Is Biden Really in Charge?


Resident Redneck
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Seems a majority of voters don't think so.

Now I know some will hit back because of who the pollster is or because no one wants to believe they voted for a President who might not actually be in charge. But even if the results are skewed a bit, there is still a substantial percentage of voters who don't think he is in charge and someone else is pulling the strings.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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The prevailing theory is that Biden was but a trojan horse for Harris to ride into the presidency. Biden being the oldest president we've had hold office, and is obviously suffering due to the physical and mental demands of the job isn't helping to dissuade anyone of that notion.

...but hey, it's all hearsay and opinion. People can believe what the want, but is there any actual evidence of such?


Resident Redneck
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...but hey, it's all hearsay and opinion. People can believe what the want, but is there any actual evidence of such?

People see what they want to see. I understand why some people would not want to admit they elected someone who was being "handled" and wasn't really in charge. As for Harris, that might have been the prevailing theory until they figured out she was worthless and couldn't do the simple tasks she was assigned.

And I will predict here and now: Biden will not finish his term.

Feel free to bookmark this and revisit it in 3.5 years. I am willing to admit when I am wrong.

Runs For Fun

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People see what they want to see. I understand why some people would not want to admit they elected someone who was being "handled" and wasn't really in charge. As for Harris, that might have been the prevailing theory until they figured out she was worthless and couldn't do the simple tasks she was assigned.

And I will predict here and now: Biden will not finish his term.

Feel free to bookmark this and revisit it in 3.5 years. I am willing to admit when I am wrong.
I’ll be back


Site Master
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Biden isn’t running the country, but you still blame him for the messy pull-out of Afghanistan, which he promised to do during the campaign.

You’re trying to have your cake and eat it too.

And the “substantial number of people think” is nonsense. Look at the substantial number of people who think COVID is a hoax, or the vaccine has microchips, or the moon landing was faked. A substantial number of people in lands far from America think the Buffalo Bills won 4 Super Bowls in a row too…



Site Master
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People see what they want to see. I understand why some people would not want to admit they elected someone who was being "handled" and wasn't really in charge. As for Harris, that might have been the prevailing theory until they figured out she was worthless and couldn't do the simple tasks she was assigned.

And I will predict here and now: Biden will not finish his term.

Feel free to bookmark this and revisit it in 3.5 years. I am willing to admit when I am wrong.
Trump supporters think that a president who actually listens to his carefully-chosen advisors instead of just blurting out the first thought that pops into his head all the time is a puppet? God help me….


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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And I will predict here and now: Biden will not finish his term.

Given his age and occupation, that's a pretty safe bet to make.

Then again, I figured Trump would've had a heart attack by now, given his weight and diet, but hell, he's still going strong. There's only a 4 years age difference between the two, so who knows?


Resident Redneck
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Rasmussen is a conservative rag in poll form.

But that doesn't mean he is wrong. It means he is the only one who will ask that question.

If you follow his polls on RCP, he is usually within a point or two of everyone else.

Take a look at this Direction of Country poll from RCP. Rasmussen is more favorable to Biden than both NBC and Reuters.


Power User
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But that doesn't mean he is wrong. It means he is the only one who will ask that question.

If you follow his polls on RCP, he is usually within a point or two of everyone else.

Take a look at this Direction of Country poll from RCP. Rasmussen is more favorable to Biden than both NBC and Reuters. View attachment 8314
There’s a problem though: Toplines don’t tell the whole story, so it’s tough to extrapolate these results into being favorable or unfavorable for Biden.

I voted for Biden twice last year, in the primary and in the general. If he runs again for 2024, I will — barring some unforeseen circumstance — vote for him again. If polled on this question, I would say we are on the wrong track given burgeoning authoritarianism among the Republican Party, people stupid enough to take medicine formulated for farm animals, and wanton COVID vaccine and 2020 election misinformation.

Rasmussen paywalls its crosstabs, so I can’t see the party ID/2020 vote split regarding who chose which option in their poll, and I’m not sending them a red cent. But the Economist poll listed there indicates that nearly 30% of Biden voters selected the "wrong track" option — and no, as I indicated above, it’s not necessarily buyer’s remorse.


Tesla & Steeler fan
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Biden has some issues going on....I'm not a medical professional but anyone with their eyes open can see that he is not in his full faculties.

Thomas Veil

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People see what they want to see. I understand why some people would not want to admit they elected someone who was being "handled" and wasn't really in charge.
I could understand this statement if we were talking about George W. Bush, who was Cheney’s errand boy up until his final year. But where’s the evidence re Biden?

Then again, I figured Trump would've had a heart attack by now, given his weight and diet…
…or a massive stroke, given his volcanic temperament.

Really? Can you list some signs that might prove it to the rest of us?
I’m curious about that too.
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