Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

The sheer corruption of the entire Trump administration is flabbergasting. It just keeps coming. From the secret service, the financial wheeling and dealing of Trump’s family, shitting on the divide between political and government (like Pompeo appearing for the RNC on a political trip and having the actual event at the White House), COVID mishandling, Barr trying to get ahead of the Mueller report, the installing of unqualified Trump cronies as “acting” department heads, secret meetings with people like the Pillow Guy and Bannon, pressuring lawmakers in states to throw out votes, the constant lying, the racism, the petulant name-calling, the pardons, declassifying information to the Russians in the Oval Office, “losing” text messages, inciting people to stop the certification by any means possible, even if it meant having your own VP killed, giving shoutouts to white supremacist groups, taking classified documents home, using private emails for official government business, withholding aide while pressuring foreign officials to investigate your political enemies, dragging totally innocent civilians performing civic duties into the crosshairs of your psycho supporters, witness tampering…

Am I missing a few dozen things?

It’s exasperating. Seven years of this crap and it’s ongoing.
Well, this explains-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550497054237118465/

Of all the defenses so far, I don't believe anyone else tried the "stupid" defense aka "I didn't know what was going on", and for probably good reason.

But Mrs. 45 is going there anyways.

The former first lady offered the explanation nearly 19 months after the U.S. Capitol attack and following the recent release of an alleged text message exchange with Stephanie Grisham, her former chief of staff. As the attack was underway, Grisham asked Trump to issue a tweet denouncing the violence. Melanie Trump replied, “no.” Grisham also addressed the text message in her book, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” published in September 2021.

“I can dispute every single thing that she said [on Thursday] with emails, with texts,” Grisham told CNN on Thursday.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550451675814678529/
Well, this explains-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550497054237118465/

Of all the defenses so far, I don't believe anyone else tried the "stupid" defense aka "I didn't know what was going on", and for probably good reason.

But Mrs. 45 is going there anyways.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550451675814678529/

in her defense she did marry Trump and that requires somebody to be cartoonishly aloof at minimum.
in her defense she did marry Trump and that requires somebody to be cartoonishly aloof at minimum.
"Cartoonishly aloof"?


Not that's not how I would describe her at all. Quite the opposite. Someone well aware of the loathsomeness of the individual she decided to become his 3rd wife, after he cheated on the other ones. Was quite alright with that loathsomeness, and perhaps may even share in.


At times I tend to think of her like mnuchins, if I am being generous they are "cartoonishly evil", then fake being appalled being see that way.


Those are two images I can't imagine would ever be associated to any other administration ever, for so clearly demonstrating their priorities out loud.
Well, this explains-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550497054237118465/

Of all the defenses so far, I don't believe anyone else tried the "stupid" defense aka "I didn't know what was going on", and for probably good reason.

But Mrs. 45 is going there anyways.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550451675814678529/
And Jared Kushner didn’t know what was happening because he was working on pardons in the shower…
Trump not handling things well
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1550335450077962240/
It does not concern me what The Head Turd says, as much as what all the little turds back home who listen and think the country is going to hell because Evil has not prevailed so far, although they are too selfish, broken bad, or STUPUD to recognize it as such. But it ain’t over yet.

In a back handed way Trump is responsible for enlightening the rest of us on just how shakey the ground is we stand upon as a Nation.
We should just replace Hawley’s name with an emoji… 🏃

I will never be able to hear Josh Hawley’s name in reference to him “running in a senate race” the same way again. He’s going to provide years of online comedy. At first, I thought that picture of him looking like a defiant pencil-necked geek with his fist raised would be the defining moment of his shitty career. Nope, I’m glad to say it will be footage of him running from the same people he incited.

He doesn’t need to “back down” or “run away”. One he’s already done, and the other doesn’t matter. He’s free to be as big of a piece of shit as he would like to be. Ari Melber ripped him a good one last night.

"Cartoonishly aloof"?


Not that's not how I would describe her at all. Quite the opposite. Someone well aware of the loathsomeness of the individual she decided to become his 3rd wife, after he cheated on the other ones. Was quite alright with that loathsomeness, and perhaps may even share in.


At times I tend to think of her like mnuchins, if I am being generous they are "cartoonishly evil", then fake being appalled being see that way.


Those are two images I can't imagine would ever be associated to any other administration ever, for so clearly demonstrating their priorities out loud.

I stand by my original statement. If she wasn't married to Trump then she probably wouldn't be doing these stunts. She'd be perfectly content being a silent trophy wife.
I stand by my original statement. If she wasn't married to Trump then she probably wouldn't be doing these stunts. She'd be perfectly content being a silent trophy wife.
I don’t understand this. She chose to marry Trump. Even before his political aspirations, it was no secret the kind of man he was. If she wanted a quiet life, she wouldn’t have chosen a guy like him, constantly in the spotlight, and seldom for anything good.