FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago


It’s all in the reflexes
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This was touched on earlier, but I don‘t picture 12 American jurors agreeing to convicting Trump. It only takes one cult member to fuck it up.

I’d hope for either Trump agrees to a plea bargain that punishes him and keeps him out of the Oval OR he panics and flees the country.

I think I prefer option 2. He can be an exile in Saudi Arabia, Russia, I don't care. His brain is scrambled eggs, I doubt his memory alone can produce useful US secrets to whatever dictatorship he flees to.


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This was touched on earlier, but I don‘t picture 12 American jurors agreeing to convicting Trump. It only takes one cult member to fuck it up.

I’d hope for either Trump agrees to a plea bargain that punishes him and keeps him out of the Oval OR he panics and flees the country.

I think I prefer option 2. He can be an exile in Saudi Arabia, Russia, I don't care. His brain is scrambled eggs, I doubt his memory alone can produce useful US secrets to whatever dictatorship he flees to.
Ain’t no hard core maga’s getting past voir dire. I’ve seen a lot of juries, and the vast majority of the time they do the right thing, even if they wish they could rule the other way because of personal preferences.


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Think of how bad this looks already - who knows what evidence they have we don’t know of yet.

I expect to hear the name “Christina Bobb” a lot going forward, she is either lying on Trump’s behalf or was lied to herself by her client, but that will almost certainly be an issue in regards to that signed statement falsely asserting they had turned over everything requested. And it’s hard to imagine she didn’t know there were more. But if she didn’t, that further implicates her client in obstruction.

I suppose Trump could reasonably argue he has terrible counsel…


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Think of how bad this looks already - who knows what evidence they have we don’t know of yet.

I expect to hear the name “Christina Bobb” a lot going forward, she is either lying on Trump’s behalf or was lied to herself by her client, but that will almost certainly be an issue in regards to that signed statement falsely asserting they had turned over everything requested. And it’s hard to imagine she didn’t know there were more. But if she didn’t, that further implicates her client in obstruction.

I suppose Trump could reasonably argue he has terrible counsel…
well I bet she breaks and runs soon if she has any wisdom or sense at all. not that it will help now but still.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
I'm seeing this mentioned by several sources this morning:

Andrew Weissman, a veteran federal prosecutor on Mueller’s team says the DOJ’s midnight filing shows Trump is guilty of at least four crimes:

Contempt of subpoena
Obstruction related charges
Unlawful retention of government documents


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Trump is using his usual playbook - deny, then when it comes out that you can't deny things any longer, downplay the whole thing.

As Trump's lawyers and his cult scrambled to come up with defenses of him, the argument has now shifted to "They were just presidential documents which he had the right to possess. Why is the government acting so surprised?"

The legal argument by Trump's lawyers hold no weight, don't answer any questions and just use word salad to say "None of this is illegal, they should have just kept playing "Lets make a deal" with us and things would have been fine".

It's very egotistical to think Trump can skirt whatever law he wants because he served a term as president. I don't see the judge granting them a special master today, I don't see how any rational person could downplay the government's argument against it, and the Trump lawyers really did themselves no favors. It's a simple question if you're the government - "How long we were supposed to wait? Another month? Six months? A year?"

They made a great point that they found twice as many records in two days as Trump's team did after an "exhaustive search". Now, Trump's lawyers who were working with the Archives and DoJ will themselves be witnesses to a case they're defending. Just more evidence of how Trump sweeps everyone around him into his lawlessness.


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We are past the rant stuff. It’s more the way it blatantly mischaracterizes the law, completely ignores the arguments actually made by the DOJ, and reads like something written by a law student.

Okay yeah, not that far off from what I would have guessed. When I say "rant", I mean it reads like a long stream of nonsense.



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They made a great point that they found twice as many records in two days as Trump's team did after an "exhaustive search". Now, Trump's lawyers who were working with the Archives and DoJ will themselves be witnesses to a case they're defending. Just more evidence of how Trump sweeps everyone around him into his lawlessness.
another lawyer who tossed their career for some unattainable fame they thought trump would bring. You cant feel sorry for them anymore trumps antics are well known its on you.


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I am so tired of this never ending Trump saga. It's clear to any rational person that Trump is a pathological liar and narcissist, a sociopath who would cause chaos and even violence just to save himself. He colluded with Russia. He incited a coup attempt in order to stay in power and now he stole and lied about having some of the nation's top secret documents. On a more personal level, he's a morally bankrupt person who cheated on all three of his wives, made fun of a handicapped reporter, has a history of not paying people who do work for him and takes every opportunity to grift members of his base. He was even fined for misusing funds from his so-called charity.

But speaking of his base, it's hard to believe but if you go on Faux News' YouTube channel and peruse the comments, people are still loyal to him. They credit him with exposing the "swamp." They think he's a victim of the "deep state." They still refer to the "Russia hoax." They buy into the stolen election nonsense. And after many of them no doubt chanted "lock her up" over Hillary's mishandling of her emails, they blame the FBI not Trump for what's going on with the documents at Crime-A-Lago, a far more serious offense compared to what Hillary did (I believe there were three emails classified as Secret). It's clear that for some people there is nothing Trump can do, no level below which he can sink, that would change their minds about him.


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Ain’t no hard core maga’s getting past voir dire. I’ve seen a lot of juries, and the vast majority of the time they do the right thing, even if they wish they could rule the other way because of personal preferences.
Every time I see that term, I can't help thinking about My Cousin Vinny. The DOJ should hire Vinny Gambini. I can picture him questioning Trump: Are we to believe dat you didn't know what was in doze papers? Dat the laws of the U.S. of A. don't mean anything to you?
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