How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Case in point:

A few months back Dr. Amy Acton headed the Ohio Department of Health. She guided Gov. Mke DeWine on how to navigate the Covid crisis in Ohio, and DeWine to his credit took her advice. Both were widely praised.

But then came the pushback. When the “re-open” people started getting nuts, she found her home being picketed and her family (including children) being threatened.

On top of that, the Ohio General Assembly decided her scientific approach was just too...scientific, and took away her authority to declare health emergencies.

That was it for her. She resigned shortly thereafter. And no one can blame her. :mad:

Last week Gov. DeWine announced her replacement, Dr. Joan Duwve. Within hours, she resigned.

My only question is how Dr. Duwve could have possibly not been informed of the circumstances surrounding the job before she accepted.

But Ohio is looking for a health director again, one who is brave enough to stand up to the pro-Covid lunatic fringe...and is willing to accept the constraints put upon him or her by Ohio’s devolved legislature.

Edited because I forgot to source the Dr. Duwve story from which I pulled the quote.

Aren‘t death threats illegal? If they locked up everybody that sent them, people wouldn’t be so eager to make them.
Aren‘t death threats illegal? If they locked up everybody that sent them, people wouldn’t be so eager to make them.
Death threats will regardless be much more "effective" against health officials who aren't used to / prepared for this kind of shit.
Even Fauci was shocked when his daughters were threatened, even though he got some heat in the 80s when he was called "gaylover" while working on HIV/AIDS.
The dumbest people on the planet:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1305521504365535232/
I - I - don't know what to say anymore

Video pulled. You can see what I mean in the opening 45 seconds of this video.

"Herd mentality"?! For Fuck sake! "Herd mentality"?!

After how many millions of deaths?!
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For F- ing F sake!

  • President Donald Trump called out former Vice President Joe Biden for not implementing a national mask mandate, though as Biden has no authority to do so.
  • "They said 'we're going to do a national mandate on masks,'" Trump said Tuesday evening during an ABC News town hall. "But he didn't do it, I mean, he never did it."
  • Biden has previously stated his support for universal mask-wearing, while Trump has shut down consideration of the idea.
  • Trump defended his stance by claiming that "a lot of people don't want to wear masks."
Okay, one more...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1306068367833550848/

Something posted later in the thread that says it best
I - I - don't know what to say anymore

Video pulled. You can see what I mean in the opening 45 seconds of this video.

"Herd mentality"?! For Fuck sake! "Herd mentality"?!

After how many millions of deaths?!

There is no herd immunity without a vaccine because the immunity is most likely transient (~4-6mo). He knows it. By the time one end of the population gains some transient immunity, the other loses it. So you sacrifice a lot of people for nothing. This on its own would deserve jail time...
Seriously! How the fuck do I NOT get to claim "I was in fear for my life" as I club this woman if she got in my face ranting?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1305923015251824649/

Granted if I was tap dancing on her throat claiming I was hoping to stamp out all possible germs, that would understandably be considered excessive. But come the hell on, who in this world doesn't get the mask thing, and still demands interacting with the general public?
Rand Paul getting skull fucked by Fauci (sorry for the vulgarity but Paul's malignantly ignorant)
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1308797607842545664/
When your tweets & predictions don't age well, bringing to question one's wisdom.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1309640500077625344/
I think all the shit I've had to put up with this year is finally starting to take a toll on me.

I've dozed a couple of hours total over the last 36 hours, and I just can't seem to get to sleep. There's too much shit on my mind, and I when I lay down to try to sleep, I start feeling like I'm running out of time.
I think all the shit I've had to put up with this year is finally starting to take a toll on me.

I've dozed a couple of hours total over the last 36 hours, and I just can't seem to get to sleep. There's too much shit on my mind, and I when I lay down to try to sleep, I start feeling like I'm running out of time.
Sorry to hear that, hang in there. I think we've hit rock bottom and over the next year the only way we can go is up.
I think all the shit I've had to put up with this year is finally starting to take a toll on me.

I've dozed a couple of hours total over the last 36 hours, and I just can't seem to get to sleep. There's too much shit on my mind, and I when I lay down to try to sleep, I start feeling like I'm running out of time.

I don’t think I could cope if I weren’t already on medication. My husband is at that point as well, and will ask the family doctor for some of what I’m on for himself. The brain won’t turn off.