How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

I’m going to take your post by meaning “Muslim Sympathizer“ = “supporter of Islamic Terrorism”. I’m a Muslim supporter myself. I’m also a Buddhist Supporter. I’m a Christian Supporter. I’m an athiest Supporter.

What I do NOT support is hatred or terrorism, wether it be from people of Islamic faith, or Christian.

So, to your statement:

Why? Because of his skin color? Because of his name? Because of where some of his family came from?

In politics he gave zero indication of being a Muslim Sympathizer. He was the President who gave the OK to the mission to take out Osma Bin Laden. He gave sppeches decrying terrorism in all forms for all religions.

So, please define “muslim supporter” with citations.
Maybe people should listen to what John McCain had to say. He could have appealed to the anti-Muslim bigotry (that clearly still exists) of GOP voters in 2008 to try and beat Obama, but he didn’t. What a contrast to Trump, who not only allowed such bigotry and racism to go unchallenged, he actually stoked the fires of it himself for personal gain.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1033515074889994241/
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I feel sad for all of the people that died before there was a vaccine. I feel angry that politicians have turned Covid into a political issue.

“The war ingested everything whole, bent everything to its service: religion and politics, history and geography, fact and mythology.”

--Samanth Subramanian, in This Divided Island: Life, Death and the Sri Lankan War​
Our polarized politics in the USA have been exacerbated so much over the past few years that we're essentially on a pseudo-wartime footing with each other across the partisan divide. Nothing is sacred now, apparently, not even matters of public health, the same as in a shooting war.
Back on the subject of Covid...

I was somewhat floored by developments over the last few days, which included both Sean Hannity and Mitch McConnell plugging the vaccines.

I do have some thoughts about this turn of events.

“Just like we’ve been saying, please take COVID seriously. Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths. Research like crazy. Talk to your doctor,” Fox News’s Sean Hannity said last night.
Well, in the first place, Sean, how long have you been saying this? From the beginning, like us? Or just now that we're on the fourth wave and it looks like most of the people who are going to catch it and possibly die are Republicans?

And don't tell your audience to "research like crazy". They'll just run to Facebook, where the "research" is on a par with alchemy.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell...warned again today, “These shots need to get in everybody’s arm as rapidly as possible or we are going to be back in a situation in the fall, that we don’t yearn for, that we were in last year.”
Which makes me think the other reason these guys have all of a sudden gotten on the bandwagon is that they saw how badly businesses were affected the bulk of last year and the beginning of this. They don't want to see that happening again. So please...think about Wall Street. Get the shot.

Still, even though previously dense and fact-resistant people like Steve Doocy and Steve Scalise are finally getting the many people will listen? The right has cultivated a rich, full garden of ignorance. They're gonna need some mighty big machetes to counter that.
Why are we still waiting on full FDA approval?

It should be getting approval in the next month or two. There’s a deadline for January but it will almost certainly happen much sooner.

In other news, I overheard something incredibly stupid. Someone said that the rising case numbers are just a way to convince more people to get vaccinate. Whaaaaa? I don’t even know where to start with that.
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I think I said it back when the vaccines became available, but there needed to be a carrot, such as being able to do away with masks or opening up businesses, to give people a reason to get it.

Not so much on an individual basis, but on perhaps a state or even county basis. Our governor tried to peg removing the mask mandate to 70% of the population being vaccinated. Then the CDC cut his legs out from under him, but at least he tried.
I think I said it back when the vaccines became available, but there needed to be a carrot, such as being able to do away with masks or opening up businesses, to give people a reason to get it.

Not so much on an individual basis, but on perhaps a state or even county basis. Our governor tried to peg removing the mask mandate to 70% of the population being vaccinated. Then the CDC cut his legs out from under him, but at least he tried.
What did the CDC do? I‘m not too familiar with WV politics. I looked up the stats, and West Virginia is only 38% fully vaccinated, so it doesn’t seem like they were very close to hitting the 70% mark.

What did the CDC do? I‘m not too familiar with WV politics. I looked up the stats, and West Virginia is only 38% fully vaccinated, so it doesn’t seem like they were very close to hitting the 70% mark.

When the CDC came out with the mask guidance that said vaccinated individuals don't need to wear one. That opened the flood gates and he gave in.

Also, those numbers don't match these totals:

And it seems it was 65%. I typed that at first and thought, no it was 70%. Always go with the first answer.
When the CDC came out with the mask guidance that said vaccinated individuals don't need to wear one. That opened the flood gates and he gave in.

Also, those numbers don't match these totals:

And it seems it was 65%. I typed that at first and thought, no it was 70%. Always go with the first answer.
Those numbers seem to be people 12 and up, the other numbers were total population. That seems to be the source of the apparent discrepancy. The numbers you posted are a better measure since they measure the people currently eligible to received the vaccine.

The CDC didn’t intentionally ”cut his legs out from under him”. They simply passed along factual information: vaccinated people don‘t need masks to be safe. Human nature being what it is, people who did NOT get the shot were going to look around at unmasked people and certainly wouldn’t go by the honor system and wear a mask. And we didn’t want to go for the vaccine passport thing like France is, so… What was the other option? The CDC lying and telling people they still needed masks? The Governor made a miscalculation, but I agree - it was an admirable attempt, and he didn’t stop there. He is offering money to people to get the vaccine and still talking about it regularly.

He is still working to try and get more people vaccinated, and I hope he is successful in that endeavor.
When the CDC came out with the mask guidance that said vaccinated individuals don't need to wear one. That opened the flood gates and he gave in.
Yep, it's called science. When the evidence presents itself to show a different result, scientists then adapt, change and incorporate.

Imagine how many lives could've been saved from religious ignorance if a Christian had a peer reviewed study showing that snakes could not talk or empirical data that a man couldn't part the sea.
@Eric - thanks for the COVID notice at the top of the site. I didn’t even notice it until this evening - unobtrusive, but I’m glad to see it. Meanwhile, Arn is happy to allow his site to be a breeding ground for false information that leads to deaths. He’s booted most of the people who actually push back against the lies. Just look at this thread…

What a poop show. Shutting down PRSI and banning the complainers really helped a lot, huh Arn? Thank you for banning me. I don’t want to be associated with the Apple-centric version of Parler.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1418036229157818370/

I think one of the simplest reasons for the turn about, is that it's more specifically focusing on the audience of Faux News & republican supporters.

It becomes untenable to promote vaccine hesitancy when your own audience is dying from that hesitancy.

We've seen this before in the war oriented approaches on crack / cocaine and the more concerned merciful approach with opioids.

It still blows my mind that the former president who did get vaccinated secretly, to the television network that helps hesitancy and/or misinformation, also had a figure once pitch naming the vaccine itself after that former president. Wha?!
Sad and 100% avoidable now.

And then you have this idiot
CDC: Vaccinated people don’t need masks
Un-vaccinated people: Haha you can’t tell if I am vaccinated or not!
Coronavirus: I can.
Un-vaccinated people: ☠️
And then you have this idiot
The big question is whether they said it before or after they got the "This is not a bill" letter of their "100K" hospital stay. :D

Honestly, I'd love to go full libertarian on some of these folks (i.e. pay outta pocket if you don't respect others')
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1418191435224989701/

My favorite part, "Stop telling us to stay at home if we're afraid".

Which is a nice counter if one's excuse for NOT getting the vaccine is they are afraid of it being unproven or untested.

YOU stay home, the rest of us are going to go catch a movie. Peace.
The NFL looks to be serious about vaccinations. They have some pretty stiff penalties if unvaccinated players cause a problem.
