How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

And meanwhile here in Brexitland

Students in Birmingham were given used coronavirus tests by mistake, with the council launching a review of the incident amid concern from those who received contaminated swabs.

The council coronavirus swab tests were accidentally handed out in Birmingham in Selly Oak as part of city council’s drop off and collect service. University of Birmingham students who then received the kits opened the boxes and found sealed bags inside.

The council said:
We are aware that a small number of tests were mistakenly given out during Drop and Collect activity in Selly Oak yesterday (13th Oct).

The circumstances around this incident are being fully reviewed and any required changes to the process will be implemented.

Oh good grief! Handing out used tests?

Students really are having a bad time of this with universities charging quarantined students £18 a day for baked beans and instant noodles (£4 max).

  1. gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317180216658329600/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317200785940283394/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317199569478950914/
A SpinCo spin studio in Hamilton, Ontario has become the site of an outbreak of coronavirus that has reportedly spread rapidly through the community after two patrons and one staff member tested positive. Though the outbreak started with just three cases of covid-19 last Monday, it has now grown to over 72 cases that are associated with that single spin studio—and between the people who visited the gym and their friends, family, and coworkers, it’s possible that as many as 2,500 people could have potentially been exposed.
🤦‍♂️ They must think this is an example of that 'American Exceptionalism" they hear certain supporters of some guy like to crow about...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317297456380477441/
FFS 🤦‍♂️

When you stake your position as 'science NOT being your thing'.

When Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) ordered a statewide mask mandate in July as coronavirus deaths surged to record levels, her second-in-command blasted the move.

“Wearing a face mask and maintaining social distancing are among the best ways to slow the spread of COVID-19,” tweeted Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth (R) at the time. “However, it’s an overstep that infringes upon the property rights of business owners and the ability of individuals to make their own health decisions.”

Now, as Alabama once again sees an alarming rise in covid-19, Ainsworth, 39, announced Wednesday that he is among the newly confirmed cases.

“After being notified this afternoon that a member of my Sunday school church group had acquired the coronavirus, I was tested out of an abundance of caution and received notice that the results proved positive,” Ainsworth said in a statement.

Really?! 🤨

I like how "tested out of an abundance of caution" is becoming the new "I think I 🤬 d up" amongst mask deniers. 😷
It begins. Here in Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has been saying he’s not worried about 12,000 fans gathering at live football games, he’s worried about small groups gathering to watch them on TV.

He’s right to worry. Here are three coronavirus advisory maps depicting the last few weeks.


Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is, is on the verge of being the first to go to purple, the worst stage.

Two towns I know of have already returned to full remote learning. 😐
FFS 🤦‍♂️

When you stake your position as 'science NOT being your thing'.

Really?! 🤨

I like how "tested out of an abundance of caution" is becoming the new "I think I 🤬 d up" amongst mask deniers. 😷
Idiot is so hyped to run for governor, that he’d go against Ivey if she cured Covid at this point. She, on the other hand, has surprised the entire state by continuing to enforce the mask mandate. First thing she’s ever done that I approve of, and it’s so big it makes up for a lot of other things.
The R governors are still taking their cue from Trump's dismissal and minimization, e.g. how he tried to brush it off last night in the 2nd debate w/ Biden. Meanwhile the current spike of covid-19 is ongoing and today's new USA cases --77,640-- are the highest for a single day since around the end of July.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1319603494668636160/
The R governors are still taking their cue from Trump's dismissal and minimization, e.g. how he tried to brush it off last night in the 2nd debate w/ Biden. Meanwhile the current spike of covid-19 is ongoing and today's new USA cases --77,640-- are the highest for a single day since around the end of July.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1319603494668636160/
I think COVID is a perfect pro-life topic for single issue voters. If they were really pro-life...
What an amazing COVID survival story! And what great care given to her and her baby by the doctors and nurses involved. 👍🏼
Seriously. I read this after listening to another snowflake whining about masks and them bitching about why the virus hasn't passed, and I want to upper cut dick punch them with brass knuckles.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1327836536424042498/
This is where we are at now.