How about you just ignore both Fox and MSNBC?

Chew Toy McCoy

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I usually read the titles of articles in my news aggregator, look at the source, and if it’s either of those 2 I just ignore the article and move on. Can anybody actually claim they are more informed by following those 2 sources, or just as importantly, are less informed because they ignore them (but follow other sources)? I think the world would be a lot better place if neither existed.

The only issue might be is there are a ton of left leaning or left of center alternatives, but are there any right leaning sources that aren’t even more insane than Fox? If there are, I’d love to know what they are, sincerely.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
are there any right leaning sources that aren’t even more insane than Fox?
Well, there is the Moonie Times (Washington Times), a rag run by the Unification Church

NewsMax is very deep in the really-do-not-go-there territory

The Blaze is run by Glenn Beck and Breibart has been run by various crazy people

These are fairly mainstream RW sites to avoid. OAN and the Federalist are generally not regarded with much regard, marking the near edge of HFDTAST (holy fuck did they actually say that) sources.

Leftward, we have sites like Common Dreams, Alternet, Mother Jones, Daily Beast and Jezebel. Most of the content on those sites tends to be grammatically sound and lands in the prefrontal cortex rather than the amygdala. Sometimes they are a bit lofty and pie in the sky but they are almost all more reasonable and sciency than the RW fringe. I mean, I have seen some pretty "far left" content on Scientific American, so what does that tell you about the Overton Window?


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Well, there is the Moonie Times (Washington Times), a rag run by the Unification Church

NewsMax is very deep in the really-do-not-go-there territory

The Blaze is run by Glenn Beck and Breibart has been run by various crazy people

These are fairly mainstream RW sites to avoid. OAN and the Federalist are generally not regarded with much regard, marking the near edge of HFDTAST (holy fuck did they actually say that) sources.

Leftward, we have sites like Common Dreams, Alternet, Mother Jones, Daily Beast and Jezebel. Most of the content on those sites tends to be grammatically sound and lands in the prefrontal cortex rather than the amygdala. Sometimes they are a bit lofty and pie in the sky but they are almost all more reasonable and sciency than the RW fringe. I mean, I have seen some pretty "far left" content on Scientific American, so what does that tell you about the Overton Window?
If you want left-wing content with a sense of humor, I recommend Wonkette. It’s very irreverent and doesn’t try to hide its point of view at all. Some recent headlines…..

Joe Manchin Gonna Find 10 Unicorn Republicans Who’ll Support Voting Rights. Honest!​

AOC Went To Met Gala Last Night Just To Hurt Conservative White Male Feelings, What A Asshole​

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Lets Anti-Vaxx Wackjob Explain Vaccine Turns You Into The Fly​


Thomas Veil

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I ignore Fox content on my news aggregator apps, and I don't read much from MSNBC either because it seems like 80% of the stuff they post is videos.

On TV, I do watch Rachel Maddow once in a while, when I want to get better context on a news story. Also, my programmed channels don't even acknowledge that Fox News exists. I'd sooner put a porn channel into my lineup than Fox.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I used to consider Fox something I should monitor occasionally, just to know what info diet the crazies were eating. I got rid of Hulu Live this summer and I enjoy not watching it.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
We got rid of sub-TV and went fully OtA, so the Fox channel is only the local news broadcast, with none of that other junk. It was one of only 2 transponders we could get reliably for a while (about ten or eleven channels), but I replaced some stuff and we got several more. When the NBC affiliate started coming in, I watched the news a few times, and the quality of the journalism just blew the Fox affiliate right out of the water. NBC and CBS are each so much more professional than Fox (I avoid ABC because the local channel is Sinclair, which is noted for RW shenanigans), but apparently many people prefer viscera to competence.


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Fox is…Fox. Our NBC affiliate is Sinclair so I won’t watch that. The ABC affiliate is based in Pensacola so it’s pointless for local news. The CBS affiliate is great for local news, but they’re really awful. I pretty much get all my news from MSNBC. Guilty, your honor.

Thomas Veil

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Fox is…Fox. Our NBC affiliate is Sinclair so I won’t watch that. The ABC affiliate is based in Pensacola so it’s pointless for local news. The CBS affiliate is great for local news, but they’re really awful. I pretty much get all my news from MSNBC. Guilty, your honor.
So...what? If your NBC affiliate is Sinclair ( 😱 ), do they not even carry the network news with Lester Holt?


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Fox is…Fox. Our NBC affiliate is Sinclair so I won’t watch that. The ABC affiliate is based in Pensacola so it’s pointless for local news. The CBS affiliate is great for local news, but they’re really awful. I pretty much get all my news from MSNBC. Guilty, your honor.
I like MSNBC. Their coverage of politics from a liberal perspective seems spot on to me, now staffed by several Republicans who jumped ship. Note they are not my only news source. I’ve seen nothing from them that are base, misleading fabrications.

Fox on the other hand is blatantly manipulative and deceptive, and has been since Murdock purchased them decades ago, hosting Right Wing flamers/liars in their political opinion shows. A good recent example, their coverage of the 6Jan Capitol assault designed to undermine the 2020 election, no biggy in light of a fraudulent election. /S 👀


Snowflake from Hell
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Hm. I listen to NPR, but read Apple News. I pretty much even stopped going to Google News, which just like Apple News is also just a mix of what's out there. If a headline seems particularly clickbait worthy, and douchy, it's usually Fox.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
I listen to NPR, but read Apple News.
Oh, I deleted Apple News from my iPad. It was not horrible, as such, but the one big thing that annoyed the hell out of me was they used fixed-compositing layout, giving each story exactly this much space. The result was that most of the headlines comprised 4 to 6 words followed by an ellipsis ("…").

About a tenth of the headlines were useful, the others cut off right before the key word that would tell me whether I was interested in the story. I really hated having to follow the link in order to find out that I was not interested in the story.

Finally, I straight up deleted and got UPI, AP, Reuters, NPR News, along with BBC News, Al Jazeera, CBC News, Deutsche Welle and Fark. It is a far superior way to get info, even if I have to jump around. I do have the MSNBC app, but it only wants to give me video, so screw that noise.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I can't handle TV news. I'd really rather prowl around online newspaper subs for their collective coverage of world and national news. For local stuff I read the paper that serves four mostly rural counties around here and has one full-time correspondent in Albany to cover state legislation and other antics at that level. And then there are a couple of weekly roundups that are the equivalent of pre-covid strolls around the 'hood...

Only TV news I end up seeing is in the form of clips I bump into via social media posts. I realize what gets captured and disseminated for that purpose is usually a distillation of a no-context sound bite to begin with, so I don't judge the value of TV news by that... I just don't like TV news because it's extremely compressed and yet takes up a half hour of time could be spent reading a whole lot more about whatever the topics are.

When I've made an exception in the recent past though, it's been for Lester Holt.


Resident Redneck
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Fox is…Fox. Our NBC affiliate is Sinclair so I won’t watch that. The ABC affiliate is based in Pensacola so it’s pointless for local news. The CBS affiliate is great for local news, but they’re really awful. I pretty much get all my news from MSNBC. Guilty, your honor.

Don't get me started on Sinclair. Those a-holes run both our Fox and ABC affiliates. I know there is some law against that, but since they don't "own" the Fox affiliate it's OK. But they moved the Fox feed onto their ABC feed as a sub-channel and now the HD quality from both suck.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Don't get me started on Sinclair. Those a-holes run both our Fox and ABC affiliates. I know there is some law against that, but since they don't "own" the Fox affiliate it's OK. But they moved the Fox feed onto their ABC feed as a sub-channel and now the HD quality from both suck.

What I find funny are all the hardline conservatives here who hate the Sinclair stations for being liberal propagandists.


Resident Redneck
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What I find funny are all the hardline conservatives here who hate the Sinclair stations for being liberal propagandists.

Alli is a hardline conservative? LOL.

No I hate them because 1) they drug their feet as long as possible before rolling out HD in the first place, and 2) then adding a bunch of sub-channels making the HD feed basically 480p widescreen. That's not an issue in large markets because they can simply use fiber from the station to the satellite or cable headends. But where I am, DirecTV gets the affiliate feeds from antennas before sending it to the uplink. So the quality sucks.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Alli is a hardline conservative? LOL.

Yup. You didn't know?

I don't really have a problem with Sinclair one way or the other, but it's hilarious watching people on Facebook make claims about them being funded by American hating Democrats behind the scenes everytime a less-than-glowing article about Trump pops up on one of the local channel's feeds.
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