Guns are still America’s religion

Again with parents: I just saw on TV that in order to get a special ID needed to buy guns in, the Illinois killer‘s dad needed to sign off on it. And his dad knew his son was suicidal and threatening to harm the family In 2019.
Looking forward to Tucker Carlson - who claimed the man in Wisconsin who ran over people was a terrorist (and he was) - explain why this was just a “troubled young man”

Did not take long. Full of lies and BS.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Look at Robert "Bobby" Crimo. Would you sell a gun to that guy? Does he seem like a nutcase? Of course he does. So, why didn't anyone raise an alarm?

Well, maybe because he didn't stand out, maybe because there's a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act a lot like this guy. That's not an attack, it's just true. Like Crimo, they inhabit a solitary fantasy world of social media, porn, and video games. They are high on government endorsed weed. "Smoke some more! It's good for you." They're numbed by the endless psychotropic drugs that are handed out at every school in the country by crackpots posing as counselors.

If there was a kid raised by a homicidal racist maniac and a ham sandwich, Tucker would blame the damn sandwich.
What the ever loving f- ?!!!

Arizona Representative Debbie Lesko says ‘I would do anything to protect my five grandchildren, including, as a last resort, shooting them, if i had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren’ during her statement in opposition of gun control bill HR 2377
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544832466120331264/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544781668766064640/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544836045354647552/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544824553796517888/

Again with parents: I just saw on TV that in order to get a special ID needed to buy guns in, the Illinois killer‘s dad needed to sign off on it. And his dad knew his son was suicidal and threatening to harm the family In 2019.

Yeah, the father admits his son had mental health problems and the father signs off so his son under age 21 can purchase a gun… despite reportedly being suicidal 2 months earlier in a police report. Lots of questions here. This so called “father” (what good parent allows their mentally ill son to buy a gun?!) should be held liable here except that probably isn’t possible now that his son is over age 21.

There was the Michigan shooting as well where the parents bought their 15 year old a pistol… totally illegal.

There’s some real competition for parents of the year here.
What the ever loving f- ?!!!


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544832466120331264/
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I had to play that clip back 3 times to make sure I understood her correctly and to see if she misspoke. What on earth is she talking about?

A grandmother talking about maintaining her ability to shoot her grandchildren in order to “protect their lives” sounds like a red flag to me.
That’s what grandmas are for. Kisses, presents, home baked goodies and blowing your head off. You know, to protect you.
This story from the child of a woman who was killed is heartbreaking.

These are the types of stories we hear after a war, not after a 4th of July parade.
There was a stretch of road near my old hometown that crossed the state line and on either end were two state universities. Lots of traffic because the one state college had a drinking age of 18 and the other one in my state had a drinking age of 21. You can see where this is going; lots of deaths on the road because they were driving too fast and under the influence of alcohol.

I know of a road like that. One town is named for the capital of a foreign nation, the other for a type of train car. The situation is semi-reversed now, though, with cannabis legalized on the one side (for those over 21) but not the other.
What the ever loving f- ?!!!


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544832466120331264/
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I mentioned this before. These people would sacrifice their own children...and here's proof lol
More explanation why those trying for a "whatabout" & using the tragedy in Japan to whine about gun control, are still full of shit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545504592837885952/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545567262135959553/

In California & Florida someone is killed by a gun almost every 3 hours. Colorado 10. We outpace Japan in one state in one day what they face in one year. That's not even considering the random crazy shit one can face every day.

I posted this incident earlier.

Those are injuries. Spontaneous incidents involving guns and random people. This is out of control here.
This video was really hard to watch, they basically stood around for all that time while those children were being slaughtered. Every last one of these people need to not only lose their jobs, but get charged as well.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546968096094691328/
Meanwhile, a good guy with a gun stops a shooting:

“But I’m going to tell you, the real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop this shooter almost as soon as he began,” (Police Chief) Ison said.

He didn't completely prevent it, but he certainly lowered the fatalities.
Meanwhile, a good guy with a gun stops a shooting:

He didn't completely prevent it, but he certainly lowered the fatalities.
There is a saying I learned as a kid that seems apt here:

"The exception that proves the rule."
There is a saying I learned as a kid that seems apt here:

"The exception that proves the rule."
Exactly. I don't think people get that if there is a rush to highlight the rare instance that champions their point, but don't highlight the rash of instances that don't make their point, they have basically made the point they hadn't intended. You're still less likely to be killed in a mass shooting in India, than in the U.S. So a "good guy with a gun" is less a manufactured necessity there, than it is here.