FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

tl;dr recap of things 🤣
Now it looks like the Russkies are displeased by the FBI search-and-seizure action, so they want to protect iDJiT and "fix" American democracy. Evgeny Popov, a TV host and member of Duma, said, on Russian state TV,
We need to officially tackle the American democracy, American society, American economy … There are more homeless children in America than anywhere else in the world. These are the official statistics. There aren’t that many impoverished neighborhoods, with medieval levels of poverty, not seen anywhere else—not even in Somalia. Clearly, we have to help Americans to deal with this disaster. Of course, we can take those homeless children and raise them—normally, without gays and transgenders, in normal, classic culture. We need to start dealing with this right away.

But, no, Individual-ONE does not work for Vlad or Russia.
Not to feed into the conspiracies, but at least we’re rational enough to admit we’re speculating, wondering and guessing…. But…

What if there is someone close to Trump talking? Is he/has he been under surveillance? Anyone worn a wire around him? What’s Kushner been up to?

Taking this stuff home and holding onto it is only one part of the puzzle. What don’t we know yet? This is what should give conservatives pause before just blindly condemning the DoJ and coming up with all these conspiracies. This could go a hundred different directions, and it’s very hard for me to wrap my mind around the justice department issuing that warrant and raiding his home if the taking of the documents - which is serious, to be sure - was his ONLY wrongdoing.

You know it’s a bad week for Trump when the television media has barely even reported on Weisselberg planning to plead guilty.
Not to feed into the conspiracies, but at least we’re rational enough to admit we’re speculating, wondering and guessing…. But…

What if there is someone close to Trump talking? Is he/has he been under surveillance? Anyone worn a wire around him? What’s Kushner been up to?

Taking this stuff home and holding onto it is only one part of the puzzle. What don’t we know yet? This is what should give conservatives pause before just blindly condemning the DoJ and coming up with all these conspiracies. This could go a hundred different directions, and it’s very hard for me to wrap my mind around the justice department issuing that warrant and raiding his home if the taking of the documents - which is serious, to be sure - was his ONLY wrongdoing.

You know it’s a bad week for Trump when the television media has barely even reported on Weisselberg planning to plead guilty.

I agree. it feels like there is something much larger in play beyond not timely returning the documents he snagged; even though not adequately protecting those documents at his resort with people visiting Mar a Lago from all over the world while he had them is pretty grave on its own. The DOJ appears to be protecting the underlying information (could be a variety of events and witnesses) in the warrant afidavit very tightly to not undermine their case.
What if there is someone close to Trump talking?
And it may well be simpler than that: the nazcar version of rev-psych, also known as "double-down". Ordinary folk may be all "JFC, how much stupider can you get", but the magatroids and their handlers are all about stirring up the muck and creating even more tension where there should have been none to begin with.

In other words, if there is a mole-like critter in the inner circle, they are working their contacts to gain maximum persecution-outrage.
Not to feed into the conspiracies, but at least we’re rational enough to admit we’re speculating, wondering and guessing…. But…

What if there is someone close to Trump talking? Is he/has he been under surveillance? Anyone worn a wire around him? What’s Kushner been up to?

hmmmm, an inside job!

Early on there was speculation that there must have been an inside source since the info about where and what to look for was so specific......and then later
sometime last week I saw an article somewhere that speculated that it could have been either Jared or Ivanka .....so you're not alone in your speculation

Classified Document Was Once Found In A Bathroom, Ex-Homeland Security Adviser Says​

Let's face it, Trump in office was a perambulating time bomb, with probably still unknown ultimate effect on either US policy or the functionality of our government agencies, thanks to his stream-of-consciousness approach to governance, and his tendency to corrupt whatever processes he engaged in.

All the memoirs of the Trump era so far released make reference to the twists and turns of the average day in the West Wing -- trying to keep up with his tweet stream, trying to get him back on track in a meeting after someone triggered a hissy fit, or on really bad days just trying to distract him from pursuing something he could not legally do and wanted done "right now" anyway.

It's easy to say there were no heroes in there, but on the other hand we may have incurred daily debts of gratitude to the aides and advisers who were still able to separate a duty to country over loyalty to Trump, even if a particular decision was also taken out of desire for self-preservation.

The problem of course is wear and tear on the soul, versus sheer weariness in resisting Trump's perpetual testing of the guardrails around him, whether Constitutional or just from wary experience as time went on.

Resignation from the administration might have been the preferred option sometimes for the sake of country, but... giving an inch and another inch and another, or turning a blind eye might have seemed so much easier a day at a time.
This could just as easily go in the Trump Cesspool thread but is more related to this. He’s not his Father’s Son, he’s a fucking Trump Minion Idiot::

Sen. Rand Paul Aims To Repeal Espionage Act To Save Trump​

This could just as easily go in the Trump Cesspool thread but is more related to this. He’s not his Father’s Son, he’s a fucking Trump Minion Idiot::

Sen. Rand Paul Aims To Repeal Espionage Act To Save Trump​

Why would a US Senator pull this stunt any time, never mind when we (and Sen.Paul) don't have a clue what sort of case(s) the DoJ has assembled in which it has established cause for a warrant that references the Espionage Act?

Oh, but... Paul is up for re-election in November. Probably feels the need to keep his name before the electorate.
Why would a US Senator pull this stunt any time, never mind when we (and Sen.Paul) don't have a clue what sort of case(s) the DoJ has assembled in which it has established cause for a warrant that references the Espionage Act?

Oh, but... Paul is up for re-election in November. Probably feels the need to keep his name before the electorate.
He thinks his idiot supporters who think trump is god will approve I guess and vote for him.
I can't believe people looked at this idiot and thought he was worth voting for TWICE lol

I don't trust your judgement if you voted for this guy TWICE!

An actual conversation I had on the 4th of July back in 2017...

Them: He's going to bring jobs back.
Me: *raises eyebrow*
Them: I'm sorry but it's true.

There's probably as much projection onto Trump that he's competent as there was projection by Trump onto his perceived enemies.

Read specifically what she wrote. She said they were not in possession. Because they had already returned them.

So he wasn't lying. Sorry.

Here is some confirmation from news sources you may accept:

One was expired.

He may have gotten a special one as President.

Correct. One was a diplomatic passport.
Read specifically what she wrote. She said they were not in possession. Because they had already returned them.

So he wasn't lying. Sorry.

Here is some confirmation from news sources you may accept:

Correct. One was a diplomatic passport.

So the language about "stole" was not quite right with respect to the taking of the passports but otherwise Trump was correct about the stuff having been returned.

Well it must be a relief for the GOP leadership to know that it's not about the former president's passports having been nicked out of fear he was a flight risk.
Well it must be a relief for the GOP leadership to know that it's not about the former president's passports having been nicked out of fear he was a flight risk.

As long as there's a Denver Boot clamped onto the nose gear of trump's jet, we (and especially the rest of the world) will feel a little better.


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