Guns are still America’s religion

Well, my bump stock was banned, several of my magazines have been made illegal in certain jurisdictions and I do think my AR's will be made illegal at some point.
I’d like to see a ban on semi-automatic long guns. You don’t need them for hunting. It’s kind of unfair… :)
Yes, that was made very clear during the mask debate.

There are other people in the world. They don’t want to see their little kids shot. So at some point, sanity will prevail, and their rights to live will supersede others’ rights to impulse-buy military-style weapons at the drop of a hat. It’s not if… it’s when.

Hence why I agree that they should be categorized as Class 3 weapons. If you don't know what that means, look it up.
Hmm, I really like the idea of a high sales tax on weapons. One legislature released a bill that would add a 1,000% sales tax to assault rifles - it could pass the house with no Republican votes and require a simple majority in the senate. I doubt it will see much action, but the idea is a good one.
I have 2 full autos. So not really a sacrifice.

And when my rights are violated, it is 100% about me.
what rights? what part of this are you?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Black gun ownership is increasing and that is a great thing. But I wonder if all these Black American gun owners are going to be happy with the Dems wanting to limit their newly discovered 2A rights?

What a bucket of Bullshit! Unlike the gun craziness of the NRA, the increase in Black gun ownership and continuing popularity of the NAAGA is about common sense, and as already mentioned by others here, due to the fears of increasing white supremacy (sic) since before your Mango president (essentially since President Obama's election drove your ilk crazy).

[NAAGA Founder Philip] Smith attributed part of the growth to "a political climate where people with racist views feel emboldened to talk about and act on those views".[4]
After the shooting of Philando Castile, NAAGA immediately condemned the shooting while the NRA did not.
This guy is not kidding either, every time you see them on the news they're almost cross-eyed and insane about keeping assault weapons. It's flat out scary.

They have perverted the meaning of the 2nd amendment.

On one hand, they want everybody to ignore the “well regulated militia” bit so that they can affirm it as an individual right, free of any commitment to defend their country.

On the other hand, they want to claim the “militia” part as essential because they say they need the guns to defend against tyrannical leaders. But they get that wrong too because the point of the militia is not for armed rebellion against one’s own country. It is for the “security of a Free State.” Not for the overthrow of it. And the closest we came to a tyrannical leader was Trump who refused to voluntarily step down after losing an election. I didn’t see a single gun-rights advocate saying “If he won’t leave office, we might need to take him down!”

These are not patriots. They are traitors. Anybody calling for an armed rebellion against the American government is a traitor. Period. But their explanation? Biden is a tyrant. So we see the line from “Let’s Go Brandon” which is based on painting Biden as a tyrant regardless of what he says or does, straight to excusing an armed rebellion.

The gun rights movement has become inseparable from the far-right GOP white supremacist movement. I’m sure there are some white supremacists who don’t care about guns much, and some gun rights folks who aren’t white supremacists. But not many these days.
Y'all seem surprised. I've been saying this for months. I am surrounded by these crazies so I know what they are capable of.

Black people are buying guns now to protect themselves from white supremacy. I said that would happen long ago, and I told minorities to do that because crazy white people are the real terrorist in this country.

White people are scared. They will destroy this country before giving up power in their eyes. The same people that filled up swimming pools and closed down parks so they didn't have to share them with Black people will destroy this country before giving it up.

They're ready to destroy this country yet call themselves Patriots lmao
When you are running out of ANY desperate idea to blame ANYTHING but the guns.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1534568624702337026/

Signs. Jesus. Just save us the time and just tell us you are an asshole for guns & don't want anything really done.
When you are running out of ANY desperate idea to blame ANYTHING but the guns.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1534568624702337026/

Signs. Jesus. Just save us the time and just tell us you are an asshole for guns & don't want anything really done.
It makes perfect sense. Insane mass murderers only target areas with “gun free zone” signs. Take them down - problem solved! Why didn’t we all think of it sooner?
Stop being fucking stupid please!! 😫😫😫😫

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1534557129696231430/

GOP Rep. Steve Scalise argues against gun control measures and says, ‘there wasn’t a conversation about banning airplanes’ after the events of 9/11, even though airport security measures were increased drastically after the attacks in 2001

I Have to unplug.
He almost died in a mass shooting… and this is his response? What is wrong with this guy’s brain?
Same reason antivaxxers bash medical science with their last breath on a ventilator I suspect, they'll literally die for their beliefs when it's 100% preventable.
Maybe we should use some reverse psychology and gun control advocates can organize minority gun owner parades. Kids getting slaughtered? Worth it. A bunch of armed non whites parading down the street. Horrifying and something should be done.

It worked on Reagan in the 60’s, then the governor of California. A group of armed black panthers went to the capitol, perfectly legal. Months later open carry was outlawed in the state. Hmm.
God bless Zeneta Everhart, mother of a survivor from the Buffalo terrorist attack. She succinctly drew a clear line from the origins of America straight up to the white power terrorism of 2022. She also pointed out the absurdity of the terrorist’s parents giving a 16-year old kid a shotgun for their birthday… by comparing it to the gifts she gave her son: video games, pizza, and a cake.

I was stirred by her 8-minute speech. I hope at least a few Republican members of Congress are as well.

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Maybe we should use some reverse psychology and gun control advocates can organize minority gun owner parades. Kids getting slaughtered? Worth it. A bunch of armed non whites parading down the street. Horrifying and something should be done.
Nah, we good! We don't want to fall victim to SOP and wind up dead due to some punk in blue declaring: "I feared for my life!"
Facebook supposedly doesn’t allow the sale of guns on its platform. You’d think they might have a “3-strikes” rule for gun sellers just in case there was a mistake the first or 2nd time. Nope… they have a 10-strikes rule.

You only get 5 strikes if you advertise guns while actively advocating for violence or hate groups. I’m sure the first 4 times they advertised guns to overthrow the government was just a wee mistake.

And Texas thinks these companies need LESS moderation?

Gun sellers have seized on loopholes within Facebook’s policy. Journalists have repeatedly uncovered strategies sellers use to evade bans while reaching potential customers in dedicated Facebook groups or on Facebook Marketplace, the company’s classified services. One tactic is advertising gun accessories, like holsters or cases, which are permitted for sale on the platform; once a customer contacts the seller, a gun can be sold in Facebook’s private messages or through text message. After responding to several listings for gun cases, a Post reporter received three private messages with offers to purchase a gun.

(paywall removed)

Americans, 59%-35%, say controlling gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights. Time for Congress to fulfill the will of the people instead of their NRA overlords.

Speaking of the NRA, only 27% of Americans said they’d vote for a candidate who took campaign money from the NRA. If people REALLY did what that poll says (let’s face it they probably won’t) - we’d have Democrats with a 3/4 majority In Congress.