How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

I'm beginning to realize that those who bitched the loudest when we were asked to wear masks until a vaccine comes along, will be doing their part to take us back to those days.
Absolutely this!

These people who are so against masks are pushing us back into a situation of requiring masks.

These people who are so against the vaccine are keeping the disease going, increasing the need for vaccines, including boosters.

These people who are so against shutdowns are going to force us into new shutdowns, or at least reinstating capacity limits.

These people who are so against socialism are doing everything they can to make sure restaurants, event venues and many other businesses remain dependent on the government dole to keep themselves going.

These people who are so against welfare, food stamps and lengthy unemployment benefits are disrupting the whole employment system, making it harder to get people to go back to work.

I could go on with the irony, but it just makes me even angrier.
Absolutely this!

These people who are so against masks are pushing us back into a situation of requiring masks.

These people who are so against the vaccine are keeping the disease going, increasing the need for vaccines, including boosters.

These people who are so against shutdowns are going to force us into new shutdowns, or at least reinstating capacity limits.

These people who are so against socialism are doing everything they can to make sure restaurants, event venues and many other businesses remain dependent on the government dole to keep themselves going.

These people who are so against welfare, food stamps and lengthy unemployment benefits are disrupting the whole employment system, making it harder to get people to go back to work.

I could go on with the irony, but it just makes me even angrier.
The mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance with these people is unbelievable.
If we mandated vaccines, we wouldn’t be going back to masks now. We can mandate masks, but not vaccines? Oh wait, we can mandate them... companies and government agencies are starting to. I guess they thought that Americans would get the vaccine as soon as it was available. They vastly underestimated the stupidity of the American people.
Holy cow, look at West Virginia on this chart projecting when each state will get to 70% vaccination rate... you might need to scroll down.

View attachment 7538

What in the mulletville hell? No way that is accurate.

Our Governor today introduced a booster trial:

Absolutely this!

These people who are so against masks are pushing us back into a situation of requiring masks.

Ummm Not all. I got the vaccine because it was the path to no mask. I think everyone here pretty much knows how much I hate them, but it was one thing to wear one to protect everyone else when there was no vaccine. But I will be damned if I am going to go back to wearing one because some people don't want to get the vaccine. Nope.
What in the mulletville hell? No way that is accurate.

Our Governor today introduced a booster trial:

Ummm Not all. I got the vaccine because it was the path to no mask. I think everyone here pretty much knows how much I hate them, but it was one thing to wear one to protect everyone else when there was no vaccine. But I will be damned if I am going to go back to wearing one because some people don't want to get the vaccine. Nope.
I get this frustration, especially have being so careful for the entire year and then getting a taste of freedom after being fully vaccinated. At this point I'm still doing it myself in public but not blaming you if you don't, you've done your part here.

However, we're starting to see a wave of local counties and businesses taking it upon themselves to impose mandates. In those cases we'll have no choice and I get that they don't want the liability. In the end the unvaccinated are ruining it for everyone else.
Holy cow, look at West Virginia on this chart projecting when each state will get to 70% vaccination rate... you might need to scroll down.
And that’s not even to 70%. For a minute I was pleased that AL was in the pack, but then I realized that only gets us to 50% by December of NEXT YEAR.
What in the mulletville hell? No way that is accurate.

Our Governor today introduced a booster trial:
The booster will only be for those who had the vaccine. It doesn’t do much good if there are still 50% ineligible for the booster because they never had the original vaccine.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421207484426031118/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421204601294970884/

So no surprise that Newsmax viewers already ranked pretty high among the unvaccinated (bolding below is mine)

Vaccine resistance was greater among Republicans than Democrats, according to an April study by the Public Religion Research Institute. Among Republicans who watch Fox News, 45 percent said they were hesitant or unwilling to get a Covid-19 shot, compared with 68 percent of viewers who watch the niche right-wing news channels Newsmax or One America News Network.

source: NYT on July 11, citing research done in April by Public Religion Research Institute.

btw PRRI is a good source for data on trends at the nexus of religion, culture, public policy...
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What in the mulletville hell? No way that is accurate.

Our Governor today introduced a booster trial:

Ummm Not all. I got the vaccine because it was the path to no mask. I think everyone here pretty much knows how much I hate them, but it was one thing to wear one to protect everyone else when there was no vaccine. But I will be damned if I am going to go back to wearing one because some people don't want to get the vaccine. Nope.
Not everyone who hasn't been vaccinated has a choice — vaccines probably won't be approved for children under 12 until the end of this year. Although the risk is considerably less than it is for adults, that's partially negated by higher transmission. Masks also reduces transmission from vaccinated folks who have asymptomatic infection.
If we mandated vaccines, we wouldn’t be going back to masks now. We can mandate masks, but not vaccines? Oh wait, we can mandate them... companies and government agencies are starting to. I guess they thought that Americans would get the vaccine as soon as it was available. They vastly underestimated the stupidity of the American people.

Perhaps not so much stupidity, but self-centric application of the most optimistic view of "American exceptionalism".

The problem with being exceptionally optimistic about not getting covid seems not so much ignorance of a constantly moving train of related data, but rather that one may have decided (early on, and "once and for al, l") that those facts and stats are irrelevant to one's own personal situation.

OK, "irrelevant" -- but when? Maybe someone decided "hey, I'm good" way back in February of 2020. Now we're in July of 2021 and it's the delta variant making its rounds, amid a population that's partly vaccinated, partly not vaccinated, partly unaware that vaccination itself is not 100% effective against mere infection, yet many of us still very likely figuring "hey I'm good" no matter where we fall along that spectrum.

Fox News finally coming around to deciding they were at some not fully known risk to their profit margins, for continuing to discount covid and vaccination issues, was a step in the right direction.

But if Biden's government has an active faith-based outreach group (which they likely do), I'd expect right about now they'd be working with evangelical leaders trying to get the latter to exercise their persuasive abilities in favor of their parishioners and other followers getting vaccinated.

Those high profile "leaders" who used to pray over Trump in photo ops all the while can't be ignorant of the fact that religious assemblies are fat targets for superspreader covid events. The way to keep the church doors open during a spike due to any covid variant (and "delta" won't be the last one to cause a flare-up) is to get more people vaccinated AND wearing masks. And that's also probably a way to help some meanwhile "stuck" Trump fans move away from a strictly politicized view of this illness and the various means we have of minimizing its impact.

Covid's not going away. We all have to learn how to help keep its variants at bay while research continues on better ways to interfere with its life cycle. If we can just move off that blasted dime of "I'm not giving up my freedom" as soon as anyone even mentions the advantages of vaccines and masking.... If conservative media outlets and conservative religious organizations joined in favoring covid vaccination and masking where appropriate, we'd probably make more headway against the rise of another successful variant of this coronavirus.
Today on social media it's a 'stats day', as reports on Florida are making the rounds.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421564237713920002/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421567333454290946/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421568781210558468/