Of course he does. Trump's a racist.You know Trump hates her right?
Of course he does. Trump's a racist.You know Trump hates her right?
After a vote has been passed (which requires a majority of two thirds of the Senate) to impeach the office holder (in this instance, the President), to answer your question, (I've been reading this stuff this evening, while drinking red wine from France, how sad is that?), following conviction, the Senate may vote to further punish the individual by barring him or her from holding future federal office, elected or appointed.Would an impeachment also prevent Trump from running for office in the future?
Of course he does. Trump's a racist.
Of course he does. Trump's a racist.
If they're smart, this offers them a tremendous re-branding opportunity. Mitch and Lindsay are probably working this out right now.
Your neck of the woods.I don’t know that. But that aside makes it rich.
I don’t get it either. My understanding of the meaning of “that’s rich” is identical to yours. Why it should apply to Omar is unclear.I don‘t think it’s funny, and can’t figure out what supposedly makes it funny. But if somebody has to explain a joke, it’s no longer funny anyway, so we’ll just say I don’t get it.
Yup. That too.And a misogynist.
He hates all a) women, b) people of color, c) Muslims, and d) Democrats.You know Trump hates her right?
Or you know Trump could just take the advice of Rupert Murdoch's upper tier rag and resign. Of course it's easy for the WSJ to say since they're probably not expecting to be hit by a raft of indictments in a couple of weeks.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347336480352514048/
Rats leaving the ship.There's going to be a lot distractions in the coming days like Betsy Devos resigning – why? She was done anyway. She's doing it to eat up a headline. Her and her Blackwater/Haliburton private army family are knee deep in Trump waste. She's not resigning out of the goodness of her heart.
I think more and more the truth will emerge that this was an inside job with the Capitol Police, but they failed to prolong the certification. Now that Biden is certified, Trump has very few options, which is why the video of him saving face came out. He's trying to buy time. I really hope the powers that be are a few steps ahead of Trump and any kind of insurgents. Scary times. IMO, he needs to be removed from office immediately.
And I think there's likely to be a Congressional inquiry. At least there better be. It's time to clean house of insurgents in police departments across the country.
There's going to be a lot distractions in the coming days like Betsy Devos resigning – why? She was done anyway. She's doing it to eat up a headline. Her and her Blackwater/Haliburton private army family are knee deep in Trump waste. She's not resigning out of the goodness of her heart.
I know I'm being paranoid, but these last four years have really brought to light what Margerat Atwood wrote about how quickly fascism can spread: "So, no guarantees. No guarantees that things aren’t going to go tits up, quite rapidly.”
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I think it's important to keep shining a light and not be pacified by resignations and people jumping ship. We need to get to the heart of every deplorable and expose their actions. Every behind-the-scenes maneuver by the Trump admin needs to be looked at, documented and countered with law.
(This is a good read: ‘Things can change a lot faster than you think,’ says Margaret Atwood, author of ‘The Handmaid's Tale’)
I’m staying up late tonight to celebrate the departure of Betsy DeVos.![]()
Well that phone call where Rudy thought he was leaving a voicemail for Tuberville but it landed on another Senator's phone and the press got it... where he said "we just want to slow the count"... i thought that was maybe about some long shot of Trump's lawyers saying if it went into January 7th and the Congress hadn't finished their assigned duty required to occur on January 6th, then... hey.., more time to bring another lawsuit over some damn thing... or was something else supposed to happen if they could just keep the House and Senate in joint session and Pence occupied into the wee hours?
These guys are so incompetent but at the same time they always have these complex agendas and connections to nogoodniks. In that sense the whole thing does feel like Watergate lately. Only 10x worse.
I can't imagine Trump still in power for 13 more days now, with people jumping ship and WH counsel telling staffers don't go by him you'll end up in legal hell... and yet he's dangerous unsupervised.... so no I don't think you're paranoid, or let's say hypervigilant. Or anyway Trump and his crowd have made that a reasonable stance to end up with on autopilot.
He visited your state to talk about race horses, theories and genes. You like explicit stuff. Here's explicit.No idea what you’re talking about.
He visited your state to talk about race horses, theories and genes. You like explicit stuff. Here's explicit.
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