads here will inevitably lead back to Trump as the orchestrator of it, if that's the case it'll be the third criminal case he'll be the target of. But I'm sure they're all just Liberal witch hunts.
They're saying all roads here will inevitably lead back to Trump as the orchestrator of it, if that's the case it'll be the third criminal case he'll be the target of. But I'm sure they're all just Liberal witch hunts.

Liz Cheney's on a mission. She may lose tonight in Wyoming, but I think that will springboard her presidential run, being able to snag dems and repubs sick and tired of trump's spell over a huge swath of the country.
We're not going to live in a world where only people who agree with your politics are going to be your judges, jury or leaders. That's not how this works, never was.

You don't get to say I'm not going to follow the law because I think the judge is a republican, or I'm not going to comply with federal officers because Biden appointed Merrick Garland and I don't like Biden or liberals.

How long does this schmuck get to keep redefining "rule of law" for himself? Hope the real thing is closing in on him.
I love the outrage from folks like Peter Navarro and Scott Perry when they are treated exactly the same as any other American facing similar charges. Navarro acted shocked that he was handcuffed and booked before being released. That is literally what an arrest is. If that hadn’t happen, you wouldn’t have been able to say you were arrested…. They almost seem more angry at not getting special treatment than they are the underlying charges or legal reasonings for their situations.

In Scott Perry’s case, Fox propagandists just express shock that “they took his phone!”

Law enforcement seize people’s phones all the time. They don’t express outrage if a drug dealer or random corporate money launderer has their phone taken. Why should these guys have special treatment?

That’s what’s lost on these creeps during this whole Trump fiasco. Every time they say “they could have worked with him” or “found another way to handle this”, they ignore the fact that the DoJ did just that, and that if anything, Trump was treated far better and given more patience than any of us would be. Instead of expressing outrage at the DoJ for searching Trump’s home, they should express outrage that it was such a hard decision for Garland and that they didn’t do it sooner.
For sure on that.

And looking at tonight's Wyoming election numbers, it appears roughly 2/3rds of republican voters (likely more as Cheney no doubt snagged some dem votes) are still under the influence of trump's spell. Beyond words.

It's depressing, even knowing in advance how stacked the odds were against a Cheney win in that primary.

Per a Boston Globe piece from today, some stats on the lean of Wyoming:

the state went 70%-29% for Trump in 2020.​
there are 280,000 registered voters [total pop 576k], of which 70% = R, 16% D and 13% indie.​
So even with some crossovers from D to R in that primary, some indie votes and some anti-Trump votes, the prospects for Liz Cheney to prevail were bleak and she was well aware of it.
Past that, the Wyoming GOP state apparatus is thoroughly Trumpified, e.g. its current chairman was at the 1/6 insurrection and not just in the public areas of the permitted events before the incursion. Also, and although the far right group Oathkeepers is not now thought to have much of an in-person presence in Wyoming any more, the GOP chair's name was reported to have been in a membership list that had leaked last fall. That list included data on a couple hundred Wyoming citizens who had apparently belonged to the group at some point, likely before the high profile standoffs vs federal law enforcement, like at the Bundy Ranch in southeastern Nevada.
Got to give her huge props. Credit where credit is due

No claims of a rigged and stolen Wyoming primary? No inflaming the tensions and planning a massive protest the day the new congress is sworn in next year for a “normal tourist visit”?

I have my issues with people like Cheney allowing Trump to get as far down the gutter as he did, but at least she spoke out. Better late than never. I can handle her shitty legislative stances and conservatism. That’s a known beast that will not change. It’s a known quantity. One could argue we need conservatives like Cheney, even if we disagree with her beliefs, to balance the democrats. Each side will always have opponents, and one party rule isn’t good for anyone. If we’re going to have opposition, it should be sane and fought based on the voters will and meaningful legislation, not conspiracy theories and violence.

I hope Liz Cheney continues to take the fight to Trump and I pray Trump and the GOP long for the days when Cheney was a rank and file Republican member of Congress. I would sacrifice my political beliefs and vote for a sane Cheney presidency. And because she’s rational and not an idiot, I can see her working across the aisle. If she ever did become president, I think she’s smart enough to know that would be in everyone’s best interest.
I can't believe people looked at this idiot and thought he was worth voting for TWICE lol

I don't trust your judgement if you voted for this guy TWICE!

Yeah, I have a 1-10 [most] sliding intolerance scale for supporters, back in 2016, OK, maybe a 2 early in his campaign, mix it up the political status quo, the ol' "a business man can run the country better" trope, and yeah, that's all kind of silly, but I got it. As the Orange Turd's campaign rolled along, and it was clear was a shitty human being he was, I moved up to about a 4, but it was hard to "unsell" the promise of tax breaks to the middle-upper class white folks.

After 4 f***ing years? My scale was at an 8 but with the possibility of some kind of penance from the '16 trump voters, "Wow, that was a mistake, won't do that again!", that the people financially motivated priced their soul too high, that the christians saw that the "man" they voted for was nothing of the sort, that this weak excuse for a business leader, a man of faith, a family man, was all wrong.

You voted for him in 2020? I'm at a 10, I'm done with you.

You CONTINUE to support him? After what he's done in the last couple of years? Fly Drump 2024 flags? I'm at a 15, seriously fuck you.
First Trump says they were not provided a copy of the warrant and seizure list- that turned out not to be true. Then he claims documents were planted by the FBI. Then it turns into everything removed from the White House was declassified per an alleged standing order. Then it was everybody brings work documents home from time to time. So…. the constant changing of stories doesn’t inspire confidence that there isn’t something nefarious going on with the Trump administration.

And there’s the claims the Trump lawyers were cooperative and the documents could have been subpoenaed but the DOJ claims otherwise and that subpoenas had been issued. I suppose there can be different ideas as to what cooperation is and debates as to what falls under privilege, but given all the mistruths and half truths it really makes you wonder.

On the other hand, it’s interesting they seized his passports. I can only assume this was accidental (granted a seemingly difficult one to make but I don’t know why they would want them) but it’s my understanding if they wanted to do it legally the FBI would need a specific court order, so the flight risk allegations are not realistic. It is a bit troubling that the FBI returned the passports and then tweeted that they were “not in possession” of them making it appear they never had them. This will surely feed conspiracies.

It is rather silly Trump is asking how he can help “turn down the temperature”. While I commend him doing this because it’s the right thing to do, as he failed to do in a reasonable timeframe or manner on 1/6, everything he, his lawyers, and his people have said have only served to instigate aggression towards the FBI and DOJ. And let’s not forget we the public very well may have never known about the raid in the first place.
Then it turns into everything removed from the White House was declassified per an alleged standing order.

I’m assuming this is something that came from Trump or Trump forces. The last I read:

Then it turns into everything removed from the White House was declassified per an alleged standing order.

I’m assuming this is something that came from Trump or Trump forces. The last I read:

yes the declassify fairy went over them.
Yeah, I have a 1-10 [most] sliding intolerance scale for supporters, back in 2016, OK, maybe a 2 early in his campaign, mix it up the political status quo, the ol' "a business man can run the country better" trope, and yeah, that's all kind of silly, but I got it. As the Orange Turd's campaign rolled along, and it was clear was a shitty human being he was, I moved up to about a 4, but it was hard to "unsell" the promise of tax breaks to the middle-upper class white folks.

After 4 f***ing years? My scale was at an 8 but with the possibility of some kind of penance from the '16 trump voters, "Wow, that was a mistake, won't do that again!", that the people financially motivated priced their soul too high, that the christians saw that the "man" they voted for was nothing of the sort, that this weak excuse for a business leader, a man of faith, a family man, was all wrong.

You voted for him in 2020? I'm at a 10, I'm done with you.

You CONTINUE to support him? After what he's done in the last couple of years? Fly Drump 2024 flags? I'm at a 15, seriously fuck you.

Same, I have zero tolerance for Trump supporters at this point. I want nothing to fucking do with you if you voted for him in 2020. I want nothing to do with people still supporting that trash today. Sorry not sorry!
That was the only one of the three that has not expired. I would have thought it would have to be turned in once his term of office was over. I guess that will be another case for later.

Former presidents get to carry a diplomatic passport but they have to get a new one upon leaving office, since the original one states that the bearer is the President. Possible endorsements along this line are President, President Elect, former President... and same goes for the vice presidential slot.

One assumes (or should we?) that Trump has bothered to file for an updated passport. Of course if he is still so deep in denial that he really believes he's still the US President, and so thinks that his former diplomatic passport will suffice, he's in for a surprise whenever he deplanes in.... exile?