This is what it is designed to prevent:
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This is from a teacher's FB page. It is not their job to try to influence kids one way or another.
I am pretty sure most of you don't want teacher teaching your kids conservative ideals either. Right now it is about this, but what if a teacher wanted to teach that abortion, although legal is basically killing babies. School is not the appropriate place, at least not in the K-3 age group.
No they can't. Have you actually read the bill?
It says no instruction or classroom discussion. It does not say a teacher can't answer a direct question.
It also is very clear that any lawsuits will be against the district, not the teacher.
Not only did I read the bill, I quoted from it in this forum. And answering a question no longer counts as “instruction” anymore? Really? Please tell me how answering a student’s question is anything other than “instruction” in a classroom setting. YOU are making an assumption which the bill does not - that answering a student’s question “doesn’t count” as instruction. That is not only incorrect from a basic understanding of what teaching is, but the bill says no such thing, and left things as vague as possible on purpose.
And I believe a lawsuit actually can affect the teacher, because it states "Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall be construed to abridge or alter rights of action or remedies in equity already existing under the common law or general law.” - that means although it specifically mentions that one can sue the school district (and get legal fees covered), it does not prohibit suing the teacher, although presumably you’d have to cover your own fees if you do that.
Also, while “instruction” is addressed specifically in the statute, the “classroom discussion” is in the preamble of the bill, so not actually legally binding... but again, please tell me who read the bill and who didn’t....
This is straight-up censorship targeting LGBTQ people, period. I thought you were against cancel culture and censorship. I guess not. Gotta punish LGBTQ people, even if it means burning the First Amendment to get there. Bigotry at its finest.
Funny, the image you posted I assume is supposed to indicate the idea that this bill will prevent teachers from trying to “turn kids gay” or something. Well, opposition lawmakers said if you want to ban that, then change the words of the law to do so:
"In a tearful address to the Senate on Monday, Democrat Shevrin Jones, the first openly gay Florida state senator, urged his colleagues to narrow the bill’s language to say instruction should not be “intended to change a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity.”"
But they refused, because this bill is NOT about what they claim it’s about.
I cannot tell if the rank-and-file GOP folks don’t realize that the bill doesn’t do what it claims to, or if they DO realize it, and pretend not to for plausible deniability of their own bigotry.
PS - Can you please provide the source for your image.. something much more specific than “a teacher’s Facebook page” that is.