Ilhan Omar to introduce articles of impeachment

If Trump isn't found guilty, the GOP will make sure we never hear the end of it. Call it acquittal or not guilty (nothing against you @Thomas Veil), it means Trump, in some measure, got away with it. That's what chaps my hide. 🤬
We need to make sure those 43 Senators never hear the end of it. We need to remind America of their treasonous behavior in every TV appearance they make and all through their next campaigns. We need to hang this like a millstone around their necks and let them sink to the bottom of the swamp they love residing in.
Unfortunately, the impeachment motion was never - very regrettably - going to be carried; it needed too many Republican Senators to cross the floor and vote guilty (17), for it to be carried, and - with the current lot of Republican gutless, spineless, wonders - I'm not sure that I can see how that might come to pass.

However, if my understanding is correct, an Amendment 14 (section 3) motion - which would bar Mr Trump from holding office again - would be carried by a simple majority of one vote (i.e. 51 votes, rather than 67).
I will definitely be avoiding any further coked out Trump Jr. videos. He makes me postal.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1360416931334025216/
I'm reading in various headlines that Mr Trump was "acquitted".

My understanding is that he was found "not guilty" (by pusillanimous Republicans) but that is not quite the same thing - in this particular context - as having been "acquitted".
Unfortunately, the impeachment motion was never - very regrettably - going to be carried; it needed too many Republican Senators to cross the floor and vote guilty (17), for it to be carried, and - with the current lot of Republican gutless, spineless, wonders - I'm not sure that I can see how that might come to pass.

However, if my understanding is correct, an Amendment 14 (section 3) motion - which would bar Mr Trump from holding office again - would be carried by a simple majority of one vote (i.e. 51 votes, rather than 67).

Actually, now that he has been acquitted, they will not be voting on Amendment 14/section 3...... More's the pity!

"If acquitted, Trump would have access to all the benefits of a former US president, including the option to run for public office."
There is some part of me that admires McConnell’s remarks after the vote. He admitted that Trump was practically and morally responsible for what happened. He went further than the House Managers did, according to Rep. Raskin just now. It is unfortunate that he felt it was not his job to convict, rather the convictions should come from the DOJ and the states of GA and NY. I now feel certain that Trump will spend time in prison.

The House Managers were magnificent.
Actually, now that he has been acquitted, they will not be voting on Amendment 14/section 3...... More's the pity!

"If acquitted, Trump would have access to all the benefits of a former US president, including the option to run for public office."

Can a motion on Amendment 14 (section 3) not be moved separately?
Trump should still what he deserves when he has to face various criminal charges, and on the state level there are going to be several opportunities for that.....
How I look forward to that.

There is some part of me that admires McConnell’s remarks after the vote. He admitted that Trump was practically and morally responsible for what happened. He went further than the House Managers did, according to Rep. Raskin just now. It is unfortunate that he felt it was not his job to convict, rather the convictions should come from the DOJ and the states of GA and NY. I now feel certain that Trump will spend time in prison.

The House Managers were magnificent.
That cheers me up no end.
No. It requires a guilty vote.

Thanks for the clarification.

I had assumed (hoped?) that it could be moved separately.
Here's a list of the spineless Republican cowards who voted to acquit the man who supported and incited the illegal overthrow of our government:

John BarrassoMike CrapoJosh HawleyRoger MarshallRick Scott
Marsha BlackburnTed CruzJohn HoevenMitch McConnellTim Scott
Roy BluntSteve DainesCindy Hyde-SmithJerry MoranRichard Shelby
John BoozmanJoni ErnstJames M. InhofeRand PaulDan Sullivan
Mike BraunDeb FischerRon JohnsonRob PortmanJohn Thune
Shelley CapitoLindsey GrahamJohn KennedyJames RichThom Tillis
John CornynCharles E. GrassleyJames LankfordMike RoundsTommy Tuberville
Tom CottonBill HegartyMike LeeMarco RubioRoger Wicker
Kevin CramerCynthia LummisTodd Young

We need to drag their names through the mud from now through their next election day.
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I'm reading in various headlines that Mr Trump was "acquitted".

My understanding is that he was found "not guilty" (by pusillanimous Republicans) but that is not quite the same thing - in this particular context - as having been "acquitted".
You are correct. The word "acquitted" does not mean Trump was found innocent.

To quote myself earlier:

Trump will not be found innocent in this trial. The two standard verdicts are guilty and not guilty. The latter doesn’t mean you are innocent. It means the prosecution couldn’t prove its case to the satisfaction of the judge or jury.

Not guilty can mean anything from You are innocent to You got away with it. Given this jury, it’ll definitely mean that he got away with it.
You are correct. The word "acquitted" does not mean Trump was found innocent.

To quote myself earlier:

Trump will not be found innocent in this trial. The two standard verdicts are guilty and not guilty. The latter doesn’t mean you are innocent. It means the prosecution couldn’t prove its case to the satisfaction of the judge or jury.

Not guilty can mean anything from You are innocent to You got away with it. Given this jury, it’ll definitely mean that he got away with it.

Thank you.

In turn, that prompts two observations.

Firstly, the usual Troglodytes will try to paint this as having reached a verdict of "innocent" (rather than, "not proven" to the satisfaction of the jury in question).

And, secondly, given that this - outrageous, treasonable, life-threatening conduct - was "not proven", it does set the bar for what is adjudged to be "reasonable" behaviour or conduct from an American president (at least, from a Republican President, for Democrats - needless to say - will be held to a different, and higher, standard of behaviour and conduct), depressingly low.
All the GOP senators stood around the bowl staring at the water and commented:
What an ugly filthy turd floating there, hear it raving? This is what we embraced for 4 years, got it’s slimey stench all over our lapels, don’t smell your fingers!

After a few moments of thought...
But you know, after a while the smell no longer curdles your stomach, and our favorite Koolaid drinkers back home will never forgive us if we push the handle down. Let’s let it float a bit longer, maybe it will dissolve and turn into inert putrid brown water. Then we‘ll have the courage to flush. 🤔

In the want your cake and eat it too Dept.​
Another reason that even though Trump will view this as an acquittal, it is not:

The Founding Fathers set what appears to be an impossibly high standard for conviction. In what other setting would you score 43 points to your opponent's 57 points, and you are declared the winner?

A 57-43 majority of the Senate considers him guilty as charged. That's not exactly something to crow about.

Ohh! He was doing so well up until the end. He should've stopped at 1:55.
This country is experiencing a Constitutional Crisis. We in our wisdom have filled half of the Congress with people who have ZERO interest in honoring the Constitution, the rule of law, tradions and standards of integrity. I got shudders of fear listening to the blatant lies being told at the Stop the Steal rallies. We've got a whole army of mini-Trumps now trying to subvert every value we claim to hold dear for perceived self advantage... power over the sheep, the Kool Aid drunk sheep.
It got the most votes by the same party as the person being impeached ever. The flaw is with impeachment itself.

Really it should go to the Supreme Court and need 75%. personally I think the first impeachment would have been 7-2 and this one would have been 9-0.
It got the most votes by the same party as the person being impeached ever. The flaw is with impeachment itself.

Really it should go to the Supreme Court and need 75%. personally I think the first impeachment would have been 7-2 and this one would have been 9-0.
Maybe... while admitting, impeachment is a questionable, impossible exercise in a political body.