JFC, this fucker should do 20 years minimum:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1482541499619360768/
From Jalopnik:
Seriously, what the hell could that guy possibly be thinking? He punches the Sportage’s door, then whips out his gun and lets loose into a sea of people and cars. Did he just stop after that tenth shot and think “Well, that settles that! Job well done, Bri-dawg!”
It’s incredible that nobody was hurt, considering how many people were in all those cars in the direction he was miserably flinging his rage-bullets. Some cars were damaged, though.
Despite his car and license plate being quite visible from the videos, it took Chintharsy’s sister convincing him to turn himself in to get him arrested. He’s currently jailed, on Assault and Battery with a deadly weapon charges.
What a jackass. This guy shouldn’t have a gun, or a car, or maybe even access to a stapler.
Top Comment (bold one of my constant harping points):
I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this kind of thing more likely. You get into heated situations and you start reaching for things that make you feel safe and in control and powerful. You don’t think about any other solution but your most powerful one. It’s a TERRIBLE idea for most people to be armed in most situations because we suck as dispassionately assessing the situation for actual threats. It’s not a manliness thing or anything like it, it’s just pure monkey brain. Fight or Flight response and it’s a helluva thing to combat without training and experience. Even then its iffy.