How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

More cold water dumped on the “lab leak” hypothesis for COVID-19’s origin.

This was from a scientist that had previously thought it might be a lab leak. Because he’s an actual scientist, he collected and analyzed more data and came to a different conclusion.

"In this city of 11 million people, half of the early cases are linked to a place that's the size of a soccer field," Worobey told the New York Times. "It becomes very difficult to explain that pattern if the outbreak didn't start at the market."

Why did people think it might have been a lab leak? Because the “first” case was believed to be Dec 8, but they later found out that person wasn’t infected until the 16th.

Another criticism of the theory was based on the fact that the first case identified was unrelated to the market.

But while the WHO report claimed the man originally identified as patient zero had been ill from December 8, he actually was not sick until December 16, according to Worobey.

That deduction was based on a video interview he found, from a case described in a scientific article and from a hospital medical record that matched the 41-year-old man.

That would mean the first reported case would be the woman who worked in the market, who fell ill on December 11.

Peter Daszak, a disease expert who was on the WHO investigation team, said he was convinced by Worobey's analysis.

"That December 8 date was a mistake," he told the Times.

All evidence so far is pointing to a naturally-occurring virus first infecting humans on Dec 11 at a Wuhan fish market.
such as refusing to put a stay on the Texas abortion ban (which has NO expection for RAPE, by the way)
Well, I thought you knew. Abbott told everyone that there is no need for an exception, because they are going to put an end to rape. The guy who has been Governor for nearly 7 years and was the state AG for the 13 years before that has decided at last to end rape. Which must mean they are just going to remove the law against it?
Botched translation as far as I can tell.

The german text I found used a word that should be translated as “recovered” rather than “cured”. Not digging further.
This seems to be an accurate statement for the most part, I don't know of anyone unvaccinated who didn't get it, in fact I also know those who had breakthroughs as well. But in the end it seems there's no way the virus doesn't impact you in one way or the other.
This seems to be an accurate statement for the most part, I don't know of anyone unvaccinated who didn't get it, in fact I also know those who had breakthroughs as well. But in the end it seems there's no way the virus doesn't impact you in one way or the other.
Yes. He basically said that they urgently recommend vaccination because the virus is very contagious. Very sinister.
This seems to be an accurate statement for the most part, I don't know of anyone unvaccinated who didn't get it, in fact I also know those who had breakthroughs as well. But in the end it seems there's no way the virus doesn't impact you in one way or the other.
Yes, the pandemic will eventually end/subside once everyone is exposed to the virus one way or another. It's just 10x better to get exposed artificially through vaccines.

What cure? Is something lost in the translation? Or are they considering those who have had and survived "cured"?

*Sinister German accent*

"Either you will be vaccinated."

*Picks up absurdly large stainless steel surgical tool*


*Dramatic pause—sweat beads on the hero's forehead.*

"Or dead! That is up to you. Mawhahahaha."

*Main villain leaves room so dumbass henchmen can botch the procedure, allowing hero to dramatically escape*
Fascinating report on NPR, 2nd Generation COVID vaccines are being developed to be administered as a nose spray and possibly a pill, that not only triggers the immune system but goes after the virus factory directly and is being designed as long lasting.

Is this short lived nature a function of mutating viruses alone? Yet I’ve heard nothing beyond the delta variant.
wife got sick from our grandkid and work wanted her to take a covid test. but she is blind and going anywhere for it is a pain. but bought a kit from amazon with same day delivery and and it was pretty easy the app waked you through it with videos and timers to show you exactly how to do it.
wife got sick from our grandkid and work wanted her to take a covid test. but she is blind and going anywhere for it is a pain. but bought a kit from amazon with same day delivery and and it was pretty easy the app waked you through it with videos and timers to show you exactly how to do it.
Hope she's doing okay, let us know how it turns out.
So there’s been a bit of an explosion of stories on this new variant in the last several hours. It would appear this one is quite concerning
This isn't looking good :(

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1463956686075580421/
the test was negative. she will get over it. well my wife will and grand kid and daughter. me I only got it a little bit lucky since I have to work.
My wife was going in for a sleep study and the hospital required she get a COVID test. The hospital is twenty miles away and she asked if she could get it done somewhere else close by. They said no, they had to do it which says to me they don’t trust the honor system, or other medical entities such as a local Urgent Care.
This isn't looking good :(

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1463956686075580421/
Are the current vaccines effective against this variant?

Isn’t it interesting how before COVID we seemed to be in a state of relative virus stability, and now it seems like this situation, just won’t go away. How long before the next new bug assaults the species? :oops:
My wife was going in for a sleep study and the hospital required she get a COVID test. The hospital is twenty miles away and she asked if she could get it done somewhere else close by. They said no, they had to do it which says to me they don’t trust the honor system, or other medical entities such as a local Urgent Care.
They wanted me to come in for my annual pulmonary function test and had the same requirement, everyone must have a properly sanctioned negative test, regardless of vaccination status. I chose to skip this year because my breathing really hasn't changed enough to warrant the test but I don't blame them at all, if I ever need to go in it's comforting to know they're taking it so seriously.
My wife was going in for a sleep study and the hospital required she get a COVID test. The hospital is twenty miles away and she asked if she could get it done somewhere else close by. They said no, they had to do it which says to me they don’t trust the honor system, or other medical entities such as a local Urgent Care.
her work wanted her to take it. we knew it was not covid. Get a kick out of it Asher box is antivaxx and caught covid and brought t to work.