Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Also let's take a moment and appreciate that josh hawley trending & collectively being referred to as a "bitch" on social networks is a moment.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550298256856547328/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550334164351692800/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550344370766888960/

✊ Congratulations josh, no one has ever earned that title more.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550289866411634689/

I know it's been awhile & this isn't the normal thread for it, but does anyone remember the whole "back the blue" crowd & sentiment?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550421407116443648/

Because THAT crowd certainly does not.


Look at Tubster, following around a patriot to heckle him, then falling down and crying like a little bitch because he got tapped with a flag pole. These pantywaists get tapped with a pole and act like they've been stabbed in the kidney, but they want to pretend January 6 wasn't that bad.

These people are both dumb as dirt and the biggest damn crybabies I've ever seen.

The stupid woman heckling Fanone isn't much better. I'm sure the Twittersphere will be on her case.
I did not listen last night, to the Thursday night, Jan 6 Committee televised hearing, because I don’t want my hopes up that something substantial, legal might happen to the former POS-In-Chief. This morning I’m listening to the summaries on MSNBC, and hearing again, Trump’s message to his losers to stand down, it‘s one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever listened to, they stole the election, we won by a landslide, but we can’t play into their hands, go home, I love you. (Paraphrased).

This is the kind of thing, bold face lies, accusing the other side of doing exactly what you were doing, and not be immediately shut down, and prosecuted, relies on millions of win at all costs people, who have broken bad, are selfish, or just plain self servingly STUPID.

The state of the United States is dire. We are in deep shit because the Head Criminal, Donald J Trump, has been allowed to remain at large, lounging in one of his resorts, continuing to gather his forces* and spread his poison any way he can, planning for the destruction of the Federal Govt, to burn it down, then rise again as a Phoenix built in his image.

*He maybe fading, but there are others like DeSantis in Florida who appear to be more than willing to carry on in his name.

And the key to Justice, The Republican Party found in all 50 States is corrupt and complicit in his crimes, accomplices refusing to acknowledge or act, pushing back against one of the most destructive political forces ever to arise in the United States, threatening everything we claim our country stands for.

And although I’m accusing Republican politicians, the real culprit is the base of US Citizens who put those politicians in place, have decided that Democracy, Truth, and Justice are no good, if they can’t get their way, such as the sham idea creating a Christian Theocracy as a cover for a fascist movement on the rise in the US. As far as they are concerned, win at all costs is the only destructive rule to be followed. And if the Majority does not counter this threat, then we deserve all the bad things to follow. The country may not survive as we know it.

This Shit is not over. :cry:
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Apologies if this was already posted elsewhere:

The threat is real, and I don't think it'll go away if Trump doesn't run.
“Team Trump” did a pretty good job of putting in anti-government people from 2017-2020 already. The idea that they’d put even WORSE people into such positions is pretty disturbing.

Perhaps there should be rules that the prior officials need to stay on until replacements get confirmed by the Senate. Most of Trump’s minions were “acting” directors of one kind or another, because the Senate wouldn’t rubber-stamp such obviously incompetent clowns.
“Team Trump” did a pretty good job of putting in anti-government people from 2017-2020 already. The idea that they’d put even WORSE people into such positions is pretty disturbing.

Perhaps there should be rules that the prior officials need to stay on until replacements get confirmed by the Senate. Most of Trump’s minions were “acting” directors of one kind or another, because the Senate wouldn’t rubber-stamp such obviously incompetent clowns.
but they did rubber-stamp incompetent judges go figure.
Matthew Pottinger was a Trump administration official from day 1. He is starting by bragging about his accomplishments on behalf of the administration. Seems like somebody who would be loyal to Trump.

I am quite unimpressed by Matthew Pottinger. He thinks he was doing such great work, and seemed to think he couldn’t leave the White House for even a few minutes or else terrorists would get us! Um… the attack on the Capitol wasn’t terrorism? This is a guy who thinks his own 💩 doesn’t stink. It doesn’t seem to occur to him that he just might have gotten his position in the Trump administration because the top choices for such a position didn’t want to work for The Donald.
Pottinger opened by saying what a wonderful president TFG was, and that kinda set the stage. From there on, all he did was talk about himself and how important he was.
On the internet right now, a lot of MAGAs (and Russians posing as MAGAs) demonstrating that they don’t know what “hearsay” means.
That’s because they just learned the word. The originally tweeted it was “heresy.”
I'm trying in vain to imagine any other outgoing president of the United States of America sitting around for three hours just watching a violent mob attempt to sack his own sitting government -- with his own prior encouragement-- which had been tasked with seeing to an orderly and largely ceremonial transfer of power after he had lost a re-election bid.

Even more shocking than that Trump did just watch the carnage for 187 minutes after his speech of incitement is the fact that he still resisted the entreaties of family, aides, advisors and official counsel to do ANYTHING past just watch TV to see what would happen next. Oh, and apparently make phone calls to US Senators asking them to help him overturn the election of his duly elected successor, Joe Biden.

Past dereliction of duty and violation of his own oath to defend the Constitution and see to enforecement of our rule of law, Trump made a mockery of American democracy by treating the day of the insurrection as mere reality TV.

In his inaugural speech he had made reference to being a president of all the people. Yeah. Even the left-leaning press gave him kudos for that. Four years later the mask was off and he was just the whiney little bitch who couldn't even pull off the last episode of his cancelled TV show to his liking.

The outtakes of his reluctant video telling his violent supporters to "go home, I love you" were pretty telling.

He didn't want to say the election was over. Everything was crashing down around him at that point, it was clear that law enforcement would restore order in a matter of hours and the joint session of the House and Senate would resume to complete the certification of the election he had lost, challenged and lost again in court, 60 out of 61 times. Even his family was telling him he had to speak out to quell the violence at the Capitol.

Yet he would not say to the public in that reluctant video that the election was over.

More Americans --and more of the GOP's elected officials, conference or committee leaders, candidates for public office!-- need to get connected to the reality of what happened there. Too many Trump-era GOP honchos are already on the wrong side of history, and it looks worse and worse that some of them made pro forma speeches condemning the violence immediately after January 6, 2021, yet subsequently backtracked or have pretended that the whole country developed amnesia after a couple of days.

What Trump can never gloss over, never take back, is his refusal to attend in person to the transfer of power after a free and fair election. No shared ride to the Capitol. No photos on the steps with his successor. All we're left with in the run-up to that inauguration is Trump two weeks earlier telling a crowd of his supporters "I'll be with you" as he urged them to move on the Capitol... and we know now that he was fully aware that many of that crowd carried weapons.

At the end he would not and did not perform duties of the president of all the people. He was just an inciter to violent overthrow of the American government. How is it that so many Americans seem willing to blink that away now in the run-up to midterms, where candidates endorsed by Trump attempt to gain more seats in the House of Representatives?

This is not reality TV. It's real, and an ongoing threat to our democracy even if electoral laws are reformed, so long as the Republican Party refuses to denounce Trump himself as unworthy of carrying its banner. It's up to conservative voters to discipline the GOP, and it's not clear yet that enough of them will be willing to do that in November.

Waiting for the next shoes to drop from the 1/6 Committee and the DoJ investigations.
Do these cretins not realize that if everything Trump did was ok - all predicated on a gigantic, laughable lie - his successors can do it too? God, I know I'm redundant, but damn... its all just painful to watch and accept. WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED?

Remember when people said Obama would try for a third term? I have no idea what bizarre logic led the pre-cult GQP to make that assumption, but it was a joke from the beginning. Hillary conceded the next morning after the election. Trump was in the White House and being aided in his transition - just as every other president has done. That's Trump's problem - its owed to him, but not to anyone else in his mind.

Just imagine if Joe Biden said "we have credible proof that Russia hacked our machines. I'm urging VP Kamala Harris not to certify the results until an audit can be done", and then encouraged a mob to storm the capitol during the certification process. It's hard to imagine Biden or anyone else doing that, because they're sane adults. But if Trump has done the same thing, and gets away with it all, then shouldn't it be perfectly ok for Biden to do the same? Why can't these morons see that?

Trump has exposed everything is a lie with these people. The loudest Trump supporters are overtly racist, whiny crybabies, criminals who don't respect police, who feel a minority who loots a shoe store should be prosecuted, but feel justified when they take the law into their own hands and try to attack police, break into federal property and hunt elected officials. They vote for the worst among them who represent their worst qualities - folks like MTG, Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, etc.

The projection is out of this world; use a lie as the basis for committing the same crimes you are accusing others of. Many conservatives have been caught voting illegally to combat non-existent "voter fraud". It's a classic case of someone instigating or faking a struggle with someone for the sole purpose of committing murder, so that you can make the case of "self-defense".

It's totally transparent and obvious, but unfortunately, it is a cult. It truly is. It's like getting fired at work for jamming the copier, but your co-worker who drinks on the job and goes and kills three pedestrians while driving intoxicated gets a verbal reprimand, then a raise and promotion.

You have conservatives getting on the stand... Rusty Bowers had a daughter who was receiving death threats while dying, and he would still vote for this lunatic?

I don't know what its going to take to get us back to reality, but the only silver lining I can see is that things are already so screwed up, can indicting, convicting and imprisoning Donald Trump really make things worse? Americans are generally stupid and have a short memory, I'd imagine there would be a short period of outrage, then maybe Pelosi could get caught using campaign funds to get her hair done and they would quickly forget about Trump and move to wanting to imprison Pelosi. We need to prosecute, imprison and move on.

All of these folks may be presumed innocent until proven guilty, but its the same as when they catch a mass-shooter on the scene. Those people are "presumed innocent" too. So right now, we have a bunch of Trump operatives who are guilty as sin walking around with no punishment as of yet. We either live in a country where this is permissible behavior, or it isn't.

It's a shame Congress didn't act when they had the chance to impeach and convict Trump in the senate. Then, the DoJ could let him rattle off his BS to his cult from Mar-A-Lago, punish and indict all the nobody attention-seekers like Bannon and Stone, run a thorough and complete investigation, put out a report, and let the country get back to something resembling normalcy.

It's hard to tell if trust in our elections has been permanently eroded or not, but again, its a very simple question I would like to ask almost all GOP voters/cultists - is this acceptable behavior or not? Can a president declare victory, provide no evidence, lose every legal avenue, have his entire cabinet telling him to accept defeat and move on, but refuse to do so, and incite violence? If it is, we're in for a nasty future.
Trump not handling things well
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550335450077962240/

Wondering if Melania still has that Zara jacket that says on the back "I Really Don't Care Do U?"

Now's a good time for her to take it out and sling it somewhere in sight of The Don as he posts his online whines.