How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Seriously. I read this after listening to another snowflake whining about masks and them bitching about why the virus hasn't passed, and I want to upper cut dick punch them with brass knuckles.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1327836536424042498/
This is where we are at now.
And the moron judges in Texas ruled El Paso cannot enforce mask mandates. America is f-ed. We are run by idiots.
An ER nurse in South Dakota:

"I can’t help but think of the Covid patients the last few days. The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real. The ones who scream at you for a magic medicine and that Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA. All while gasping for breath on 100% Vapotherm. They tell you there must be another reason they are sick.

These people really think this isn’t going to happen to them. And then they stop yelling at you when they get intubated. It’s like a f___ing horror movie that never ends. There’s no credits that roll. You just go back and do it all over again.
For health care workers it must be almost like a zombie picture come to life. They just keep on coming, and you pray you’re not the next one to get infected.

This denial is a sickness. And it’s scary that it’s so widespread. It’s almost as if someone put hallucinogens in the water.
In NH we have Chris Sununu (R) for governor. He just won re-election easily. I voted against him although I have pretty much zero problems with his COVID approach and he got a lot of Dem support for that.

Still, it’s getting worse up here. Vermont just started a pretty aggressive shutdown and all out of state visitors are required to quarantine for 2 weeks. Maine is requiring the same unless you’re from New Hampshire or Vermont.

As an avid skier, I’ve got some strong concerns about how the ski industry will fare this year. Vermont’s restrictions have tremendous implications for tourism this winter. I ski all 3 states every year. I have a Vail pass that covers multiple VT ski areas that I may not end up using this year. Luckily Vail owns several NH ski areas that I’ll be sticking to.

Please baby Jesus, make it snow.
I have to sadly admit I conceded over in the other land, in discussion covid with a certain herd.

You can only say the same things with proof to back you up, while they deny with things they read on FB, for so long before you realize... "Why?"

For those times I realize it's only when it finally hits them personally and 250K isn't some absurdly abstract number of fellow Americans killed, will they take it seriously. Suddenly it will be sob story time & they will demand thoughts & prayers of us, and anyone pointing out their past behavior may have to led to things you'd be the uncaring selfish asshole.

Until this country can dig itself out of the tribalism mire it's stepped in, we are 🤬 d. I've posted it before, and I still swear by it...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1328556609841270785/

We may indeed be living in the dumbest of times.

As he took the floor to rail against Federal Reserve nominee Judith Shelton, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) first took aim at Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), who was presiding over the Senate. Before he began his remarks on Shelton, Brown said: “I start by asking the presiding officer to wear a mask.”

“I don’t wear a mask when I’m speaking,” Sullivan retorted, a rare response from the senator presiding over the Senate. “I don’t need your instruction.”

Brown said the moment was emblematic of a Senate where “there isn’t much interest … in public health.”
And if you really have a problem with Covid restrictions, just follow Dr. Scott Atlas and lead an insurrection. My gods, the man is a douche.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1328556609841270785/
Local law enforcement choosing what laws they will and will not enforce. They are the same way about guns in mostly rural areas.

Must be nice, like going to work for Little Cesars but refusing to make pizzas.
Local law enforcement choosing what laws they will and will not enforce. They are the same way about guns in mostly rural areas.

Must be nice, like going to work for Little Cesars but refusing to make pizzas.
Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh... 🤦‍♂️

You know it's more about one choosing what they personally like, using an interpretation of the law.

Especially since the very herd I gave up on having these conversations with, WANTS to talk about THIS.


Two things:

1. For the herd's discussion it isn't this sheriff, because the herd knows this one is about his feelings. Instead of course, there is some sheriff somewhere that they of course cannot remember where or will bother to look for, who said they BELIEVE such a law where they are would be illegal. This is an individual who can't grasp why I won't give a shit about their personal anecdotes. If they can't provide a real source to their claims, why the hell would I believe any personal story that always makes them sound heroic like they've saved virgins from marauding inner city huns, and their deity was proud that day of them?

2. Why is gifs seem to consistently work better over here, and NOT over there? :unsure:(y)
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A lot of these guys are into the spirit if not the formal membership rosters of the CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association). There are not many official members, if you want to call 400 or so county sheriffs "not many"... but there are plenty sheriffs and deputies around the USA who may personally pick and choose enforcement of state and federal rules or laws they don't care for, and some occasionally go on record publicly questioning constitutionality of those laws, including gun laws and most recently, covid-19 public health mandates by governors.

And yes, the roots of the actual "constitutional sheriffs" ideology do trace back to the Posse Comitatus with all its conspiracy-theory-laden, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-gay, militaristic baggage.

North Dakota is one of the worst states overall for infection rates. Looking at the lower map on this page one can see that they are getting hit quite hard. 7 months ago, in the plains region from Texas to Montana, there was an arc of grey counties (no reported cases) that has since become very dark red in many places. McKenzie County (on the border of MT) has an infection rate of a tad over 5% (not as bad as Williams County to the north). This is the Bakken area, where there was a big boom in oil/gas exploration.

Of course, many of these counties are very low in population, so their infection percentages go up very quickly compared to more urbanized areas.

Now, though, we have supergenius T____r C_____n telling us "the surge in cases is proof that lockdowns were ineffective." That might have nothing at all to do with


this guy.
I already regret my decision for continuing the conversation.

Evidently we weren't really talking about the fictional sheriff, it was about me being such a bully telling people to wear masks.

P.S. I haven't told anyone to wear masks, I just post bits about people who lose their :poop: because they are asked to wear a mask, or imagine liberties lost by a mask.
Here's a little quickie graphic I put together to show the spread of Coronavirus in my state over the last ten weeks. Yellow is less infection, red is obviously more, with purple being the highest level (not reached...yet).


Yesterday the number of new infections was over 7,800. In spite of this, you have people who are hosting football watching parties and want to have big family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You've gotta be an imbecile, quite frankly.

The governor, Mike DeWine, has just declared a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. Every non-essential business has to shut down. And Trump is so angry he's urging his own party to primary DeWine in the next election.
Here's a little quickie graphic I put together to show the spread of Coronavirus in my state over the last ten weeks. Yellow is less infection, red is obviously more, with purple being the highest level (not reached...yet).

Yesterday the number of new infections was over 7,800. In spite of this, you have people who are hosting football watching parties and want to have big family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You've gotta be an imbecile, quite frankly.

The governor, Mike DeWine, has just declared a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. Every non-essential business has to shut down. And Trump is so angry he's urging his own party to primary DeWine in the next election.
I doubt a curfew will do much at this point. Pretty weak.
In Ohio it’s 2:30 am. Even more exposure.

Anyway, this is (for now) a three week curfew. Given the trajectory of the disease and people’s aversion to voluntary measures, this doesn’t sound unreasonable.
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1.3 million active duty members of the U.S. military. Only 777 hospitalized cases of COVID. Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors all following orders: socially distancing, wearing masks, quarantining if any contact with an infected person is suspected, etc.

All it takes: following doctors’ recommendations and being disciplined about it.

People hang out in bars till 1:30am just about every night. A curfew would reduce exposure time for any bars that might still be open.
This. They drink, they touch each other, they yell, rinse&repeat.

Here's a little quickie graphic I put together to show the spread of Coronavirus in my state over the last ten weeks. Yellow is less infection, red is obviously more, with purple being the highest level (not reached...yet).

Yesterday the number of new infections was over 7,800. In spite of this, you have people who are hosting football watching parties and want to have big family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You've gotta be an imbecile, quite frankly.

The governor, Mike DeWine, has just declared a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. Every non-essential business has to shut down. And Trump is so angry he's urging his own party to primary DeWine in the next election.
Lucky for him that he's a man with an R. Otherwise Scott Atlas would "accidentally" go for his jugular on Twitter.

Fun fact, Scott Atlas' google scholar profile disappeared overnight. Maybe, because it was obvious based on that that Fauci is 20x more cited than him and in a field that is actually related to COVID...