Guns are still America’s religion

Ban all AR-15s immediately. Make it a felony to own one. I watched a video of the shooting and the speed with which rounds were fired is completely unconscionable for a civilian-owned weapon.

Enough of this!

It seemed that the only time a republican came out in favor of marriage equality - if ever - was when their own child came out. I pray it doesn't take the same kind of personal experience for them to change their mind about guns.

I don't know how long this can continue to happen, and its getting progressively worse. I'm glad they signed something into law recently, but its not enough. Too many different state laws surrounding the very serious of guns. As you said, we need strong federal leadership.
I'm glad they signed something into law recently, but its not enough.

It's basically lip service.

"Hardening" schools? Really? How about parades, shopping malls, night clubs, churches/synagogues, music venues, big box stores, colleges/universities, grocery stores, subway cars, spring break parties, movie theaters, libraries, and on and on. Not. Going. To. Happen.

Background checks are pretty much a joke, other than flagging arrests. There should be real background checks where neighbors, past employers, and friends (and friends of listed friends) are interviewed, similar to those used in government security clearances. Expanding mental health services? Right... more lip service.

All assault weapons (semiautomatic rifles firing high velocity ammunition) for private use need to be banned.

Slaughtered human beings have been reduced to mere consequences of no-limitations gun ownership. That should never be OK.
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It's basically lip service.

"Hardening" schools? Really? How about parades, shopping malls, night clubs, churches/synagogues, music venues, big box stores, colleges/universities, grocery stores, subway cars, spring break parties, movie theaters, libraries, and on and on. Not. Going. To. Happen.

Background checks are pretty much a joke, other than flagging arrests. There should be real background checks where neighbors, past employers, and friends (and friends of listed friends are interviewed) similar to those used in government security clearances. Expanding mental health services? Right... more lip service. Ban all assault weapons (semiautomatic rifles firing high velocity ammunition) for private use.

Slaughtered human beings have been reduced to mere consequences of no-limitations gun ownership. That should never be OK.
And the “red flag” laws aren’t laws at all. They are “encouragements” for states to adopt such laws. We know that extremist right-wingers will NEVER let that happen in “their” states. We know it because after the Affordable Care Act passed, those extremists turned down billions in free money to help their resident’s health. For no other reason than to “own the libs” and show how much they hated a black president. Heck, some states held referendums to get the funding, and then these insane legislators overturned the popular will! If that doesn’t tell you how bad gerrymandering is, what does?
We know it because after the Affordable Care Act passed, those extremists turned down billions in free money to help their resident’s health.

Excellent point - I remember that. So much for caring about the health of their citizens. Dumbfukery at its finest.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1543698525149700098/

Yeah, abortions are the problem, let's ban THEM.

Meanwhile those kids were scared out of their minds.

Welcome to America kids.

The penalty for public discharge of a weapon like, regardless of circumstances, should be severe, that fuckwit in the truck should be looking at the walls of a prison for at least 25 years, you hit someone? That's 50 to life.

I've advocated for much more severe brandishing laws, I drive by you and you flash a gun at me, and I can ID you on a camera? Go to jail for 5 years.
Ban all AR-15s immediately. Make it a felony to own one. I watched a video of the shooting and the speed with which rounds were fired is completely unconscionable for a civilian-owned weapon.

Enough of this!

Any illegal possession of a gun should be a felony charge. Period.

I am gun owner (mainly because I had an internship preceptor who was also a firearms instructor and gun fanatic and insisted he train me- not because I was particularly interested or wanted it for security ). Other than the fact he gifted me a Glock G19 and I got a Colt 1911 as a gift from someone else, I don’t think I’d waste my money on a gun. My permit is in CT but I live in Mass, so I keep my guns at my parents and haven’t fired them in years.

Between him and some other friends I have that collect guns, I’ve fired many different types but have always felt AR-15’s are excessive. Frankly I don’t fire them that “fun” either. Personally, I find historic bolt action rifles far more interesting like a Lee Enfield.

AR-15’s do shoot quickly, but they’re really not that substantially faster than your average semi-auto pistol. The issue is that you can fire quickly, with great range and accuracy, with very little recoil, and with 30-100 round magazines. Plus a 556 rifle round is going to do a lot more damage than say a 9mm pistol round. That’s why I don’t find them that fun and a bit over the top for self defense.

I think an AR-15 aka semi-auto rifle ban is entirely reasonable because I don’t see them as particularly reasonable weapons. Or restricting their sales like most states do with pistols (esp concealed carry permits) or preferably even stricter regulations such as limiting their magazine sizes.

The argument from the AR-15 proponents is that pistols kill far more people, which is entirely true. But the fact of the matter is assault rifles kill is the weapon of choice for those seeking to kill en masse. And even though mass shootings are a drop in the bucket when it comes to total gun deaths, it’s an absolutely unacceptable number, especially when all too often children are involved.

Raising the age for gun ownership to AT LEAST 21 is a must- ideally 24/25. The statistics on gun crimes make j it very clear why this should be the case. Things are just too ridiculous and have been for far too long.

The most recent shooting in Highland Park once again demonstrates a disturbed young man with plenty of red flags, apparently going back to middle school in the alleged perpetrators case. This cannot be nmmmm.

For the “not another inch” pro gun fanatics, I can only hope they will begin to realize it would behoove them to start looking for room to compromise if they expect to keep their guns at all. Think about the number of incidents that could be prevented by simply raising the minimum age by a few years on assault rifles.

We’re well beyond ridiculous at this point.
I think an AR-15 aka semi-auto rifle ban is entirely reasonable because I don’t see them as particularly reasonable weapons.

Because there are many assault weapon manufacturers, how about banning any semi-automatic rifle that accepts a high muzzle velocity cartridge. With the velocity being specified; for example: >2,000ft/second. Or perhaps kinetic energy.

That gets around the definition of an assault weapon being ambiguous. Different manufacturers, stock/no stock, lugs for a strap, special optical mounts, foldable stock, etc.
Because there are many assault weapon manufacturers, how about banning any semi-automatic rifle that accepts a high muzzle velocity cartridge. With the velocity being specified; for example: >2,000ft/second. Or perhaps kinetic energy.

That gets around the definition of an assault weapon being ambiguous. Different manufacturers, stock/no stock, lugs for a strap, special optical mounts, foldable stock, etc.

Yeah, there are a number of way “assault riffles” could be defined. I have long said I hate the arguments from the pro-gun hardliners that defining AR-15-like guns is a technical impossibly. On the other hand, I think it’s important for those advocating for gun control to be informed on what they’re arguing for so as not to come off as sounding totally uninformed and lacking credibility- like evidently not understanding what semi-automatic means or calling 10 round magazines as “high capacity”.
In case anyone was wondering where their crazy old racist uncle wandered off to, we found him

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544510760151285766/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544520279996628993/
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How is this group still around?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1543952330235777024/

“The only reason you’re celebrating… is because citizens were armed…”

Hmm… actually there was no celebration in Highland Park and a 2-year-old has to grow up without parents… because citizens were armed.

PS - Two different posts about tone-deaf nastiness from the NRA within the same minute… they are truly on a roll.
Some tips from Reddit on what to do if there’s an active shooter:

I'm sure the victims and families of these shootings take great comfort in knowing they took a bullet (or more) to prop up a political agenda. There can be no greater calling. Lucky bastards.
mass shootings occur because women nag men all the time

And of course, they’re angry. They know that their lives will not be better than their parents’. They’ll be worse. That’s all but guaranteed. They know that. They’re not that stupid. And yet the authorities in their lives – mostly women – never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. “You’re male, you’re privileged!”
Imagine that. Try to imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So, a lot of young men in America are going nuts. Are you surprised?

Way to self-pwn.
There was a stretch of road near my old hometown that crossed the state line and on either end were two state universities. Lots of traffic because the one state college had a drinking age of 18 and the other one in my state had a drinking age of 21. You can see where this is going; lots of deaths on the road because they were driving too fast and under the influence of alcohol.

My father said that nothing was ever going to happen on that road to fix it until some state senator lost their child on that road. I fear this is what is going to have to happen with guns in the present environment in this country.

The road did get fixed eventually. But it took way too long.
I've been both saddened and disgusted by all of these recent shootings and just don't know how to respond. I'll just say that we'll allow the most troubled of individuals, even with every red flag in the book going off, to buy these weapons without question which are in turned used for mass murders and it's unbelievable that we not only refuse to address, but have politicians defending it.

I mean, what can you even say to this anymore, we flat out enable these psychos to placate "freedom" lovers and you have Republicans handing out weapons of war like candy while forcing 10 year old little girls to have babies. This country has turned into a fucking clown car.
I've been both saddened and disgusted by all of these recent shootings and just don't know how to respond. I'll just say that we'll allow the most troubled of individuals, even with every red flag in the book going off, to buy these weapons without question which are in turned used for mass murders and it's unbelievable that we not only refuse to address, but have politicians defending it.

I mean, what can you even say to this anymore, we flat out enable these psychos to placate "freedom" lovers and you have Republicans handing out weapons of war like candy while forcing 10 year old little girls to have babies. This country has turned into a fucking clown car.
The gun laws are a problem, but so is the “gun culture” in America. The mother of a young man injured in the Buffalo shooting said something that really stuck with me. She couldn’t believe that the shooter’s parents bought him a gun for his 16th birthday. She said she bought her son video games, pizza, and a cake for his 16th.

There is a strong message sent when you give your kids guns as gifts. It perpetuates a culture of violence. And we have millions of parents doing so.

I’m not sure which is easier to change: the culture or the law. Ideally, we would aim to change both.