Guns are still America’s religion

I think we need to make all gun crimes a Federal crime, just like bank robbery. Remove local DA's from being able to plead out cases to misdemeanors.

And then some mandatory minimums.

Illegal possession - 5 years
Felon in possession - 10 years
Commit crime with gun - 20 years

Get the criminals off the streets.
Have you seen the police brutality thread? Have you read about the harms of mandatory minimums? Are you aware of the BLM protests? Why did they happen? Because black people are over-policed and unfairly policed. Post after post after post here on TA and MR about the systemic racism in American policing. And you pretend as if none of it exists?

We already incarcerate more people than any other country on earth. Putting more people in prison with mandatory minimums isn’t the solution to gun violence. Just like the war on drugs didn’t fix the drug problem.

This is a racist “solution” to the problem. It wouldn’t fix a thing, but would put more black people in jail for longer sentences.

Want less gun violence? Try having fewer guns. Every single study shows the correlation between the obscene amount of guns in America and our gun violence problem. More guns than any other developed nation, and more gun violence too. It’s not a coincidence.
A law professor dissects the gun-rights decision of the court this week:

In terms of the decision itself, what was notable about how the Court presented the history of the Second Amendment and guns?

Most notable is that the Court says it is going to look to history and tradition, but then ignores history and tradition. The Court says that only gun laws which have historical precedent are constitutionally permissible, and then the Court dismisses all of the historical precedents for heavy restrictions on concealed-carry laws as outliers. The Court says that it is going to look to history, but dismisses early English common law as too old. The Court says that it is going to look to history, but dismisses any laws that were adopted after the mid-eighteen-hundreds as too young. The Court says that it is looking to history, but also says that shall-issue permitting is constitutional, even though shall-issue permitting is a twentieth-century invention. So the Court says that it is doing history and tradition analysis, but conveniently ignores any history it doesn’t like.

In terms of picking and choosing historical precedents, is that out of the norm or a common feature of Court decisions?

This is singular. The Court says that history and tradition analysis is the way that constitutional rights should be analyzed. But all you have to do is go back to Tuesday’s decision on the funding of religious schools. The Court didn’t do any history and tradition analysis to show that there is a First Amendment requirement that states finance religious schools. [In the gun case,] the Court rejects the kind of interest-balancing that is commonplace in constitutional law more generally.

And a historian makes the case of why Supreme Court justices should stay away from trying to be authorities on history:

And yet, the ruling in Heller required a decision on just this matter. This difficulty is why the ruling deserved to be answered 5-4 one way or the other. Heller is not bad history because it rules that individuals had the right to bear arms outside of participation in the militia. It is bad history because it viewed the individual right to bear arms as why the amendment was written in the first place; it is bad history in its claim that the Second Amendment protected “only individuals’ liberty to keep and carry arms.” [emphasis added]. With this approach, Scalia shifted the decision from a questionable but defensible answer to the question the court had been asked, to a mischaracterization of the nature of the amendment itself. That mischaracterization, rather than the decision itself, is what makes Heller such bad history.
Have you seen the police brutality thread? Have you read about the harms of mandatory minimums? Are you aware of the BLM protests? Why did they happen? Because black people are over-policed and unfairly policed. Post after post after post here on TA and MR about the systemic racism in American policing. And you pretend as if none of it exists?

This is a racist “solution” to the problem. It wouldn’t fix a thing, but would put more black people in jail for longer sentences.

That is a separate issue. It certainly needs to be addressed and fixed.

But if a Black person commits a gun crime, should they just be let go with no punishment?
That is a separate issue. It certainly needs to be addressed and fixed.

But if a Black person commits a gun crime, should they just be let go with no punishment?
That might be the lamest strawman attempt of all time. I mean, you didn’t even bother making a strawman with clothes and such and stick it on a pole. You just grabbed a bunch of straw in your hand and called it a strawman.

Because somebody dared to point out the systemic racism in America, your comeback is that they are advocating for letting people commit all the crimes they want with no punishment? That is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, you literally advocated for the white insurrectionists on Jan 6 to be given a break because “they just got caught up in it."
That is a separate issue. It certainly needs to be addressed and fixed.

But if a Black person commits a gun crime, should they just be let go with no punishment?

Feds don't have that much man power, enforcement or judicial wise. Way too many get caught with an illegal gun. And they are not going to do intensive investigative work for every single gun charge.
That is a separate issue. It certainly needs to be addressed and fixed.

But if a Black person commits a gun crime, should they just be let go with no punishment?
You are summing up the issue yourself.

When is it addressed & fixed? Because we haven't done it yet.

What would be made into a sort of a "War on Guns" would again be specifically directed like previous "wars on crimes". You yourself have been a big cheerleader of the factually incorrect Chicago narrative, what criminals do you think will be pursued first? The guy who goes out earlier to buy a weapon to shoot a doctor because of back pain, or the gang member who couldn't buy a gun in his state because of gun laws so he brought one from someone who purchased in the next state?

It isn't going to be about a Black person with a gun committing a crime, it's going to be statistically about a Black person period. We've already seen it doesn't matter if the Black person doesn't have a gun, is a legal gun owner, is a "good guy with a gun", or a criminal. It won't end well once "fear for their lives" is invoked. Meanwhile White kid rolls into a church, meets with parishioners, then shoots them. The police can't take him alive.

Historically it is been proven that in this country, punishment will ALWAYS be unfairly applied.
Huge victory for Biden I’m getting something done.

The left is really sour on Biden, but I’m having a hard time downplaying his accomplishments in his first 18 months. COVID relief, Afghanistan pullout with an actual minimal loss of American lives (the tragic losses of troops we suffered pales in to comparison than if he had kicked the can down the road), infrastructure, and now a significant gun control bill.

That’s a pretty impressive resume for 18 months. What did Trump accomplish besides rich guy socialism?
Huge victory for Biden I’m getting something done.

The left is really sour on Biden, but I’m having a hard time downplaying his accomplishments in his first 18 months. COVID relief, Afghanistan pullout with an actual minimal loss of American lives (the tragic losses of troops we suffered pales in to comparison than if he had kicked the can down the road), infrastructure, and now a significant gun control bill.

That’s a pretty impressive resume for 18 months. What did Trump accomplish besides rich guy socialism?
Shush!! You can't talk about reality. Especially amongst so-called progressives. If you don't hand out ice cream cones and pony rides... y'knowwhut, let me go watch my Yankees. 🤷‍♂️
A man killed a young woman and wounded another (while her 5-year-old child watched) because there was too much mayonnaise on his sandwich.

F!#@ the Supreme Court for making it EASIER for people to get guns.

In light of one of the Supreme Court’s latest rulings (Guns' Lives Matter), people are suing the DC Metro system to allow them to carry firearms on-board.

There’s a Metro stop very close to the Supreme Court, so I wonder... will the court put their money where their mouth is? Although with Trump’s famous “Wall” now relocated from the Mexican border to instead surrounding the Supreme Court, maybe they don’t care.

Six dead, two-dozen injured in Highland Park, IL today. Young white male, late-teens or early twenties, no known motive as of yet, and the gunman is still on the loose.

Can’t even enjoy parades any more with these nuts.

Looking forward to Tucker Carlson - who claimed the man in Wisconsin who ran over people was a terrorist (and he was) - explain why this was just a “troubled young man”
Six dead, two-dozen injured in Highland Park, IL today. Young white male, late-teens or early twenties, no known motive as of yet, and the gunman is still on the loose.

Can’t even enjoy parades any more with these nuts.

Looking forward to Tucker Carlson - who claimed the man in Wisconsin who ran over people was a terrorist (and he was) - explain why this was just a “troubled young man”
What's the number one deflection for any shooting? Especially if this one occurred in IL?

Why Chicago of course. :rolleyes:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544039100478394368/
The person who the poster is responding to, got so ratioed they deleted this tweet, but did keep their response up.

Replying to
No one talking about the other 7-8 people killed on the south side since Friday

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544046966224846848/

It's interesting that unless there's a shooting, there's that specific group that never brings up Chicago any other time.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544034170707607552/
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So it's believed they've identified the Highland Park shooter. You maybe surprised.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544077121596825601/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544080323247480832/

If you've been in a coma the last half century. :mad:

But hey, there's always a TFG

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544074568830107649/

and they're getting the America they wanted.

Following the mass shooting at a July 4 parade in Highland Park, Illinois, a Trump-backed gubernatorial candidate bluntly urged the community to “move on.” Standing next to supporters at a different parade, after taking a moment in prayer, state Sen. Darren Bailey, said: “Let’s move on and celebrate the independence of this nation.” He added, “We have got to get corruption and evil out of our government.” After being roasted on social media, Bailey released a statement that said, “I apologize if in any way we diminished the pain being felt across our state today.” He also wrote on Twitter: “I send our heartfelt prayers to the victims of the shooting in Highland Park. July 4th is supposed to be a holiday for families, for parades, for celebrating the American Dream, but when people don't feel safe in their own community, they are deprived of that dream.”

Yes, those people were deprived of that dream that you want to move on from, to celebrate your holiday.

Guns + domestic terrorists = what could go wrong?
So it's believed they've identified the Highland Park shooter. You maybe surprised.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544077121596825601/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544080323247480832/

If you've been in a coma the last half century. :mad:

But hey, there's always a TFG

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544074568830107649/

and they're getting the America they wanted.

Yes, those people were deprived of that dream that you want to move on from, to celebrate your holiday.

Guns + domestic terrorists = what could go wrong?
Wtf is that video supposed to be?
Wtf is that video supposed to be?
Suspect in custody - probably heading to a drive-thru restaurant of his choice now.

Nonetheless, I’m glad he’s alive and caught.
Yeah, he was a known threat, so of course they took him alive.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544119157947478016/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544129099097968640/

If I read they stopped to get slushies on the way to the station because it was hot, I wouldn't be surprised.

If you're Black & unarmed, get shot. If you're Black and armed, get shot. If you're White and shot & killed people, brought in safely. WTF?!

Ever reliable...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544086633875660801/
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