Halloween Trick or Treaters This Year?


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
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Any plans for this year? We normally welcome the neighborhood kids but will be shutting all the lights off this year.
We rarely get any, but will definitely not plan on it this year.
I've mentioned it elsewhere, but we normally go to my daughter's to hand out candy while they take the kids out.

Their neighborhood is nuts. Everyone has their own kids, which is plenty. But when you go there on Halloween, the streets are lined with parked cars because crashers from every other part of town have decided this is The Place To Be. The sidewalks will be jam packed, and half of these people won't be wearing masks.

Needless to say, this year we're sitting it out. We'll be home with the porch light turned off.
I live in a spooky old house that sits on top of a big hill. I put a row of jack-o-lanterns down my driveway every year to let everyone know I'm open for the giving out candy business. I buy a big bag of Snickers and Milky Ways with full intentions of dumping it on any kid that happens my way.

...yet no kids come.

I think it's cuz they're all wimps.

Oh well. More candy for me.
Oh good, I posted in the other place, but it was a thread by that fuckwit Hieveryone, so it of course was filled with his fake, trolling, bullshit.
I posted elsewhere also, but yeah, here it will be a smiling pumpkin on the deck table with a battery light in its hollowed out cranium, a couple bowls of miniature chocco bars, deck door left open and the porch light on to help suggest to skunks or stray cats that there must be some other place to party. The kitchen lights will be off and I'll be in the other side of the house trying to remember what I was last watching on Netflix.

Not expecting many visitors. There are usually parties for kids down at the firehalls in the villages in our county. Not even sure that's going to happen this year, social distancing with kids seems difficult to manage in situations like that. Our first responders who help ready the scene for the parties and make sure everything goes smoothly don't want to end up down for the count themselves w/ covid, much less be cited later for having created an environment for a spike in the infection rate.

Some towns I've read about online are having drive-by Halloween parades down main streets and so forth. Might happen here in some of the larger towns but not the little villages in the boondocks. I'll round up a desktop photo array of black cats and pumpkins copped from the info highway to amuse myself if I can't find a movie I want to watch.
I live in a spooky old house that sits on top of a big hill. I put a row of jack-o-lanterns down my driveway every year to let everyone know I'm open for the giving out candy business. I buy a big bag of Snickers and Milky Ways with full intentions of dumping it on any kid that happens my way.

...yet no kids come.

I think it's cuz they're all wimps.

Oh well. More candy for me.
So...Renzatic is Vincent Price?
A pal emailed that she has ordered me a gift of peanut butter made with added pieces of dark chocolate to snack on over Halloween.

I didn't even know there was such a thing. Reese's peanut butter cups were bad enough. I finally swore off them. Now comes a whole new road to calorie hell.

"Just when I thought I was out...."

And the worst thing is, I'll probably love it.
Oh yeah. Favorite scene: when he returns to his castle and finds it barred by a cross on the door and snarls, "Who has done this thing?!"

I think this Halloween will be a good year to watch the Hammer Horror flicks again. It's been too long since I watched one.
Oh yeah, here's the GIF I made from our setup last year ... posted on TOP, but I will spend all subsequent Halloween talk here :D

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The "crank ghost' on the left was fun, bought little motors from Amazon, a little lumber, built a frame, painted it black, strapped on a blacklight. The actual ghost was an old prop, it's just like a static hanging ghost, worked great for the face and main body.

Basically there's a horizontal arm that turns, and as it does, it pulls strings attached through eyelets, and down to the hands. The whole frame is hanging from a tree about 20 feet up :D

The "crank ghost' on the left was fun, bought little motors from Amazon, a little lumber, built a frame, painted it black, strapped on a blacklight. The actual ghost was an old prop, it's just like a static hanging ghost, worked great for the face and main body.

Basically there's a horizontal arm that turns, and as it does, it pulls strings attached through eyelets, and down to the hands. The whole frame is hanging from a tree about 20 feet up :D

View attachment 619

I live in an apartment, but I have a large window overlooking the complex common area. I have a good assortment of videos from this site I project from the inside unto a thin cloth that take up the whole window space.

They come in both horizontal and vertical formats so you can even use them on something like a hallway.
I live in an apartment, but I have a large window overlooking the complex common area. I have a good assortment of videos from this site I project from the inside unto a thin cloth that take up the whole window space.

They come in both horizontal and vertical formats so you can even use them on something like a hallway.

Oh nice, yeah, have a projector, like a 720P model, it's not had for the price we paid, decent lumens for night use.

I use the Hulu "Huluween" videos, they're pretty good, and free, I put an Amazon Fire stick in the HDMI input on the projector :D

Those sort of "pro grade" videos you linked to are super nice. A couple of years ago I used a free 2 hour one I found on YT, hahaha, wow, it was terrible in the best possible way :D
Oh nice, yeah, have a projector, like a 720P model, it's not had for the price we paid, decent lumens for night use.

I use the Hulu "Huluween" videos, they're pretty good, and free, I put an Amazon Fire stick in the HDMI input on the projector :D

Those sort of "pro grade" videos you linked to are super nice. A couple of years ago I used a free 2 hour one I found on YT, hahaha, wow, it was terrible in the best possible way :D

I caused a few kids to cry with the Slender Spector from this collection. 😃

I use a pico projector that I can pretty much fit in my back pocket. I’ve had bigger projectors but a decent pico projector is only a couple hundred bucks and the one I have I can even plug my iPhone or iPad directly into with the HDMI to lightening adaptor. I also use it for outdoor concerts from YouTube videos and the quality is perfectly fine on a 100” diagonal screen.
JFC! Hahaha, yeah, I pooped my pants ...