Guns are still America’s religion

What Do Cops Do?​

A unified theory of police behavior​

Alex Pareene
Jun 3

Posting this in the context of the Uvalde clusterfuck, but it's a generally good take on police behavior.
What struck me about Uvalde is the report/story police in tactical gear stood outside the school while shots were being fired because their Chief told them to wait for backup as if it was a barricade situation, while parents urgently demanded they go save their children.

The thing about barricaded suspects is that if they are isolated, sure pen them in and wait for backup. But the parents listening to shootings know, and the police should be able to understand who is at risk and being shot, students and teachers.

I can’t say how brave I’d be in such a situation, but it’s hard to believe that 👮‍♀️ hired to protect against such a thing could stand outside, listen, and do nothing. :mad:
"Hardening schools" is the latest reflexive talking point for those demanding that no-limitations gun ownership never change.

Gun violence is not limited to schools, though. We would also need to "harden" churches, synagogues, workplaces, movie theaters, big box stores, shopping malls, music venues, car shows, grocery stores, nightclubs, colleges/universities, subway cars, spring break parties, and more, where mass shootings have occurred.

Sadly, we're now at a point where slaughtered children and adults are viewed by many gun owners as mere consequences of no-limitations gun ownership.
"Hardening schools" is the latest reflexive talking point for those demanding that no-limitations gun ownership never change.

Gun violence is not limited to schools, though. We would also need to "harden" churches, synagogues, workplaces, movie theaters, big box stores, shopping malls, music venues, car shows, grocery stores, nightclubs, colleges/universities, subway cars, spring break parties, and more, where mass shootings have occurred.

Sadly, we're now at a point where slaughtered children and adults are viewed by many gun owners as mere consequences of no-limitations gun ownership.
I don’t understand why so many gun owners value their hobby above the safety of children from violent deaths. But it’s a shrinking minority. Sadly, our government gives outsized powers to a minority (i.e. the Senate and the Electoral College), and that minority is beholden to the NRA.
I don’t understand why so many gun owners value their hobby above the safety of children from violent deaths.

I guess as long as it's other peoples children they're OK with the consequences of no-limitations gun ownership.
Well here is something that makes me happy, but probaby will make most of you here nervous....

A recent survey conducted by professors at Harvard and Northeastern Universities found the number of female first-time gun buyers has doubled over the past two years, to 3.5 million.

But it appears women aren’t the only group buying more guns.

A separate survey by the National Shooting Sports Foundation found gun sales went up 56% for Black Americans in 2020. Philip Smith, the President and founder of the National African American Gun Association - or NAGA – said more people in the Black community are starting to come around on lawful gun ownership.

“African Americans for too long have went around in society being soft targets.”

Black gun ownership is increasing and that is a great thing. But I wonder if all these Black American gun owners are going to be happy with the Dems wanting to limit their newly discovered 2A rights?

A different article also found Hispanic gun ownership increasing as well, but the Dems are losing them for other reasons.

Well here is something that makes me happy, but probaby will make most of you here nervous....

Black gun ownership is increasing and that is a great thing. But I wonder if all these Black American gun owners are going to be happy with the Dems wanting to limit their newly discovered 2A rights?

A different article also found Hispanic gun ownership increasing as well, but the Dems are losing them for other reasons.

Increased guns have led to increased gun violence. So no, I’m not nervous. I’m disappointed. The failure to properly regulate guns has led to this deadly cycle:

1. Gun violence increases, and a high-profile mass shooting makes people afraid.
2. Congress fails to act to protect people
3. In the absence of government action, people buy more guns as a response to the fear from #1.

Not even a month past the brutal mass murder of little kids, and there are calls to celebrate increased gun purchases?

Also: gun purchases overall, according to your link, were up 60%. So the increase among black people is slightly behind the overall rate. Pretty important context to include, don’t you think?

And your assertion that black people just now “discovered” the 2nd amendment? 🤦‍♂️

Finally, most gun owners are not crazy. They mostly support stronger background checks, bans of AR-15s, high capacity magazines, higher age limits, etc. I don’t know why you think people that buy guns suddenly are going to become 2nd amendment extremists.
Well here is something that makes me happy, but probaby will make most of you here nervous....

Black gun ownership is increasing and that is a great thing. But I wonder if all these Black American gun owners are going to be happy with the Dems wanting to limit their newly discovered 2A rights?

A different article also found Hispanic gun ownership increasing as well, but the Dems are losing them for other reasons.

Let's be fair. That is inevitable. It's been made clear that the nra & gun lobby / manufacturers have pretty much put their focus on marketing on fear. So if things get worse with guns, it drives the sale of guns based on the fantasy a gun will protect you from a gun. It's cyclical and intentional. It's also not a real thing.

The fact that more people are buying guns should be disappointing, for one reason... It's based on fear.

“African Americans for too long have went around in society being soft targets.”

That's a good thing? Certainly runs counter to Fled Cruz's claim about the U.S. being a safe country. Seems more like an admission of the sad reality of this country.
Not even a month past the brutal mass murder of little kids, and there are calls to celebrate increased gun purchases?

Sales don't increase because of shootings. Sales increase because in the immediate aftermath, the Dems start clamoring for more gun control. Vicious cycle.

Ironically, the gun control crowd needs these shootings (note I said needs, not wants) to get people motivated. No mass shootings, no one listens.
Sales don't increase because of shootings. Sales increase because in the immediate aftermath, the Dems start clamoring for more gun control. Vicious cycle.

Ironically, the gun control crowd needs these shootings (note I said needs, not wants) to get people motivated. No mass shootings, no one listens.
I mean, I'm not anti-gun, but if there weren't mass shootings, we likely wouldn't need control.....
Sales don't increase because of shootings. Sales increase because in the immediate aftermath, the Dems start clamoring for more gun control. Vicious cycle.

Ironically, the gun control crowd needs these shootings (note I said needs, not wants) to get people motivated. No mass shootings, no one listens.
The evidence points to the exact opposite. The article you just posted said it was motivated by fear of violence, not because of worries that guns needed to be purchased to avoid a ban.

And your second sentence is easily proven wrong. Gun control was much stricter in the past. In 1994, the assault weapons ban was not due to school shootings, and it passed the senate 95-4. Since the school shootings started, gun control has only gotten weaker.

I would expect a gun rights advocate to have at least this basic level of knowledge. Or I suppose the strategy is to spout lies and hope people are stupid enough to believe them. Worked for Trump.

Evidence shows clearly: more guns = more shootings. And now guns are the #1 killer of children in America. You can try to excuse it away but you can’t change those basic facts.

There is no attempt at honesty from the gun rights advocates. Simply a litany of excuses to make them feel better about valuing guns more than children.
The evidence points to the exact opposite. The article you just posted said it was motivated by fear of violence, not because of worries that guns needed to be purchased to avoid a ban.

Two different things at play here.

Yes, some people, especially new gun owners, are buying them because of a fear of violence.

But for someone like me and others like me, when the politicians start talking about banning something, we go buy it before it's banned. So both can be true. I have plenty of guns to protect myself, so that is not my motivation for buying new ones. Sometimes it is because it could get banned, other times is just because I want one and need to get it before the price goes up some more.
But for someone like me and others like me, when the politicians start talking about banning something, we go buy it before it's banned. So both can be true. I have plenty of guns to protect myself, so that is not my motivation for buying new ones. Sometimes it is because it could get banned, other times is just because I want one and need to get it before the price goes up some more.
So, of those guns you brought out of fear of them possibly being banned, how many were actually banned?

Historically how many such guns have actually ever been banned?

I wasn't aware of several federal bans on semi automatic, military style .50 cal rifles, handguns or even large capacity magazines. We did have prohibitions but they expired in 2004.

Because it again is a purchase based on a fear. Even if it hasn't ever been a justified fear.
Sales don't increase because of shootings. Sales increase because in the immediate aftermath, the Dems start clamoring for more gun control. Vicious cycle.

Ironically, the gun control crowd needs these shootings (note I said needs, not wants) to get people motivated. No mass shootings, no one listens.
Well your saying they are stupid enough to think that will happen? If so then maybe they should not be allowed to buy guns.
Well here is something that makes me happy, but probaby will make most of you here nervous....

Black gun ownership is increasing and that is a great thing. But I wonder if all these Black American gun owners are going to be happy with the Dems wanting to limit their newly discovered 2A rights?

A different article also found Hispanic gun ownership increasing as well, but the Dems are losing them for other reasons.

When you think your country maybe going down the shitter, for whatever reason or rationalization, it feels natural to arm ones self.. And in doing so, we become less civilized because assholes who have no business owning guns, get them and go on killing sprees as their good bye to a dissatisfied life. :unsure:
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When you think your country maybe going down the shitter, for whatever reason or rationalization, it feels natural to arm ones self.. And in doing so, we become less civilized because assholes who have no business owning guns, get them and go on killing sprees as their good by to a dissatisfied life. :unsure:

Imagine if the USA and USSR kept increasing nuclear arsenals instead of having treaties to reduce the number. That’s how insane the idea of “more guns will keep us safer” is.

The most vehement defenders of unlimited gun rights are hobbyists. They don’t want their hobby infringed upon even if it could save innocent children from being brutally murdered. It’s the epitome of the GOP “F U, I got mine” mentality.

A sizable majority of people, and even a majority of gun owners support the ideas put forward by Biden in his recent speech. But as we see every day, we are not ruled by the majority. We’re ruled by lobbyists. And gun lobbyists are almost as powerful as fossil fuel lobbyists… with their main weakness being only 1 Democrat on their side. But there might never be 60 votes in the Senate for the Democrats, so it’s probably good enough for the gun lobby to keep getting whatever they want. And with LaPierre’s well-documented illegal activities, we know he has no moral compass.

And when you have more guns than people, they invariably end up where they don’t belong:

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Can someone please explain to us how this MF still has a job? He's directly responsible for several of these murders.

CNN reporter threatened with trespassing after grilling Uvalde police chief over his actions during shooting​

It’s quite fascinating. Does this Police Chief just so happen to be in a position of where he cannot be ousted or people are afraid to, or are people actually protecting him? The fact he allowed himself to be sworn into the city counsel is astounding in light of the scrutiny he is under.

The incident with the CNN reporter, who btw has done some outstanding reporting, seems like a possible trend. The outspoken mother who was handcuffed by police, convinced them to let her go, and then climbed over a fence past the police to rescue her children reports receiving threats from law enforcement about speaking out.

Given how bungled the police response was, particularly under this chief (if the situation wasn’t so horrific their failures could be a storyline in SuperTroopers), the lies and deception since the very first press conference (BS-meter was redlining), and the refusal to answer the publics questions, I think it’s time the state or feds step in and take over. This is just so ridiculous. I will preface this by saying I don’t wish harm upon anyone, but don’t know how one lives with themselves when they make such grievous errors in judgement, but how do you live with yourself when this is how you handle the aftermath. Many first responders who do all the right things within their power struggle with guilt.

I would also like to say, if you’re the police chief of a school system you better know how to handle a school shooting and be mentally prepared for all that entails. On the other hand, maybe school system police chiefs should not be the one to handle such crises. Seriously, if your job is to supervise the security of K-12 schools, you’re probably not the most tactically skilled or high-risk comfortable cop. Whereas regular cops who work in the “real world” probably encounter a lot more stressful situations far more frequently and probably be better equipped to handle it. Maybe I’m wrong, idk. But it’s quite clear this particular Police Chief should not be in any leadership position- be it in Police or City Counsel.
An opinion piece-

Today, more than 300 Americans will catch an infectious disease whose survival rate (42 percent) is lower than the five-year survival rates for cancer (69 percent), HIV (67 percent) or the toxic political illness known as “wokeness” (99.9 percent).

It’s called “guns.”

To be fair, the amateur forensic analysts who allege that “guns don’t kill people” are actually correct. After all, it’s the bullet-related body piercings that killed 45,222 Americans in 2020. Contrary to popular belief, cigarettes don’t cause lung cancer; setting them on fire and inhaling the smoke is what causes all the problems. For that matter, texting and driving is a perfectly safe activity until the automobile runs into another object. The details are important.

Pro-gun advocates have used this logic to explain why the availability of guns isn’t a contributing factor to the injuries and deaths caused by white supremacist terrorist attacks, school shootings and Dick Cheney hunting expeditions. According to Republican politicians, the National Rifle Association and the medical investigative journalists at Fox News, the gun epidemic is actually a mental health issue. The most advanced medical minds in the world have searched for a cure for this mental illness for years, to no avail.

But recently, researchers at the Social Organization Making an Effort to End Violent Interactions by Leveraging Psychological Research to Investigate the Causes of Killing in Society (SOMEEVILPRICKS) announced that they have finally sequenced the gene that causes this mass-casualty malady.

What is ADHD-2A?​

Also known as Micropenis Replacement Theory and Type II DieYouBishes, the American Delusional Hypocricy on Defending the Second Amendment (ADHD-2A) is a genetic mutation that results in the underdevelopment of certain parts of the brain.

Yes, it is a mental illness.

What else could make a person ignore the common denominator in mass shootings and instead attribute America’s ongoing murder pandemic to abortions, video games, pornography, Black people and–my favorite–too many doors? It’s got to be a special kind of crazy that makes someone keep a running tally on how many people are killed in Chicago every weekend while opposing reasonable gun reform laws. Other countries have abortions, Call of Duty and Pornhub but, when it comes to suicide by firearm, gun ownership and mass shootings, America is truly exceptional.

ADHD-2A causes people to believe that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affords everyone the right to own any gun—even if they have no interest in being part of a “well-regulated militia.” White supremacist weekend warriors understand why they can’t waltz into Walmart and purchase anti-aircraft missiles or why 2-year-olds don’t get gun licenses. But, because ADHD-2A attacks the area of the brain responsible for common sense, sufferers cannot fathom the idea of common-sense gun control.


The first case of ADHD-2A occurred on Monday, June 22, 1788, when Founding Father George Mason argued that James Madison had put “a great deal of the poverty of the people of Virginia in jeopardy” and endangered the “peace and tranquility” of all Americans.

“In this state there are two hundred and thirty-six thousand blacks, and there are many in several other states,” he told Virginia’s ratifying convention. “When men are free from restraint, how long will you suspend their fury? The interval between this and bloodshed is but a moment. The licentious and wicked of the community will seize with avidity everything you hold. In this unhappy situation, what is to be done?” To ease Mason’s mind about angry, evil Blacks coming to kill all the white people, Madison quickly scribbled the shortest of the 10 amendments that would become known as the Bill of Rights:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Since that day, ADHD-2A has flourished in America. It turned schizophrenic slaveowners in 13 states into traitors against their own country. Stricken by a mental illness that made them want to start a white supremacist human trafficking utopia, they sparked what still stands as the bloodiest war on the North American continent. And it all happened because ADHD-2A made some sick-in-the-head white boys too lazy to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Under the delusion of ADHD-2A, people afflicted by this disease have tried to kill nine American presidents, with four successful assassination attempts.
The idea of gun culture when it relates to emergencies is that the “responsible gun owners” (‘aka “good guys with guns”) are tough, manly men who will save everybody.

In Uvalde, dozens of these heavily armed tough guys were too scared to go in after one shooter, allowing him to kill more of their town’s children, possibly waiting until he ran out of bullets. Who did run in? An unarmed mother who they handcuffed and told not to.

Had they gone in immediately, there were kids who wouldn’t have been shot, and kids that got shot who could have been saved before bleeding to death.

Why do many gun rights folks want to separate out the “militia” part of the 2nd amendment? Perhaps the idea that they could be called up to fight for their country scares them…

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So, of those guns you brought out of fear of them possibly being banned, how many were actually banned?

Historically how many such guns have actually ever been banned?

I wasn't aware of several federal bans on semi automatic, military style .50 cal rifles, handguns or even large capacity magazines. We did have prohibitions but they expired in 2004.

Because it again is a purchase based on a fear. Even if it hasn't ever been a justified fear.

Well, my bump stock was banned, several of my magazines have been made illegal in certain jurisdictions and I do think my AR's will be made illegal at some point.