FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago


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Sounds like this is a huge win for Trump and lawyers are saying it could possibly derail the entire investigation. It's really hard to believe that they can find a single judge that can undo everything like this with no recourse for the DOJ.
Yeah, it’s not going to derail the investigation, no matter what happens.


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So this goes to the Federal Appeals court, then to the Supreme Court? God, how can this be justified, can we just declare democracy dead now?


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Time for John Roberts to try behind the scenes and in advance to muster up one more justice besides himself to vote along with the "liberal" justices in favor of interpreting the US Constitution as one favoring rule of law applying to everyone, even a ex president who somehow fancies himself immune.

Barr is right that the founders probably didn't figure that an ex-president (or one about to depart the office) would act as Trump has done. We could have used a little more help from Barr when he was AG and able to say that a sitting president should not act as Trump had done either. His advance slant on Mueller's report was unconscionable.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Yep, and guess who's lap it will end up in SCOTUS. Clarence Thomas This is so fucked.

“She doesn’t even have a real job. There’s nothing stopping her from just popping out at lunchtime when there’s less traffic and toppling the U.S. government herself. But now I look like the bad guy because I’m not dropping everything and attending to her need to send Joe Biden to jail. Ugh, she’s such a fucking bitch.” :ROFLMAO:


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The judge's decision in this case isn't going over well. Of course it is, in right-wing circles, that's perfectly acceptable. But the ruling doesn't really explain why she thinks he was entitled to a special master - just kind of says "its an important case and he's the president, so lets grant him some leeway."

I don't like doing the whole "Trump appointed this judge, Obama appointed that judge" thing, because that's Trump's playbook. Only judges who are republicans are qualified to handle his cases. And they are only acceptable if he gets the desired outcome.

There may have been a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" view from the judge, and maybe she figured an independent reviewer of the documents would help the case of both parties. But is that really her job? Now, she's set a precedent... if this decision stands.

I don't think this issue will help or harm the investigation, its just a speed bump, but I am curious to see how the DoJ responds. If they fight it, Trump and his ilk will jump on the chance to accuse them of trying to avoid oversight. A firm decision by the judge to deny him a special master and let the case move forward would have been ideal, but that outcome has already sailed now with this decision, even if a special master is not ultimately appointed.


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Catskill Mountains
The judge's decision in this case isn't going over well. Of course it is, in right-wing circles

Yeah this judge was appointed after Trump's 2020 defeat but before Dems had the Senate gavel in Jan 2021.
Like some of Trump's other appointees, she was rated "Not Qualified" by the American Bar Association, about which fact the GOP currently and for awhile now does not give a flying fig.

Info on background is from a Washington Post piece, paywall removed https://wapo.st/3RFA3E7


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Yeah this judge was appointed after Trump's 2020 defeat but before Dems had the Senate gavel in Jan 2021.
Like some of Trump's other appointees, she was rated "Not Qualified" by the American Bar Association, about which fact the GOP currently and for awhile now does not give a flying fig.

Info on background is from a Washington Post piece, paywall removed https://wapo.st/3RFA3E7
she is one of those not qualified it figures. but hell anyone trump deals with or approves of is seldom qualified.


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It’s an issue that’s come up on the right a few times.. claim something with no basis in fact (like the election is rigged), do something to “fix” the problem (get cronies in office, enact voter suppression), then call the other side hypocrites when they begin charging what you originally allege.

Trump has railed on judges for their political beliefs, who appointed them and even their race. Now he and the GOP have installed several unqualified judges, so it will seem hypocritical if the left alleges the same things Trump has been alleging.

It’s all part of the obstruct, obfuscate, smear, and throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.

I hope this is the judge’s first and last favor to repay her “boss”. To play devil’s advocate, it is a very “unprecedented” and public case. Of course, the right thinks it’s unprecedented overreach and the left an unprecedented lawless president. But either way, there’s intense public interest and she may have been trying to thread the needle for both sides.


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Republicans in congress would have been wide to wait before rushing to Trump’s defense. I think the appointment of a special master may be all the good news Trump gets out of this.

Every time I think Trump has crossed a line that his most loyal Republican sycophants won’t abide, I’ve been disappointed. (Edited to correct autocorrect.)
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Every time I think Trump has crossed a line that his most loyal Reputation sycophants won’t abide, I’ve been disappointed.

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop that the FBI has been surveilling and keeping tabs on hostile-to-the-US foreign nationals visiting MAL over the last year.

Pure conjecture, but if true, wouldn't be shocked at all.


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Every time I think Trump has crossed a line that his most loyal Reputation sycophants won’t abide, I’ve been disappointed.
While it may not look likely, some GOP leaders may at some point bail on Trump. But the MAGA crowd apparently will abide whatever Dear Leader does. Jan. 6? The Democrats and FBI staged it. Documents at Mar-A-Lardo? The FBI planted them. Russian collusion? A hoax. The 2020 election? It was stolen. They dismiss Trump's long history of cheating and lying and his lack of morality and believe whatever he says.
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How did he get this stuff home? It’s not like an assitant can walk into a room and grab this stuff and get It to Trump. What is the chain of command for these documents and how did he get them from wherever they are usually kept secure all the way to his gilded country club?

I know the rubes like to pretend that Trump can just snap a finger and declassify stuff - and maybe that’s true under certain circumstances (like there being no precedent on what to do when a sitting president is a careless moron who gives sensitive info to Russians or toilet-tweets sensitive images). But that wouldn’t answer how he got troves of material that is supposed to have layers of protection. I’m assuming it’s not a filing cabinet back by the water cooler people can just go and snatch stuff out of.

I believe the DoJ has more on Trump than just knowing he had the documents. And that is absolutely bad enough. To get a little conspiratorial here, I’d still like to know what his relationship is with Russia. Neither he nor his children have ever condemned Putin, mentioned the atrocities Russia commits on its own people. I know Trump envies authoritarian figures, but that doesn’t explain his refusal to go against self-interest and condemn Russia/Putin. There’s clearly something there beyond it being mere bedroom eyes for his idol.


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His wife is a Qultist FFS.

I am actually okay with the idea of sane people having wacky spouses. He could have recused himself in any matters in which this would present a conflict of interest. He clearly doesn't care though.
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