A threefer!
I know I'm painting with broad strokes here and there's always a possibility I'm talking out of my ass, but not on purpose. I'm just saying there's a good possibility you could have a recently more open minded covidiot watching and "That seemed informative. Maybe I should be more vigilante than my local government seems to think I should be. Wait. Hold up. Oh Jesus, now they're going with the emotional sky is falling schtick again. Never mind. I knew this was an overblown hoax the Democrats are using to destroy the economy and turn us into a welfare state they control." That's mostly my point.
This makes me think about security theater, something we are surrounded by everyday that keeps us (maybe unrealistically) comfortable so there's no total breakdown and panic. The most obvious example is the TSA at the airport who is supposed to make us feel safe but the fact is a terrorist could still take down a plane if they really wanted to. An evil example of this would be the Nazis putting nice flowerbeds between the trains and the gas chambers while telling the victims they were just going to take a shower to prevent panic and revolt. In this example and in this climate not keeping your composure can be seen by some that you are way overreacting and therefor they don't know what to believe, if any of it. I haven't read Fox's take on this, but I assume that is their angle?
I've taken things seriously from the beginning and am lucky enough to live in a state that also did early on and continues to use a data based approach to how to reopen and there's always a possibility things could go back to being more restrictive if that data changes. I'm fine with that. I've also been lucky enough to keep my job and work full time this entire time. So I can't personally relate to the millions who have suffered from that end of things, but can logically understand their frustration.
Now in the news it seems there's like the new variant of the week. I don't even know what we're supposed to do with that information. Wear a different mask for each variant? I could easily see how this to some paints a picture that the Democrats just never want this to end. "We're finally getting vaccinated, and at record levels!! Yay! But wait. Lurking around the corner there's a creeping variant! Can our vaccines keep up!?! We may never know! What's that I see out of the corner of my eye? It's another variant!"
I know my sometimes mission on here is still getting missed by many, and that's fine and I understand it, but I don't go down these roads to say the left sucks and the right is awesome. This event probably won't make my list but I am taking notes for if/when Congress flips or we get another Republican president to explain what could possibly caused that to happen, aside from the balls out cheating from the right. Maybe someday we will have the numbers to triumph over idiots but we aren't there yet.
Honestly I think the left needs a "I know how the right is going to spin this" department that is always ahead of the ball and LOUDLY unspinning whatever it is. That should be a big part of everything they do and it shouldn't be tackled by some stuffy status quo "Well that's just preposterous what they are saying". That's giving the deplorables red meat and they aren't going away anytime soon.
Look, man

I know it's only been several months of Biden's Presidency. So I may be hitting this drum a little too soon and a little too loud. I just know as a lefty we have a long history of falling asleep through a presidency when it's one of ours at the helm and then we wake up one day and Trump's the president. WFT? How could that happen? Everything was going great, wasn't it?